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【Mongodb】如何创建mongodb的replica set

MongoDBset 如何 创建 replica
2023-09-14 08:57:29 时间
Replica sets 在主从复制上做的扩展,增加了故障自动切换和自动修复成员节点。下面从技术上介绍如何搭建mongodb的replica set (个人觉得,搭建mongodb本身没有多少干货,重要是如何灾难规划) 1 建立复制集群节点的数据存放目录 mkdir -p /opt/mongodata/r1 mkdir -p /opt/mongodata/r2 mkdir -p /opt/mongodata/r3 2 在三个窗口分别执行如下命令: ./mongod --dbpath /opt/mongodata/r1 --port 27018  --rest --replSet myset ./mongod --dbpath /opt/mongodata/r2 --port 27019  --rest --replSet myset ./mongod --dbpath /opt/mongodata/r3 --port 27020  --rest --replSet myset 3 在第四个窗口执行如下命令: [mongodb@rac4 bin]$ ./mongo init.js MongoDB shell version: 2.0.1 connecting to: init.js 内容如下: [mongodb@rac4 bin]$ cat init.js  rs.initiate({     _id : "myset",     members : [         {_id : 0, host : ""},         {_id : 1, host : ""},         {_id : 2, host : ""}     ] 启动3个服务节点,从log日志可以看到,三个节点相互协商,选择端口为27018的一个节点作为Primary,另外两个自动作为Secondary节点。 Mon Oct 31 20:27:53 [conn2] replSet info saving a newer config version to local.system.replset Mon Oct 31 20:27:53 [conn2] replSet saveConfigLocally done Mon Oct 31 20:27:53 [conn2] replSet replSetInitiate config now saved locally.  Should come online in about a minute. Mon Oct 31 20:27:53 [conn2] command admin.$cmd command: { replSetInitiate: { _id: "myset", members: [ { _id: 0.0, host: "" }, { _id: 1.0, host: "" }, { _id: 2.0, host: "" } ] } } ntoreturn:1 reslen:112 12095ms Mon Oct 31 20:27:53 [conn2] end connection Mon Oct 31 20:27:53 [rsStart] replSet STARTUP2 Mon Oct 31 20:27:53 [rsHealthPoll] replSet info is down (or slow to respond): still initializing Mon Oct 31 20:27:53 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member is now in state DOWN Mon Oct 31 20:27:53 [rsHealthPoll] replSet info is down (or slow to respond): still initializing Mon Oct 31 20:27:53 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member is now in state DOWN Mon Oct 31 20:27:53 [rsSync] replSet SECONDARY Mon Oct 31 20:27:55 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #3 Mon Oct 31 20:27:59 [rsHealthPoll] replSet info member is up Mon Oct 31 20:27:59 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member is now in state STARTUP2 Mon Oct 31 20:27:59 [rsMgr] not electing self, would veto Mon Oct 31 20:28:01 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #4 Mon Oct 31 20:28:05 [rsMgr] replSet info electSelf 0 Mon Oct 31 20:28:05 [rsMgr] replSet PRIMARY Mon Oct 31 20:28:07 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member is now in state RECOVERING Mon Oct 31 20:28:10 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #5 Mon Oct 31 20:28:10 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #6 Mon Oct 31 20:28:11 [slaveTracking] build index local.slaves { _id: 1 } Mon Oct 31 20:28:11 [slaveTracking] build index done 0 records 0.001 secs Mon Oct 31 20:28:13 [rsHealthPoll] replSet info member is up Mon Oct 31 20:28:13 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member is now in state STARTUP2 Mon Oct 31 20:28:14 [conn6] end connection Mon Oct 31 20:28:14 [conn5] end connection Mon Oct 31 20:28:15 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #7 Mon Oct 31 20:28:15 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member is now in state SECONDARY Mon Oct 31 20:28:15 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member is now in state RECOVERING Mon Oct 31 20:28:28 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #8 从客户端进入数据库: [mongodb@rac4 bin]$ ./mongo MongoDB shell version: 2.0.1 connecting to: PRIMARY rs.status()  --查看replica set状态的命令         "set" : "myset",         "date" : ISODate("2011-10-31T12:29:17Z"),         "myState" : 1,         "members" : [                 {                         "_id" : 0,                         "name" : "",                         "health" : 1,                         "state" : 1,                         "stateStr" : "PRIMARY",                         "optime" : {                                 "t" : 1320064073000,                                 "i" : 1                         },                         "optimeDate" : ISODate("2011-10-31T12:27:53Z"),                         "self" : true                 },                 {                         "_id" : 1,                         "name" : "",                         "health" : 1,                         "state" : 2,                         "stateStr" : "SECONDARY",                         "uptime" : 78,                         "optime" : {                                 "t" : 1320064073000,                                 "i" : 1                         },                         "optimeDate" : ISODate("2011-10-31T12:27:53Z"),                         "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2011-10-31T12:29:16Z"),                         "pingMs" : 0                 },                 {                         "_id" : 2,                         "name" : "",                         "health" : 1,                         "state" : 2,                         "stateStr" : "SECONDARY",                         "uptime" : 64,                         "optime" : {                                 "t" : 1320064073000,                                 "i" : 1                         },                         "optimeDate" : ISODate("2011-10-31T12:27:53Z"),                         "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2011-10-31T12:29:16Z"),                         "pingMs" : 1                 }         ],         "ok" : 1 状态中关键数据位 state:1表示该host是当前可以进行读写,2:不能读写 health:1表示该host目前是正常的,0:异常 下面会进行从库的读测试,会出现error: { "$err" : "not master and slaveok=false", "code" : 13435 } PRIMARY rs.conf() --查看replica set配置的命令         "_id" : "myset",         "version" : 1,         "members" : [                 {                         "_id" : 0,                         "host" : ""                 },                 {                         "_id" : 1,                         "host" : ""                 },                 {                         "_id" : 2,                         "host" : ""                 }         ] PRIMARY db.isMaster();--查看是否是主库的命令,当然可以从提示符中看出primary         "setName" : "myset",         "ismaster" : true,  ##是primary         "secondary" : false,         "hosts" : [                 "",                 "",                 ""         ],         "primary" : "",         "me" : "",         "maxBsonObjectSize" : 16777216,         "ok" : 1 分别登录其他两个mongodb 服务: [mongodb@rac4 bin]$ ./mongo MongoDB shell version: 2.0.1 connecting to: SECONDARY   SECONDARY   SECONDARY db.isMaster();         "setName" : "myset",         "ismaster" : false,         "secondary" : true,         "hosts" : [                 "",                 "",                 ""         ],         "primary" : "",         "me" : "",         "maxBsonObjectSize" : 16777216,         "ok" : 1 SECONDARY [mongodb@rac4 bin]$ ./mongo MongoDB shell version: 2.0.1 connecting to: SECONDARY   SECONDARY db.isMaster();         "setName" : "myset",         "ismaster" : false,         "secondary" : true,         "hosts" : [                 "",                 "",                 ""         ],         "primary" : "",         "me" : "",         "maxBsonObjectSize" : 16777216,         "ok" : 1 至此搭建成功。。 对主库进行写操作,从库查看: [mongodb@rac4 bin]$ ./mongo MongoDB shell version: 2.0.1 connecting to: PRIMARY use test switched to db test PRIMARY   PRIMARY db.yql.insert({val:"this is a message on 27020 primary !"}); PRIMARY   主库日志: Mon Oct 31 21:03:46 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /opt/mongodata/r3/test.ns, filling with zeroes... Mon Oct 31 21:03:46 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /opt/mongodata/r3/test.ns, size: 16MB,  took 0.256 secs Mon Oct 31 21:03:46 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /opt/mongodata/r3/test.0, filling with zeroes... Mon Oct 31 21:03:48 [clientcursormon] mem (MB) res:35 virt:2726 mapped:1248 Mon Oct 31 21:03:50 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /opt/mongodata/r3/test.0, size: 64MB,  took 4.488 secs Mon Oct 31 21:03:50 [conn6] build index test.yql { _id: 1 } Mon Oct 31 21:03:50 [conn6] build index done 0 records 0 secs Mon Oct 31 21:03:50 [conn6] insert test.yql 4759ms Mon Oct 31 21:03:50 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /opt/mongodata/r3/test.1, filling with zeroes... Mon Oct 31 21:03:51 [conn8] getmore local.oplog.rs query: { ts: { $gte: new Date(5669632022159556609) } } cursorid:6257712144272734285 nreturned:1 reslen:146 5031ms Mon Oct 31 21:03:51 [conn5] getmore local.oplog.rs query: { ts: { $gte: new Date(5669632022159556609) } } cursorid:423878080662643430 nreturned:1 reslen:146 5631ms Mon Oct 31 21:03:54 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /opt/mongodata/r3/test.1, size: 128MB,  took 3.818 secs 从库日志,可以看出 从库从主库应用日志,复制数据文件的过程。 Mon Oct 31 20:49:27 [clientcursormon] mem (MB) res:19 virt:2693 mapped:1232 Mon Oct 31 20:54:27 [clientcursormon] mem (MB) res:19 virt:2693 mapped:1232 Mon Oct 31 20:59:27 [clientcursormon] mem (MB) res:19 virt:2693 mapped:1232 Mon Oct 31 21:03:51 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /opt/mongodata/r2/test.ns, filling with zeroes... Mon Oct 31 21:03:54 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /opt/mongodata/r2/test.ns, size: 16MB,  took 3.396 secs Mon Oct 31 21:03:54 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /opt/mongodata/r2/test.0, filling with zeroes... Mon Oct 31 21:04:00 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /opt/mongodata/r2/test.0, size: 64MB,  took 5.79 secs Mon Oct 31 21:04:00 [rsSync] build index test.yql { _id: 1 } Mon Oct 31 21:04:00 [rsSync] build index done 0 records 0 secs Mon Oct 31 21:04:00 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /opt/mongodata/r2/test.1, filling with zeroes... Mon Oct 31 21:04:03 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /opt/mongodata/r2/test.1, size: 128MB,  took 2.965 secs Mon Oct 31 21:04:37 [clientcursormon] mem (MB) res:17 virt:2853 mapped:1312 Mon Oct 31 21:04:41 [conn6] end connection 如前面介绍rs.status()时所说,state:1表示该host是当前可以进行读写,2:不能读写   "_id" : 1,   "name" : "",   "health" : 1,   "state" : 2,  -- 从库的state为 2 ,此时是不可读写的。   "stateStr" : "SECONDARY",   "uptime" : 78,   "optime" : {   "t" : 1320064073000,   "i" : 1  在从库进行读操作,会报错。 [mongodb@rac4 bin]$ ./mongo MongoDB shell version: 2.0.1 connecting to: SECONDARY use test switched to db test SECONDARY db.yql.find(); error: { "$err" : "not master and slaveok=false", "code" : 13435 }
MongoDB系列-解决面试中可能遇到的MongoDB复制集(replica set)问题 MongoDB复制集(replica set):MongoDB复制集维护相同数据集的一组mongod进程,复制集是生产部署的基础,具有数据冗余以及高可用性。
『MongoDB』MongoDB高可用部署架构——复制集篇(Replica Set) 读完这篇文章里你能收获到 1. MongoDB是如何通过复制集实现高可用的 2. 主节点宕机后如何通过选举做到故障恢复 3. 在复制集中常见的可调整参数有哪些 4. 在Linux原生环境搭建MongoDB复制集 5. 在Winodws环境搭建MongoDB复制集
mongodb系列之---mongodb 分片 Mongodb的分片机制是mongodb数据库的核心机制,也是其可用性高,扩展性好的原因,分片—sharding 的意思就是将数据库数据分散存贮到不同的服务器上,来缓解高并发访问,均衡负载。 举例来说一下,比如说一个collection有TB级别的数据,在传统方式下如果有两个线程要访问其中.