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效果 震动
2023-09-14 08:57:30 时间









// UIView+Shake.h

// Animations

// Created by YouXianMing on 16/2/25.

// Copyright © 2016年 YouXianMing. All rights reserved.

#import UIKit/UIKit.h 

// https://github.com/rFlex/SCViewShaker

#define kDefaultShakeOptions (SCShakeOptionsDirectionHorizontal | SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationExpDown | SCShakeOptionsAtEndComplete)

#define kDefaultShakeForce (0.075)

#define kDefaultShakeDuration (0.5)

#define kDefaultShakeIterationDuration (0.03)

typedef enum : NSUInteger {

 SCShakeOptionsDirectionRotate = 0,

 SCShakeOptionsDirectionHorizontal = 1,

 SCShakeOptionsDirectionVertical = 2,

 SCShakeOptionsDirectionHorizontalAndVertical = 3,

 SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationNone = 4,

 SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationLinearUp = 8,

 SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationLinearDown = 16,

 SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationExpUp = 32,

 SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationExpDown = 64,

 SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationRandom = 128,

 SCShakeOptionsAtEndRestart = 256,

 SCShakeOptionsAtEndComplete = 512,

 SCShakeOptionsAtEndContinue = 1024,

 SCShakeOptionsAutoreverse = 2048

} SCShakeOptions;

typedef void(^ShakeCompletionHandler)();

@interface UIView (Shake)

 * Returns whether the view is currently shaking or not.

@property (readonly, nonatomic) BOOL isShaking;

 * Shake the view using the default options. The view will be shaken for a short amount of time.

- (void)shake;

 Shake the view using the specified options.

 |shakeOptions| is an enum of options that can be activated by using the OR operator (like SCShakeOptionsDirectionRotate | SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationNone).

 |force| is the coefficient of force to apply on each shake iteration (typically between 0 and 1 even though nothing prevents you for setting a higher value if you want).

 |duration| is the total duration of the shaking motion. This may be ignored depending of the options you set.

 iterationDuration is how long each shake iteration will last. You may want to set a very low value (like 0.02) if you want a proper shake effect.

 |completionHandler|, if not null, is the block that will be invoked when the shake finishes.

- (void)shakeWithOptions:(SCShakeOptions)shakeOptions

 force:(CGFloat)force duration:(CGFloat)duration



 * End the current shaking action, if any

- (void)endShake;



// UIView+Shake.m

// Animations

// Created by YouXianMing on 16/2/25.

// Copyright © 2016年 YouXianMing. All rights reserved.

#import "UIView+Shake.h"

#import objc/runtime.h 

#define HAS_OPT(options, option) ((options option) == option)

@interface SCShakeInfo : NSObject

@property (assign, nonatomic) CGAffineTransform baseTransform;

@property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL shaking;

@property (assign, nonatomic) SCShakeOptions options;

@property (assign, nonatomic) CGFloat force;

@property (assign, nonatomic) CGFloat duration;

@property (assign, nonatomic) CGFloat iterationDuration;

@property (assign, nonatomic) CFTimeInterval startTime;

@property (strong, nonatomic) ShakeCompletionHandler completionHandler;

@property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL reversed;

@property (readonly, nonatomic) CGFloat completionRatio;

@implementation SCShakeInfo

- (CGFloat)completionRatio {

 return (CACurrentMediaTime() - self.startTime) / self.duration;

@implementation UIView (Shake)

static const char *ShakeInfoKey = "ShakeInfo";

- (void)shake {

 [self shakeWithOptions:kDefaultShakeOptions





- (void)shakeWithOptions:(SCShakeOptions)shakeOptions




 completionHandler:(ShakeCompletionHandler)completionHandler {

 SCShakeInfo *shakeInfo = [self shakeInfo];

 shakeInfo.options = shakeOptions;

 shakeInfo.force = force;

 shakeInfo.startTime = CACurrentMediaTime();

 shakeInfo.duration = duration;

 shakeInfo.iterationDuration = iterationDuration;

 shakeInfo.completionHandler = completionHandler;

 if (!shakeInfo.shaking) {

 shakeInfo.baseTransform = self.transform;

 shakeInfo.shaking = YES;

 [self _doAnimation:1];

- (CGFloat)_getInterpolationRatio:(CGFloat)completionRatio options:(SCShakeOptions)options {

 CGFloat (*interpFunc)(CGFloat) = nil;

 if (HAS_OPT(options, SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationRandom)) {

 interpFunc = InterpolateRandom;

 } else if (HAS_OPT(options, SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationExpDown)) {

 interpFunc = InterpolateExpDown;

 } else if (HAS_OPT(options, SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationExpUp)) {

 interpFunc = InterpolateExpUp;

 } else if (HAS_OPT(options, SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationLinearDown)) {

 interpFunc = InterpolateLinearDown;

 } else if (HAS_OPT(options, SCShakeOptionsForceInterpolationLinearUp)) {

 interpFunc = InterpolateLinearUp;

 } else {

 interpFunc = InterpolateNone;

 return interpFunc(completionRatio);

- (void)_animate:(CGFloat)force shakeInfo:(SCShakeInfo *)shakeInfo {

 CGAffineTransform baseTransform = shakeInfo.baseTransform;

 SCShakeOptions options = shakeInfo.options;

 if (HAS_OPT(options, SCShakeOptionsDirectionHorizontalAndVertical)) {

 if (arc4random_uniform(2) == 1) {

 self.transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(baseTransform, 0, force * self.bounds.size.height);

 } else {

 self.transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(baseTransform, force * self.bounds.size.width, 0);

 } else if (HAS_OPT(options, SCShakeOptionsDirectionVertical)) {

 self.transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(baseTransform, 0, force * self.bounds.size.height);

 } else if (HAS_OPT(options, SCShakeOptionsDirectionHorizontal)) {

 self.transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(baseTransform, force * self.bounds.size.width, 0);

 } else {

 self.transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(baseTransform, force * M_PI_2);

- (void)_doAnimation:(CGFloat)direction {

 SCShakeInfo *shakeInfo = [self shakeInfo];

 SCShakeOptions options = shakeInfo.options;

 CGFloat completionRatio = shakeInfo.completionRatio;

 if (completionRatio 1) {

 completionRatio = 1;

 if (shakeInfo.reversed) {

 completionRatio = 1 - completionRatio;

 CGFloat interpolationRatio = [self _getInterpolationRatio:completionRatio options:options];

 CGFloat force = shakeInfo.force * interpolationRatio * direction;

 CGFloat iterationDuration = shakeInfo.iterationDuration;

 [UIView animateWithDuration:iterationDuration animations:^{

 [self _animate:force shakeInfo:shakeInfo];

 } completion:^(BOOL finished) {

 if (shakeInfo.shaking) {

 BOOL shouldRecurse = YES;

 if (shakeInfo.completionRatio 1) {

 if (HAS_OPT(shakeInfo.options, SCShakeOptionsAutoreverse)) {

 shakeInfo.reversed = !shakeInfo.reversed;

 if (shakeInfo.reversed || HAS_OPT(shakeInfo.options, SCShakeOptionsAtEndRestart)) {

 shakeInfo.startTime = CACurrentMediaTime();

 } else if (!HAS_OPT(shakeInfo.options, SCShakeOptionsAtEndContinue)) {

 shouldRecurse = NO;

 [self endShake];

 if (shouldRecurse) {

 [self _doAnimation:direction * -1];

- (void)endShake {

 SCShakeInfo *shakeInfo = [self shakeInfo];

 if (shakeInfo.shaking) {

 shakeInfo.shaking = NO;

 self.transform = shakeInfo.baseTransform;

 ShakeCompletionHandler completionHandler = shakeInfo.completionHandler;

 shakeInfo.completionHandler = nil;

 if (completionHandler != nil) {


- (BOOL)isShaking {

 return [self shakeInfo].shaking;

- (SCShakeInfo *)shakeInfo {

 SCShakeInfo *shakeInfo = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, ShakeInfoKey);

 if (shakeInfo == nil) {

 shakeInfo = [SCShakeInfo new];

 objc_setAssociatedObject(self, ShakeInfoKey, shakeInfo, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);

 return shakeInfo;

#pragma Interpolations functions

static CGFloat InterpolateLinearUp(CGFloat input) {

 return input;

static CGFloat InterpolateLinearDown(CGFloat input) {

 return 1 - input;

static CGFloat Exp(CGFloat a, int power) {

 if (a 0.5f) {

 return (float)pow(a * 2, power) / 2;

 } else {

 return (float)pow((a - 1) * 2, power) / (power % 2 == 0 ? -2 : 2) + 1;

static CGFloat InterpolateExpUp(CGFloat input) {

 return Exp(input, 4);

static CGFloat InterpolateExpDown(CGFloat input) {

 return Exp(1 - input, 4);

static CGFloat InterpolateNone(CGFloat input) {

 return 1;

static CGFloat InterpolateRandom(CGFloat input) {

 CGFloat randNb = arc4random_uniform(10000);

 return randNb / 10000.0;


笔记本电脑没声音怎么办 以Windows10系统为例,笔记本电脑没声音,首先检测一下耳麦,使用其他耳麦看看是否有声音,如果有声音就是耳麦需要更换新的了。其次检查一下音箱等音频外放设备没有连接错误或损坏以及没有被调节为静音或最小音量的情况,静音或者音量小只需要将音量调高就可以了。