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11gR2 RAC重启后只能起单节点

节点 重启 RAC 只能 11gR2
2023-09-27 14:29:32 时间


将11gR2 RAC正常部署完成之后执行两节点重启操作发现其中有一个节点的集群资源无法启动,遂再次重启该无法启动集群资源的节点,还是不可。随即将正常节点重启发现原故障节点资源起来了,待重启完毕后原正常节点资源无法启动。



OS:RedHat EnterPrise5.8 x86_x64

DB:Oracle EnterPrise Database x86_x64

GRID:Oracle Grid Infrastructure x86_x64








db01 grid 日志信息

2014-09-29 15:36:36.587: 

[ctssd(12616)]CRS-2405:The Cluster Time Synchronization Service on host db01 is shutdown by user

2014-09-29 15:36:36.589: 

[mdnsd(6173)]CRS-5602:mDNS service stopping by request.

[client(17411)]CRS-10001:29-Sep-14 15:36 ACFS-9290: Waiting for ASM to shutdown.

2014-09-29 15:36:46.395: 

[cssd(8958)]CRS-1603:CSSD on node db01 shutdown by user.

2014-09-29 15:36:46.509: 

[ohasd(12463)]CRS-2767:Resource state recovery not attempted for ora.cssdmonitor as its target state is OFFLINE

2014-09-29 15:36:46.509: 

[ohasd(12463)]CRS-2769:Unable to failover resource ora.cssdmonitor.

2014-09-29 15:36:46.608: 

[cssd(8958)]CRS-1660:The CSS daemon shutdown has completed


2014-09-29 15:36:46.052: [ CSSD][1122224448]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:36:46.053: [ CSSD][1122224448]clssnmSendingThread: sent 4 status msgs to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:36:46.388: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmExitGrock: client 1 (0x1261ee30), grock haip.cluster_interconnect, member 0

2014-09-29 15:36:46.388: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmUnregisterPrimary: Unregistering member 0 (0x1261ace0) in global grock haip.cluster_interconnect

2014-09-29 15:36:46.388: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmUnreferenceMember: global grock haip.cluster_interconnect member 0 refcount is 0

2014-09-29 15:36:46.388: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmAllocateRPCIndex: allocated rpc 357 (0x2aaaaaee8a58)

2014-09-29 15:36:46.388: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmRPC: rpc 0x2aaaaaee8a58 (RPC#357) tag(165002a) sent to node 1

2014-09-29 15:36:46.388: [ CSSD][1079531840]clssgmHandleMasterMemberExit: [s(1) d(1)]

2014-09-29 15:36:46.388: [ CSSD][1079531840]clssgmRemoveMember: grock haip.cluster_interconnect, member number 0 (0x1261ace0) node number 1 state 0x4 grock type 2

2014-09-29 15:36:46.388: [ CSSD][1079531840]clssgmGrantLocks: 0- new master (1/2) group haip.cluster_interconnect

2014-09-29 15:36:46.388: [ CSSD][1079531840]clssgmRPCDone: rpc 0x2aaaaaee8a58 (RPC#357) state 6, flags 0x100

2014-09-29 15:36:46.388: [ CSSD][1079531840]clssgmDelMemCmpl: rpc 0x2aaaaaee8a58, ret 0, client 0x1261ee30 member 0x1261ace0

2014-09-29 15:36:46.388: [ CSSD][1079531840]clssgmFreeRPCIndex: freeing rpc 357

2014-09-29 15:36:46.388: [ CSSD][1079531840]clssgmAllocateRPCIndex: allocated rpc 358 (0x2aaaaaee8b00)

2014-09-29 15:36:46.388: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmDiscEndpcl: gipcDestroy 0x1a370

2014-09-29 15:36:46.388: [ CSSD][1079531840]clssgmRPCBroadcast: rpc(0x166002a), status(1), sendcount(1), filtered by specific properties: 

2014-09-29 15:36:46.388: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmDeadProc: proc 0x1262a8a0

2014-09-29 15:36:46.388: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmDestroyProc: cleaning up proc(0x1262a8a0) con(0x1a341) skgpid ospid 12515 with 0 clients, refcount 0

2014-09-29 15:36:46.388: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmDiscEndpcl: gipcDestroy 0x1a341

2014-09-29 15:36:46.389: [ CSSD][1079531840]clssgmRPCDone: rpc 0x2aaaaaee8b00 (RPC#358) state 4, flags 0x402

2014-09-29 15:36:46.389: [ CSSD][1079531840]clssgmBroadcastGrockRcfgCmpl: RPC(0x166002a) of grock(haip.cluster_interconnect) received all acks, grock update sequence(4)

2014-09-29 15:36:46.389: [ CSSD][1079531840]clssgmFreeRPCIndex: freeing rpc 358

2014-09-29 15:36:46.395: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmExecuteClientRequest: MAINT recvd from proc 7 (0x1264c8e0)

2014-09-29 15:36:46.395: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmShutDown: Received explicit shutdown request from client.

2014-09-29 15:36:46.395: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmClientShutdown: total iocapables 0

2014-09-29 15:36:46.395: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmClientShutdown: graceful shutdown completed.

2014-09-29 15:36:46.395: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmClientShutdown: signaling to the agent that resource should remain down

2014-09-29 15:36:46.395: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmCompareSwapEventValue: changed CmInfo State val 0, from 11, changes 21

2014-09-29 15:36:46.395: [ CSSD][1079531840]clssgmPeerListener: terminating at incarn(307480783)

2014-09-29 15:36:46.395: [ CSSD][1079531840]clssgmPeerDeactivate: node 2 (db02), death 0, state 0x1 connstate 0xf

2014-09-29 15:36:46.395: [ CSSD][1079531840]clssgmCleanFuture: discarded 0 future msgs for 2

2014-09-29 15:36:46.395: [ CSSD][1079531840]clssgmDiscEndppl: gipcDestroy 0x26027

2014-09-29 15:36:46.496: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssnmSendManualShut: Notifying all nodes that this node has been manually shut down

2014-09-29 15:36:46.497: [GIPCHAUP][1091049792] gipchaUpperDisconnect: initiated discconnect umsg 0x12ac30d0 { msg 0x12ad9f08, ret gipcretRequestPending (15), flags 0x2 }, msg 0x12ad9f08 { type gipchaMsgTypeDisconnect (5), srcCid 00000000-00026038, dstCid 00000000-00000d5b }, endp 0x12ac12d0 [0000000000026038] { gipchaEndpoint : port 5996-da20-cc7e-b119, peer db02:gm2_db-cluster/2991-10ef-6fca-054c, srcCid 00000000-00026038, dstCid 00000000-00000d5b, numSend 0, maxSend 100, groupListType 2, hagroup 0x12a9f4e0, usrFlags 0x4000, flags 0x21c }

2014-09-29 15:36:46.497: [GIPCHAUP][1091049792] gipchaUpperCallbackDisconnect: completed DISCONNECT ret gipcretSuccess (0), umsg 0x12ac30d0 { msg 0x12ad9f08, ret gipcretSuccess (0), flags 0x2 }, msg 0x12ad9f08 { type gipchaMsgTypeDisconnect (5), srcCid 00000000-00026038, dstCid 00000000-00000d5b }, hendp 0x12ac12d0 [0000000000026038] { gipchaEndpoint : port 5996-da20-cc7e-b119, peer db02:gm2_db-cluster/2991-10ef-6fca-054c, srcCid 00000000-00026038, dstCid 00000000-00000d5b, numSend 0, maxSend 100, groupListType 2, hagroup 0x12a9f4e0, usrFlags 0x4000, flags 0x21c }

2014-09-29 15:36:46.506: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmSendShutdown: Aborting client (0x2aaaac8b3180) proc (0x2aaaac937fd0), iocapables 1.

2014-09-29 15:36:46.506: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmSendShutdown: I/O capable proc (0x2aaaac937fd0), pid (6300), iocapables 1, client (0x2aaaac8b3180)

2014-09-29 15:36:46.506: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmSendShutdown: Aborting client (0x2aaaac9773e0) proc (0x2aaaac937fd0), iocapables 2.

2014-09-29 15:36:46.506: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmSendShutdown: I/O capable proc (0x2aaaac937fd0), pid (6300), iocapables 2, client (0x2aaaac9773e0)

2014-09-29 15:36:46.506: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmSendShutdown: Aborting client (0x2aaaac958d50) proc (0x2aaaac99d570), iocapables 3.

2014-09-29 15:36:46.506: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmSendShutdown: I/O capable proc (0x2aaaac99d570), pid (6208), iocapables 3, client (0x2aaaac958d50)

2014-09-29 15:36:46.506: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmSendShutdown: Aborting client (0x12645650) proc (0x1264c8e0), iocapables 4.

2014-09-29 15:36:46.506: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmSendShutdown: I/O capable proc (0x1264c8e0), pid (12518), iocapables 4, client (0x12645650)

2014-09-29 15:36:46.506: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmSendShutdown: Aborting client (0x126171b0) proc (0x1264c8e0), iocapables 5.

2014-09-29 15:36:46.506: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmSendShutdown: I/O capable proc (0x1264c8e0), pid (12518), iocapables 5, client (0x126171b0)

2014-09-29 15:36:46.506: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmSendShutdown: Aborting client (0x1264cef0) proc (0x1264c8e0), iocapables 6.

2014-09-29 15:36:46.506: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmSendShutdown: I/O capable proc (0x1264c8e0), pid (12518), iocapables 6, client (0x1264cef0)

2014-09-29 15:36:46.506: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmSendShutdown: Aborting client (0x125f0340) proc (0x1260f910), iocapables 7.

2014-09-29 15:36:46.506: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmSendShutdown: I/O capable proc (0x1260f910), pid (12520), iocapables 7, client (0x125f0340)

2014-09-29 15:36:46.506: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmSendShutdown: Aborting client (0x125e98b0) proc (0x1260f910), iocapables 8.

2014-09-29 15:36:46.506: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmSendShutdown: I/O capable proc (0x1260f910), pid (12520), iocapables 8, client (0x125e98b0)

2014-09-29 15:36:46.506: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmSendShutdown: Aborting client (0x12ac2790) proc (0x1260f910), iocapables 9.

2014-09-29 15:36:46.506: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmSendShutdown: I/O capable proc (0x1260f910), pid (12520), iocapables 9, client (0x12ac2790)

2014-09-29 15:36:46.506: [ CSSD][1089472832]clssgmClientShutdown: sending shutdown, fence_done 1

2014-09-29 15:36:46.608: [ default][1089472832]kgzf_fini: called

2014-09-29 15:36:46.608: [ default][1089472832]kgzf_fini1: completed. kgzf layer has quit.

2014-09-29 15:36:13.419: [UiServer][1180916032]{1:44501:180} Sending message to PE. ctx= 0x8a97b60

2014-09-29 15:36:13.420: [ CRSPE][1178814784]{1:44501:180} Cmd : 0x2aaab018b580 : flags: FORCE_TAG

2014-09-29 15:36:13.420: [ CRSPE][1178814784]{1:44501:180} Processing PE command id=238. Description: [Server Shutdown {} : pass=0 : 0x2aaab018b580]

2014-09-29 15:36:13.420: [ CRSPE][1178814784]{1:44501:180} Prepared shutdown cmd for: db01

2014-09-29 15:36:13.420: [ CRSPE][1178814784]{1:44501:180} Server [db01] has changed state from [ONLINE] to [LEAVING]

2014-09-29 15:36:13.420: [ CRSOCR][1176713536]{1:44501:180} Multi Write Batch processing...

2014-09-29 15:36:13.420: [ CRSRPT][1180916032]{1:44501:180} Published to EVM CRS_SERVER_STATE_CHANGE for db01

2014-09-29 15:36:13.437: [ CRSPE][1178814784]{1:44501:180} Op 0x2aaab02145f0 has 3 WOs

2014-09-29 15:36:13.437: [ CRSPE][1178814784]{1:44501:180} Op 0x2aaab0215980 has 4 WOs

2014-09-29 15:36:13.438: [ CRSPE][1178814784]{1:44501:180} Op 0x2aaab02765c0 has 5 WOs

2014-09-29 15:36:13.438: [UiServer][1180916032]{1:44501:180} Container [ Name: ORDER


 TextMessage[CRS-2790: Starting shutdown of Cluster Ready Services-managed resources on db01]







2014-09-29 15:36:13.438: [ CRSPE][1178814784]{1:44501:180} Op 0x2aaab0217fb0 has 11 WOs

2014-09-29 15:36:13.438: [ CRSPE][1178814784]{1:44501:180} Op 0x2aaab0214150 has 9 WOs

2014-09-29 15:36:13.438: [ CRSPE][1178814784]{1:44501:180} Op 0x2aaab0213ee0 has 3 WOs

2014-09-29 15:36:13.439: [ CRSPE][1178814784]{1:44501:180} Op 0x2aaab018ab50 has 14 WOs

2014-09-29 15:36:13.439: [ CRSPE][1178814784]{1:44501:180} RI [ora.cvu 1 1] new internal state: [STOPPING] old value: [STABLE]

2014-09-29 15:36:13.439: [ CRSPE][1178814784]{1:44501:180} Sending message to agfw: id = 1238

2014-09-29 15:36:13.439: [ AGFW][1168308544]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server received the message: RESOURCE_STOP[ora.cvu 1 1] ID 4099:1238

2014-09-29 15:36:13.439: [ CRSPE][1178814784]{1:44501:180} CRS-2673: Attempting to stop ora.cvu on db01

2014-09-29 15:36:13.439: [ AGFW][1168308544]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server forwarding the message: RESOURCE_STOP[ora.cvu 1 1] ID 4099:1238 to the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.440: [UiServer][1180916032]{1:44501:180} Container [ Name: ORDER


 TextMessage[CRS-2673: Attempting to stop ora.cvu on db01]









db02grid 日志信息


2014-09-29 15:36:13.348: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server received the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.cvu 1 1] ID 4098:1263

2014-09-29 15:36:13.348: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Creating the resource: ora.cvu 1 1

2014-09-29 15:36:13.348: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Initializing the resource ora.cvu 1 1 for type ora.cvu.type

2014-09-29 15:36:13.348: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} SR: acl = owner:grid:rwx,pgrp:oinstall:rwx,other::r--

2014-09-29 15:36:13.349: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Starting the agent: /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent with user id: grid and incarnation:1

2014-09-29 15:36:13.351: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Starting the HB [Interval = 30000, misscount = 6kill allowed=1] for agent: /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.418: [ CRSCOMM][1157388608] Accepted connection from user: grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.418: [ CRSCOMM][1157388608] Sending member number msg 0x2aaab00ab4e0

2014-09-29 15:36:13.418: [ CRSCOMM][1157388608] IpcL: Sent member number to client 5

2014-09-29 15:36:13.418: [ CRSCOMM][1157388608] Sending member data msg 0x2aaab00a3800

2014-09-29 15:36:13.418: [ CRSCOMM][1157388608] IpcL: Sent member data to client 5

2014-09-29 15:36:13.419: [ CRSCOMM][1157388608] IpcL: Received member data

2014-09-29 15:36:13.419: [ CRSCOMM][1157388608] Ipc: client version (5) version:

2014-09-29 15:36:13.419: [ CRSCOMM][1157388608] IpcL: Found connection in pending connections

2014-09-29 15:36:13.419: [ CRSCOMM][1157388608] IpcL: Adding connection: 5

2014-09-29 15:36:13.419: [CLSFRAME][1157388608] New IPC Member:{Relative|Node:0|Process:5|Type:3}:AGENT username=grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.419: [CLSFRAME][1157388608] New process connected to us ID:{Relative|Node:0|Process:5|Type:3} Info:AGENT

2014-09-29 15:36:13.420: [ AGFW][1163692352]{0:5:2} Agfw Proxy Server received the message: AGENT_HANDSHAKE[Proxy] ID 20484:11

2014-09-29 15:36:13.420: [ AGFW][1163692352]{0:5:2} Expected username [grid] actual [grid] for:/DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.420: [ AGFW][1163692352]{0:5:2} Agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid with pid:7275 connected to server.

2014-09-29 15:36:13.421: [ AGFW][1163692352]{0:5:2} Agfw Proxy Server sending message: RESTYPE_ADD[cluster_resource] ID 8196:280 to the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.421: [ AGFW][1163692352]{0:5:2} Agfw Proxy Server sending message: RESTYPE_ADD[local_resource] ID 8196:281 to the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.422: [ AGFW][1163692352]{0:5:2} Agfw Proxy Server sending message: RESTYPE_ADD[ora.cluster_resource.type] ID 8196:282 to the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.422: [ AGFW][1163692352]{0:5:2} Agfw Proxy Server sending message: RESTYPE_ADD[ora.cvu.type] ID 8196:283 to the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.422: [ AGFW][1163692352]{0:5:2} Agfw Proxy Server sending message: RESTYPE_ADD[ora.local_resource.type] ID 8196:284 to the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.422: [ AGFW][1163692352]{0:5:2} Agfw Proxy Server sending message: RESTYPE_ADD[ora.oc4j.type] ID 8196:285 to the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.423: [ AGFW][1163692352]{0:5:2} Agfw Proxy Server sending message: RESOURCE_ADD[ora.cvu 1 1] ID 4356:286 to the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.423: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server forwarding the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.cvu 1 1] ID 4098:1263 to the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.423: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server replying to the message: AGENT_HANDSHAKE[Proxy] ID 20484:11

2014-09-29 15:36:13.425: [ AGFW][1163692352]{0:5:2} Received the reply to the message: RESTYPE_ADD[cluster_resource] ID 8196:280 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.426: [ AGFW][1163692352]{0:5:2} Received the reply to the message: RESTYPE_ADD[local_resource] ID 8196:281 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.426: [ AGFW][1163692352]{0:5:2} Received the reply to the message: RESTYPE_ADD[ora.cluster_resource.type] ID 8196:282 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.427: [ AGFW][1163692352]{0:5:2} Received the reply to the message: RESTYPE_ADD[ora.cvu.type] ID 8196:283 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.428: [ AGFW][1163692352]{0:5:2} Received the reply to the message: RESTYPE_ADD[ora.local_resource.type] ID 8196:284 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.428: [ AGFW][1163692352]{0:5:2} Received the reply to the message: RESTYPE_ADD[ora.oc4j.type] ID 8196:285 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.428: [ AGFW][1163692352]{0:5:2} Received the reply to the message: RESOURCE_ADD[ora.cvu 1 1] ID 4356:286 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.480: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Received the reply to the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.cvu 1 1] ID 4098:287 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.481: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server sending the reply to PE for message:RESOURCE_START[ora.cvu 1 1] ID 4098:1263

2014-09-29 15:36:13.532: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Received the reply to the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.cvu 1 1] ID 4098:287 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:13.532: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server sending the last reply to PE for message:RESOURCE_START[ora.cvu 1 1] ID 4098:1263

2014-09-29 15:36:14.975: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server received the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.scan1.vip 1 1] ID 4098:1294

2014-09-29 15:36:14.975: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Creating the resource: ora.scan1.vip 1 1

2014-09-29 15:36:14.975: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Initializing the resource ora.scan1.vip 1 1 for type ora.scan_vip.type

2014-09-29 15:36:14.975: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} SR: acl = owner:root:rwx,pgrp:root:r-x,other::r--,group:oinstall:r-x,user:grid:r-x

2014-09-29 15:36:14.976: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server sending message: RESOURCE_ADD[ora.scan1.vip 1 1] ID 4356:298 to the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/orarootagent_root

2014-09-29 15:36:14.977: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Received the reply to the message: RESOURCE_ADD[ora.scan1.vip 1 1] ID 4356:298 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/orarootagent_root

2014-09-29 15:36:14.977: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server forwarding the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.scan1.vip 1 1] ID 4098:1294 to the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/orarootagent_root

2014-09-29 15:36:15.477: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server received the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.db01.vip 1 1] ID 4098:1297

2014-09-29 15:36:15.477: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Creating the resource: ora.db01.vip 1 1

2014-09-29 15:36:15.477: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Initializing the resource ora.db01.vip 1 1 for type ora.cluster_vip_net1.type

2014-09-29 15:36:15.477: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} SR: acl = owner:root:rwx,pgrp:root:r-x,other::r--,group:oinstall:r-x,user:grid:r-x

2014-09-29 15:36:15.477: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server sending message: RESOURCE_ADD[ora.db01.vip 1 1] ID 4356:302 to the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/orarootagent_root

2014-09-29 15:36:15.479: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Received the reply to the message: RESOURCE_ADD[ora.db01.vip 1 1] ID 4356:302 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/orarootagent_root

2014-09-29 15:36:15.479: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server forwarding the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.db01.vip 1 1] ID 4098:1297 to the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/orarootagent_root

2014-09-29 15:36:17.491: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Received the reply to the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.scan1.vip 1 1] ID 4098:300 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/orarootagent_root

2014-09-29 15:36:17.491: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server sending the reply to PE for message:RESOURCE_START[ora.scan1.vip 1 1] ID 4098:1294

2014-09-29 15:36:17.491: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Received the reply to the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.scan1.vip 1 1] ID 4098:300 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/orarootagent_root

2014-09-29 15:36:17.491: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server sending the last reply to PE for message:RESOURCE_START[ora.scan1.vip 1 1] ID 4098:1294

2014-09-29 15:36:17.520: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server received the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr 1 1] ID 4098:1306

2014-09-29 15:36:17.520: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Creating the resource: ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr 1 1

2014-09-29 15:36:17.521: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Initializing the resource ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr 1 1 for type ora.scan_listener.type

2014-09-29 15:36:17.521: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} SR: acl = owner:grid:rwx,pgrp:oinstall:r-x,other::r--

2014-09-29 15:36:17.521: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server sending message: RESOURCE_ADD[ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr 1 1] ID 4356:308 to the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/oraagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:17.522: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Received the reply to the message: RESOURCE_ADD[ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr 1 1] ID 4356:308 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/oraagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:17.523: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server forwarding the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr 1 1] ID 4098:1306 to the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/oraagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:17.538: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server received the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.oc4j 1 1] ID 4098:1310

2014-09-29 15:36:17.538: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Creating the resource: ora.oc4j 1 1

2014-09-29 15:36:17.538: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Initializing the resource ora.oc4j 1 1 for type ora.oc4j.type

2014-09-29 15:36:17.538: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} SR: acl = owner:grid:rwx,pgrp:oinstall:rwx,other::r--

2014-09-29 15:36:17.539: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server sending message: RESOURCE_ADD[ora.oc4j 1 1] ID 4356:312 to the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:17.540: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Received the reply to the message: RESOURCE_ADD[ora.oc4j 1 1] ID 4356:312 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:17.540: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server forwarding the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.oc4j 1 1] ID 4098:1310 to the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:17.569: [UiServer][1178401088] CS(0x2aaab00becd0)set Properties ( grid,0x1b344150)

2014-09-29 15:36:17.581: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:66} Container [ Name: UI_START
























 TextMessage[ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr USR_ORA_OPI=true]

2014-09-29 15:36:17.581: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:66} Sending message to PE. ctx= 0x2aaab40525b0, Client PID: 7304

2014-09-29 15:36:17.584: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:66} Container [ Name: ORDER


 TextMessage[CRS-2545: Cannot operate on ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr. It is locked by root for command Stack Shutdown : db01 issued from db01]







2014-09-29 15:36:17.584: [ COMMCRS][1176299840]clscsendx: (0x1b344150) Connection not active

2014-09-29 15:36:17.584: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:66} CS(0x2aaab00becd0)Error sending msg over socket.6

2014-09-29 15:36:17.584: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:66} Communication exception sending reply back to client.FatalCommsException : Failed to send response to client.

(File: clsMessageStream.cpp, line: 275

2014-09-29 15:36:17.584: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:66} Container [ Name: UI_DATA



2014-09-29 15:36:17.584: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:66} CS(0x2aaab00becd0)No connection to client.6

2014-09-29 15:36:17.584: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:66} Communication exception sending reply back to client.FatalCommsException : Failed to send response to client.

(File: clsMessageStream.cpp, line: 275

2014-09-29 15:36:17.584: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:66} Done for ctx=0x2aaab40525b0

2014-09-29 15:36:17.638: [UiServer][1178401088] CS(0x2aaab00bded0)set Properties ( grid,0x1b343e90)

2014-09-29 15:36:17.650: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:67} Sending message to PE. ctx= 0x2aaab40375b0, Client PID: 6871

2014-09-29 15:36:17.653: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:67} Done for ctx=0x2aaab40375b0

2014-09-29 15:36:17.662: [UiServer][1178401088] CS(0x2aaab00bdd80)set Properties ( grid,0x1b54b280)

2014-09-29 15:36:17.674: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:68} Sending message to PE. ctx= 0x2aaab40375b0, Client PID: 6871

2014-09-29 15:36:17.676: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:68} Done for ctx=0x2aaab40375b0

2014-09-29 15:36:17.686: [UiServer][1178401088] CS(0x2aaab00bd4e0)set Properties ( grid,0x1b346970)

2014-09-29 15:36:17.698: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:69} Sending message to PE. ctx= 0x2aaab40375b0, Client PID: 6871

2014-09-29 15:36:17.700: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:69} Done for ctx=0x2aaab40375b0

2014-09-29 15:36:17.990: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Received the reply to the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.db01.vip 1 1] ID 4098:304 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/orarootagent_root

2014-09-29 15:36:17.991: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server sending the reply to PE for message:RESOURCE_START[ora.db01.vip 1 1] ID 4098:1297

2014-09-29 15:36:17.991: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Received the reply to the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.db01.vip 1 1] ID 4098:304 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/orarootagent_root

2014-09-29 15:36:17.991: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server sending the last reply to PE for message:RESOURCE_START[ora.db01.vip 1 1] ID 4098:1297

[ OCRSRV][1140578624]proas_get_value: failed in proas_relay_ack_request 207

2014-09-29 15:36:18.808: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Received the reply to the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr 1 1] ID 4098:310 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/oraagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:18.809: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server sending the reply to PE for message:RESOURCE_START[ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr 1 1] ID 4098:1306

2014-09-29 15:36:18.923: [UiServer][1178401088] CS(0x2aaab00bc3e0)set Properties ( grid,0x1b022650)

2014-09-29 15:36:18.935: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:70} Sending message to PE. ctx= 0x2aaab4022160, Client PID: 6871

2014-09-29 15:36:18.938: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:70} Done for ctx=0x2aaab4022160

2014-09-29 15:36:18.940: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Received the reply to the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr 1 1] ID 4098:310 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/oraagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:18.940: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server sending the last reply to PE for message:RESOURCE_START[ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr 1 1] ID 4098:1306

2014-09-29 15:36:27.059: [UiServer][1178401088] CS(0x2aaab00bbd10)set Properties ( grid,0x1b022650)

2014-09-29 15:36:27.070: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:71} Sending message to PE. ctx= 0x2aaab4056190, Client PID: 6871

2014-09-29 15:36:27.073: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:71} Done for ctx=0x2aaab4056190

2014-09-29 15:36:34.502: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Received the reply to the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.oc4j 1 1] ID 4098:314 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:34.502: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server sending the reply to PE for message:RESOURCE_START[ora.oc4j 1 1] ID 4098:1310

2014-09-29 15:36:34.604: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Received the reply to the message: RESOURCE_START[ora.oc4j 1 1] ID 4098:314 from the agent /DBSoft/11.2.4/grid/bin/scriptagent_grid

2014-09-29 15:36:34.604: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server sending the last reply to PE for message:RESOURCE_START[ora.oc4j 1 1] ID 4098:1310

2014-09-29 15:36:35.356: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server received the message: CMD_COMPLETED[Proxy] ID 20482:1367

2014-09-29 15:36:35.356: [ AGFW][1163692352]{1:44501:180} Agfw Proxy Server replying to the message: CMD_COMPLETED[Proxy] ID 20482:1367

2014-09-29 15:36:35.462: [GIPCHDEM][1115363648] gipchaDaemonProcessHAInvalidate: completed ha name invalidate for node 0x2aaaac14ccd0 { host db01, haName e20e-bb89-5130-202d, srcLuid a24af02a-da350a22, dstLuid 6961d085-3c142640 numInf 1, contigSeq 205, lastAck 142, lastValidAck 205, sendSeq [142 : 142], createTime 4294208350, sentRegister 1, localMonitor 0, flags 0x28 }

2014-09-29 15:36:35.630: [ CRSCCL][1086126400]Reconfig event received by clssgsgrpstat 

2014-09-29 15:36:35.630: [ CRSCCL][1086126400]cclGetMemberData called

2014-09-29 15:36:35.631: [ CRSCCL][1086126400]Member (2, 4294214460, db02: @ found.

2014-09-29 15:36:35.631: [CLSFRAME][1086126400] CCL MEMBER LEFT:1:1:CRSD:db01

2014-09-29 15:36:35.631: [CLSFRAME][1086126400] Disconnected from CRSD:db01 process: {Absolute|Node:1|Process:2338224|Type:1}

2014-09-29 15:36:35.631: [ AGFW][1163692352]{2:33589:74} Agfw Proxy Server received process disconnected notification, count=1

2014-09-29 15:36:35.631: [ CRSCCL][1086126400]Reconfig handled 

2014-09-29 15:36:35.894: [ OCRMAS][1121667392]rcfg_con:2: Member [1] left. Inc [3].

2014-09-29 15:36:35.894: [ OCRMAS][1121667392]proath_master:24: Set context state to master_changing: last established master [1] new master [2].

2014-09-29 15:36:35.894: [ OCRSRV][1121667392]th_not_master_change: Invoking master change callback. Master [2] Inc [3]

2014-09-29 15:36:35.894: [ OCRMSG][1119566144]prom_recv: Failed to receieve [3]

2014-09-29 15:36:35.894: [ OCRMSG][1119566144]GIPC error [3] msg [gipcretInvalidObject]

2014-09-29 15:36:35.894: [ CRSSE][1176299840]{2:33589:79} Master Change Event; New Master Node ID:2 This Nodes ID:2

2014-09-29 15:36:35.895: [ OCRMAS][1121667392]th_master:13: I AM THE NEW OCR MASTER at incar 2. Node Number 2

2014-09-29 15:36:35.895: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} PE Role|State Update: old role [SLAVE] new [MASTER]; old state [Running] new [Configuring]

2014-09-29 15:36:35.895: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} PE MASTER NAME: db02

2014-09-29 15:36:35.895: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Starting to read configuration

2014-09-29 15:36:35.895: [ OCRSRV][1165793600]proas_amiwriter: ctx is MASTER CHANGING/CONNECTING

2014-09-29 15:36:35.895: [ OCRSRV][1167894848]proas_amiwriter: ctx is MASTER CHANGING/CONNECTING

2014-09-29 15:36:35.895: [ OCRASM][1121667392]proprasmcache: ASM cache size is [5MB]

2014-09-29 15:36:35.905: [ OCRASM][1121667392]proprasmcache: ASM cache [5MB] enabled for disk group [OCR_VOTE].

2014-09-29 15:36:35.915: [ OCRRAW][1121667392]proprioo: for disk 0 (+OCR_VOTE), id match (1), total id sets, (1) need recover (0), my votes (0), total votes (0), commit_lsn (75), lsn (75)

2014-09-29 15:36:35.915: [ OCRRAW][1121667392]proprioo: my id set: (760227868, 1028247821, 0, 0, 0)

2014-09-29 15:36:35.915: [ OCRRAW][1121667392]proprioo: 1st set: (760227868, 1028247821, 0, 0, 0)

2014-09-29 15:36:35.915: [ OCRRAW][1121667392]proprioo: 2nd set: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

2014-09-29 15:36:35.925: [ OCRSRV][1121667392]proath_update_grppubdata: Successfully updated and published the configured devices in public data.

2014-09-29 15:36:35.938: [ OCRMAS][1121667392]th_master:21.1: Wake up upgrade thread

[ OCRMAS][1121667392]th_master: Received group public data event. Incarnation [2]

2014-09-29 15:36:35.939: [ OCRMAS][1121667392]th_master:1: Recvd pubdata event from node [2]

2014-09-29 15:36:35.939: [ OCRMAS][1121667392]th_master:2: Recvd pubdata event for self. Do nothing.

2014-09-29 15:36:35.939: [ OCRSRV][1182603584]th_upgrade: Starting upgrade calculation

2014-09-29 15:36:35.951: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} DM: set global config version to: 57

2014-09-29 15:36:35.951: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} DM: set pool freeze timeout to: 60000

2014-09-29 15:36:35.951: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} DM: Set event seq number to: 300000

2014-09-29 15:36:35.951: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} DM: Set threshold event seq number to: 380000

2014-09-29 15:36:35.951: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Sent request to write event sequence number 400000 to repository

2014-09-29 15:36:35.951: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Requesting recovery information from server: db02

2014-09-29 15:36:35.957: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Starting the recovery timer for: 93

2014-09-29 15:36:35.957: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Reading (2) servers

2014-09-29 15:36:35.957: [ AGFW][1163692352]{2:33589:79} Agfw Proxy Server received the message: REQ_RECOVERYINFO[Proxy] ID 20485:358

2014-09-29 15:36:35.957: [ AGFW][1163692352]{2:33589:79} AGFW global config version = 57, PE global config version = 57

2014-09-29 15:36:35.957: [ AGFW][1163692352]{2:33589:79} Sending the recovery information to the master..Total number of pending cmds = 0

2014-09-29 15:36:35.958: [ AGFW][1163692352]{2:33589:79} Agfw Proxy Server sending message to PE, Contents = [MIDTo:2|OpID:9|FromA:{Invalid|Node:0|Process:0|Type:0}|ToA:{Invalid|Node:-1|Process:-1|Type:-1}|MIDFrom:0|Type:4|Pri2|Id:360:Ver:2]

2014-09-29 15:36:35.959: [ AGFW][1163692352]{2:33589:79} Agfw Proxy Server replying to the message: REQ_RECOVERYINFO[Proxy] ID 20485:358

2014-09-29 15:36:35.959: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Received recovery information from: db02

2014-09-29 15:36:35.978: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Wrote new event sequence to repository

2014-09-29 15:36:35.980: [ OCRSRV][1182603584]th_upgrade:10.1 AV [186647552]. State [11]. Already upgraded.Updated global data to the crs version group. Return [0]

2014-09-29 15:36:35.992: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Reading (16) types

2014-09-29 15:36:35.994: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Reading (2) server pools

2014-09-29 15:36:36.002: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Reading (16) resources

2014-09-29 15:36:36.228: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Finished reading configuration. Parsing...

2014-09-29 15:36:36.228: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Parsing resource types...

2014-09-29 15:36:36.255: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource Types parsed

2014-09-29 15:36:36.263: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Parsing server pools...

2014-09-29 15:36:36.264: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Parsed and validated SERVERPOOL: Free [min:0][max:-1][importance:0] NO SERVERS ASSIGNED

2014-09-29 15:36:36.264: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Parsed and validated SERVERPOOL: Generic [min:2147483647][max:-1][importance:0] NO SERVERS ASSIGNED

2014-09-29 15:36:36.264: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Server pools parsed

2014-09-29 15:36:36.264: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Server Pool Free has been registered

2014-09-29 15:36:36.264: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Server Pool Generic has been registered

2014-09-29 15:36:36.264: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Parsing resources...

2014-09-29 15:36:36.275: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db01 for [ora.BAK001.dg db01 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.275: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.BAK001.dg db01 1] new target state: [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.275: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db02 for [ora.BAK001.dg db02 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.275: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.BAK001.dg db02 1] new target state: [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.276: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.BAK001.dg has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac458a10

2014-09-29 15:36:36.276: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db01 for [ora.DATA001.dg db01 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.276: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.DATA001.dg db01 1] new target state: [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.276: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db02 for [ora.DATA001.dg db02 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.276: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.DATA001.dg db02 1] new target state: [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.276: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.DATA001.dg has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac45ddf0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.277: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db01 for [ora.FRA001.dg db01 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.277: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.FRA001.dg db01 1] new target state: [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.277: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db02 for [ora.FRA001.dg db02 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.277: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.FRA001.dg db02 1] new target state: [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.277: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.FRA001.dg has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac462e30

2014-09-29 15:36:36.278: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db01 for [ora.LISTENER.lsnr db01 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.278: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.LISTENER.lsnr db01 1] new target state: [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.278: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db02 for [ora.LISTENER.lsnr db02 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.278: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.LISTENER.lsnr db02 1] new target state: [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.278: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.LISTENER.lsnr has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac468740

2014-09-29 15:36:36.279: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac46e410

2014-09-29 15:36:36.280: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db01 for [ora.OCR_VOTE.dg db01 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.280: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.OCR_VOTE.dg db01 1] new target state: [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.280: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db02 for [ora.OCR_VOTE.dg db02 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.280: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.OCR_VOTE.dg db02 1] new target state: [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.280: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.OCR_VOTE.dg has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac472d80

2014-09-29 15:36:36.281: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db01 for [ora.asm db01 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.281: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.asm db01 1] new target state: [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.281: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db02 for [ora.asm db02 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.281: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.asm db02 1] new target state: [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.281: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.asm has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac4784c0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.282: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.cvu has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac47d7a0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.283: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.db01.vip has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac482940

2014-09-29 15:36:36.284: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.db02.vip has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac487bc0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.285: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db01 for [ora.gsd db01 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.285: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db02 for [ora.gsd db02 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.285: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.gsd has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac48bfa0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.286: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db01 for [ora.net1.network db01 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.286: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.net1.network db01 1] new target state: [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.286: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db02 for [ora.net1.network db02 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.286: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.net1.network db02 1] new target state: [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.286: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.net1.network has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac490a60

2014-09-29 15:36:36.287: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.oc4j has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac496020

2014-09-29 15:36:36.287: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db01 for [ora.ons db01 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.287: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.ons db01 1] new target state: [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.287: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db02 for [ora.ons db02 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.287: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.ons db02 1] new target state: [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.288: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.ons has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac49a7e0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.288: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db01 for [ora.registry.acfs db01 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.288: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.registry.acfs db01 1] new target state: [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.288: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set LAST_SERVER to db02 for [ora.registry.acfs db02 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.288: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.registry.acfs db02 1] new target state: [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.289: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.registry.acfs has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac49fa50

2014-09-29 15:36:36.290: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.scan1.vip has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac4a5880

2014-09-29 15:36:36.290: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resources parsed

2014-09-29 15:36:36.290: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Server [db01] has been registered with the PE data model

2014-09-29 15:36:36.290: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} STARTUPCMD_REQ = false: 0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.290: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Server [db01] has changed state from [Invalid/unitialized] to [VISIBLE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.291: [ CRSOCR][1172097344]{2:33589:79} Multi Write Batch processing...

2014-09-29 15:36:36.291: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Server [db02] has been registered with the PE data model

2014-09-29 15:36:36.291: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} STARTUPCMD_REQ = false: 0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.291: [ CRSRPT][1176299840]{2:33589:79} Connecting to EVM

2014-09-29 15:36:36.291: [ CRSCEVT][1176299840]{2:33589:79} ClusterPublisher::connect connecting

2014-09-29 15:36:36.291: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Server [db02] has changed state from [Invalid/unitialized] to [JOINING]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.291: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Server db02 is expected to rejoin the cluster.

2014-09-29 15:36:36.291: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} PE Role|State Update: old role [MASTER] new [MASTER]; old state [Configuring] new [Starting]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.291: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Sending join request: MIDTo:2|OpID:11|FromA:{Invalid|Node:0|Process:0|Type:0}|ToA:{Invalid|Node:-1|Process:-1|Type:-1}|MIDFrom:0|Type:4|Pri2|Id:368:Ver:2

2014-09-29 15:36:36.292: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Configuration has been parsed

2014-09-29 15:36:36.292: [ CRSCEVT][1176299840]{2:33589:79} ClusterPublisher::connect Connected

2014-09-29 15:36:36.293: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Got Join Req from [db02] Msg Details: MIDTo:2|OpID:11|FromA:{Absolute|Node:2|Process:-752836|Type:1}|ToA:{Absolute|Node:2|Process:-752836|Type:1}|MIDFrom:2|Type:1|Pri2|Id:368:Ver:2String params:SIGNATURE=db-cluster|SNN=db02|Int params:NODE_INC=307480783|RES_PROBE_TAG=1|_RC=0|Map params: Map [SV_MAP] BEGIN OF VALUES:CRS_CSS_NODENAME=db02|CRS_CSS_NODENUMBER=2|CRS_CSS_NODENUMBER_PLUS1=3|CRS_HOME=/DBSoft/11.2.4/grid| END OF VALUES

2014-09-29 15:36:36.293: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} PE Role|State Update: old role [MASTER] new [MASTER]; old state [Starting] new [Running]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.293: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Processing pending join requests: 1

2014-09-29 15:36:36.293: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Server [db02] has changed state from [JOINING] to [ONLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.293: [ AGFW][1163692352]{2:33589:79} Agfw Proxy Server received the message: PE_HANDHSAKE[Proxy] ID 20487:370

2014-09-29 15:36:36.293: [ AGFW][1163692352]{2:33589:79} Received handshake message from PE.

2014-09-29 15:36:36.293: [ AGFW][1163692352]{2:33589:79} Agfw Proxy Server replying to the message: PE_HANDHSAKE[Proxy] ID 20487:370

2014-09-29 15:36:36.293: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Appending a resource alias for: ora.LISTENER.lsnr

2014-09-29 15:36:36.293: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.db02.LISTENER_DB02.lsnr has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac46f9e0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.293: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Appending a resource alias for: ora.asm

2014-09-29 15:36:36.293: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.db02.ASM2.asm has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac372ab0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.293: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Appending a resource alias for: ora.gsd

2014-09-29 15:36:36.293: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.db02.gsd has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac47e960

2014-09-29 15:36:36.293: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Appending a resource alias for: ora.ons

2014-09-29 15:36:36.293: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Resource ora.db02.ons has been registered with the PE data model:0x2aaaac47fbd0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.293: [ CRSRPT][1176299840]{2:33589:79} Published to EVM CRS_SERVER_STATE_CHANGE for db01

2014-09-29 15:36:36.294: [ CRSRPT][1176299840]{2:33589:79} Published to EVM CRS_SERVER_STATE_CHANGE for db02

2014-09-29 15:36:36.340: [ CRSOCR][1172097344]{2:33589:79} Multi Write Batch done.

2014-09-29 15:36:36.340: [ CRSOCR][1172097344]{2:33589:79} Multi Write Batch processing...

2014-09-29 15:36:36.356: [GIPCHAUP][1113262400] gipchaUpperDisconnect: initiated discconnect umsg 0x2aaab0084570 { msg 0x2aaab0120068, ret gipcretRequestPending (15), flags 0x2 }, msg 0x2aaab0120068 { type gipchaMsgTypeDisconnect (5), srcCid 00000000-00000aca, dstCid 00000000-00001f5c }, endp 0x2aaaac370c90 [0000000000000aca] { gipchaEndpoint : port bdc3-4793-190e-2853/dfa9-e361-7387-7e79, peer db01:b217-bf27-b3fe-627f, srcCid 00000000-00000aca, dstCid 00000000-00001f5c, numSend 0, maxSend 100, groupListType 2, hagroup 0x2aaaac15f440, usrFlags 0x4000, flags 0x21c }

2014-09-29 15:36:36.356: [GIPCHAUP][1113262400] gipchaUpperDisconnect: initiated discconnect umsg 0x2aaab010f5a0 { msg 0x2aaab00b16d8, ret gipcretRequestPending (15), flags 0x2 }, msg 0x2aaab00b16d8 { type gipchaMsgTypeDisconnect (5), srcCid 00000000-00000253, dstCid 00000000-00001b89 }, endp 0x1b0f1d70 [0000000000000253] { gipchaEndpoint : port 542c-b1b2-8427-5793, peer db01:ee7e-889d-248a-ce00/e36a-0584-a7b1-7255, srcCid 00000000-00000253, dstCid 00000000-00001b89, numSend 0, maxSend 100, groupListType 2, hagroup 0x2aaaac15f440, usrFlags 0x4000, flags 0x21c }

2014-09-29 15:36:36.356: [GIPCHAUP][1113262400] gipchaUpperDisconnect: initiated discconnect umsg 0x2aaab011d410 { msg 0x2aaab00b0638, ret gipcretRequestPending (15), flags 0x2 }, msg 0x2aaab00b0638 { type gipchaMsgTypeDisconnect (5), srcCid 00000000-000002ae, dstCid 00000000-00001bb7 }, endp 0x1b0de1f0 [00000000000002ae] { gipchaEndpoint : port 1628-1cad-f0b0-838c, peer db01:ee7e-889d-248a-ce00/afbd-2f08-61ec-7c58, srcCid 00000000-000002ae, dstCid 00000000-00001bb7, numSend 0, maxSend 100, groupListType 2, hagroup 0x2aaaac15f440, usrFlags 0x4000, flags 0x21c }

2014-09-29 15:36:36.356: [GIPCHAUP][1113262400] gipchaUpperDisconnect: initiated discconnect umsg 0x2aaab00017e0 { msg 0x2aaab009a068, ret gipcretRequestPending (15), flags 0x2 }, msg 0x2aaab009a068 { type gipchaMsgTypeDisconnect (5), srcCid 00000000-00000779, dstCid 00000000-00001da4 }, endp 0x1b545060 [0000000000000779] { gipchaEndpoint : port 6251-7879-6e3f-e18d, peer db01:CLSFRAME_1/96fc-33f4-8dc1-8aa7, srcCid 00000000-00000779, dstCid 00000000-00001da4, numSend 0, maxSend 100, groupListType 2, hagroup 0x2aaaac1db5b0, usrFlags 0x4000, flags 0x21c }

2014-09-29 15:36:36.356: [GIPCHAUP][1113262400] gipchaUpperProcessNodeDeath: destroying the failed node interface 0x1b0f5910 { host db01, haName e20e-bb89-5130-202d, local 0x1b077f30, ip, subnet, mask, mac , ifname , numRef 0, numFail 0, idxBoot 3, flags 0x6 }

2014-09-29 15:36:36.369: [ CRSOCR][1172097344]{2:33589:79} Multi Write Batch done.

2014-09-29 15:36:36.369: [ CRSOCR][1172097344]{2:33589:79} Multi Write Batch processing...

2014-09-29 15:36:36.400: [ CRSOCR][1172097344]{2:33589:79} Multi Write Batch done.

2014-09-29 15:36:36.400: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Server JOIN completed for : db02, incarnation num = 307480783

2014-09-29 15:36:36.400: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} No startup command created for server:db02

2014-09-29 15:36:36.400: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Starting Master Recovery...

2014-09-29 15:36:36.400: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Processing recovery info messages...

2014-09-29 15:36:36.400: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Processing recovery information for [db02] MIDTo:2|OpID:9|FromA:{Absolute|Node:2|Process:-752836|Type:1}|ToA:{Absolute|Node:2|Process:-752836|Type:1}|MIDFrom:4|Type:1|Pri2|Id:360:Ver:2

2014-09-29 15:36:36.400: [CLSFRAME][1174198592]{2:33589:79} String params:SERVER_NAME=db02|

2014-09-29 15:36:36.400: [CLSFRAME][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Int params:RECV_CMDS_COUNT=0|RES_COUNT=15|_RC=0|

2014-09-29 15:36:36.400: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Extracting resource info for: ora.BAK001.dg db02 1

2014-09-29 15:36:36.403: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.BAK001.dg db02 1] new external state [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE] on db02 label = [] 

2014-09-29 15:36:36.403: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} ora.BAK001.dg db02 1 lock value: 0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Extracting resource info for: ora.DATA001.dg db02 1

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.DATA001.dg db02 1] new external state [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE] on db02 label = [] 

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} ora.DATA001.dg db02 1 lock value: 0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Extracting resource info for: ora.FRA001.dg db02 1

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.FRA001.dg db02 1] new external state [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE] on db02 label = [] 

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} ora.FRA001.dg db02 1 lock value: 0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Extracting resource info for: ora.LISTENER.lsnr db02 1

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.LISTENER.lsnr db02 1] new external state [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE] on db02 label = [] 

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} ora.LISTENER.lsnr db02 1 lock value: 0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Extracting resource info for: ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr 1 1

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr 1 1] new external state [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE] on db02 label = [] 

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr 1 1 lock value: 0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Extracting resource info for: ora.OCR_VOTE.dg db02 1

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.OCR_VOTE.dg db02 1] new external state [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE] on db02 label = [] 

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} ora.OCR_VOTE.dg db02 1 lock value: 0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Extracting resource info for: ora.asm db02 1

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.asm db02 1] new external state [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE] on db02 label = [Started] 

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set State Details to [Started] from [ ] for [ora.asm db02 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} ora.asm db02 1 lock value: 0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Extracting resource info for: ora.cvu 1 1

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.cvu 1 1] new external state [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE] on db02 label = [] 

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} ora.cvu 1 1 lock value: 0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Extracting resource info for: ora.db01.vip 1 1

2014-09-29 15:36:36.404: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.db01.vip 1 1] new external state [INTERMEDIATE] old value: [OFFLINE] on db02 label = [FAILED OVER] 

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Set State Details to [FAILED OVER] from [ ] for [ora.db01.vip 1 1]

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} ora.db01.vip 1 1 lock value: 0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Extracting resource info for: ora.db02.vip 1 1

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.db02.vip 1 1] new external state [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE] on db02 label = [] 

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} ora.db02.vip 1 1 lock value: 0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Extracting resource info for: ora.net1.network db02 1

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.net1.network db02 1] new external state [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE] on db02 label = [] 

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} ora.net1.network db02 1 lock value: 0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Extracting resource info for: ora.oc4j 1 1

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.oc4j 1 1] new external state [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE] on db02 label = [] 

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} ora.oc4j 1 1 lock value: 0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Extracting resource info for: ora.ons db02 1

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.ons db02 1] new external state [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE] on db02 label = [] 

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} ora.ons db02 1 lock value: 0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Extracting resource info for: ora.registry.acfs db02 1

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.registry.acfs db02 1] new external state [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE] on db02 label = [] 

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} ora.registry.acfs db02 1 lock value: 0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Extracting resource info for: ora.scan1.vip 1 1

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} RI [ora.scan1.vip 1 1] new external state [ONLINE] old value: [OFFLINE] on db02 label = [] 

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} ora.scan1.vip 1 1 lock value: 0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Creating recovery command...

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Processing orphan command messages...

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Processing the queued orphan cmd messages .. count=0

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Processing resource fault messages...

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Processing res faults for db02

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Done processing res faults for db02

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Sending master change update to UI servers...

2014-09-29 15:36:36.405: [ AGFW][1163692352]{2:33589:79} Deleting the message: MIDTo:2|OpID:9|FromA:{Absolute|Node:2|Process:-752836|Type:1}|ToA:{Absolute|Node:2|Process:-752836|Type:1}|MIDFrom:4|Type:2|Pri2|Id:360:Ver:2

2014-09-29 15:36:36.406: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:79} Master change notification has received. New master: 2

2014-09-29 15:36:36.406: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Processing pernding UI messages...

2014-09-29 15:36:36.406: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Master Recovery Completed

2014-09-29 15:36:36.406: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:79} Master change notification has received. New master: 2

2014-09-29 15:36:36.406: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:79} Got confirmation from UI on 2

2014-09-29 15:36:46.299: [ CRSSE][1148983616] Forwarding Node Leave to PE for: db01

2014-09-29 15:36:46.299: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:80} Server [db01] has changed state from [VISIBLE] to [OFFLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:46.299: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:80} Processing PE command id=149. Description: [Server Fault {db01 } : forceEvents=0 : 0x2aaaac485250]

2014-09-29 15:36:46.299: [ CRSD][1174198592]{2:33589:80} {2:33589:80} Created alert : (:CRSPE00141:) : Posting Node Down Event

2014-09-29 15:36:46.299: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:80} Filtering duplicate ops: server [] state [ONLINE]

2014-09-29 15:36:46.299: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:80} PE Command [ Server Fault {db01 } : forceEvents=0 : 0x2aaaac485250 ] has completed

2014-09-29 15:36:46.299: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:80} Deleting the server : db01

2014-09-29 15:36:46.299: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:80} Server [db01] has been unregistered with the PE data model

2014-09-29 15:36:46.300: [ CRSD][1174198592]{2:33589:80} {2:33589:80}Server [db01] has been un-assigned from the server pool: Free

2014-09-29 15:36:46.300: [ CRSRPT][1176299840]{2:33589:80} Reporter publishing Node Down to EVM

2014-09-29 15:36:46.300: [ CRSOCR][1172097344]{2:33589:80} Multi Write Batch processing...

2014-09-29 15:36:46.310: [ CRSRPT][1176299840]{2:33589:80} Published to EVM CRS_SERVER_STATE_CHANGE for db01

2014-09-29 15:36:46.310: [ CRSRPT][1176299840]{2:33589:80} Published to EVM CRS_SERVER_POOL_STATE_CHANGE for Free

2014-09-29 15:36:46.359: [ CRSOCR][1172097344]{2:33589:80} Multi Write Batch done.

2014-09-29 15:36:47.390: [UiServer][1178401088] CS(0x2aaab00d3230)set Properties ( ,0x1b269870)

2014-09-29 15:36:47.402: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:81} Sending message to PE. ctx= 0x2aaab008b430

2014-09-29 15:36:47.402: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:81} Processing PE command id=150. Description: [Stat Resource : 0x2aaaac45f580]

2014-09-29 15:36:47.408: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:81} Done for ctx=0x2aaab008b430

2014-09-29 15:36:56.748: [GIPCHGEN][1115363648] gipchaInterfaceFail: marking interface failing 0x1b077f30 { host , haName ab7a-cf72-e3c3-0259, local (nil), ip, subnet, mask, mac 40-f2-e9-db-c9-fc, ifname bond1, numRef 0, numFail 0, idxBoot 0, flags 0xd }

2014-09-29 15:36:57.356: [GIPCHGEN][1113262400] gipchaInterfaceDisable: disabling interface 0x1b077f30 { host , haName ab7a-cf72-e3c3-0259, local (nil), ip, subnet, mask, mac 40-f2-e9-db-c9-fc, ifname bond1, numRef 0, numFail 0, idxBoot 0, flags 0x18d }

2014-09-29 15:36:57.356: [GIPCHDEM][1113262400] gipchaWorkerCleanInterface: performing cleanup of disabled interface 0x1b077f30 { host , haName ab7a-cf72-e3c3-0259, local (nil), ip, subnet, mask, mac 40-f2-e9-db-c9-fc, ifname bond1, numRef 0, numFail 0, idxBoot 0, flags 0x1ad }

2014-09-29 15:36:57.357: [GIPCXCPT][1115363648] gipchaDaemonProcessRecv: dropping unrecognized daemon request 17, hctx 0x1af1b3f0 [0000000000000010] { gipchaContext : host db02, name ab7a-cf72-e3c3-0259, luid a24af02a-00000000, numNode 0, numInf 0, usrFlags 0x0, flags 0x5 }, ret gipcretFail (1)

2014-09-29 15:36:57.357: [GIPCHDEM][1115363648] gipchaDaemonProcessRecv: EXCEPTION[ ret gipcretFail (1) ] exception processing requset type 17, hctx 0x1af1b3f0 [0000000000000010] { gipchaContext : host db02, name ab7a-cf72-e3c3-0259, luid a24af02a-00000000, numNode 0, numInf 0, usrFlags 0x0, flags 0x5 }

2014-09-29 15:36:58.356: [GIPCHDEM][1115363648] gipchaDaemonInfRequest: sent local interfaceRequest, hctx 0x1af1b3f0 [0000000000000010] { gipchaContext : host db02, name ab7a-cf72-e3c3-0259, luid a24af02a-00000000, numNode 0, numInf 0, usrFlags 0x0, flags 0x1 } to gipcd

2014-09-29 15:37:04.357: [GIPCHDEM][1115363648] gipchaDaemonInfRequest: sent local interfaceRequest, hctx 0x1af1b3f0 [0000000000000010] { gipchaContext : host db02, name ab7a-cf72-e3c3-0259, luid a24af02a-00000000, numNode 0, numInf 0, usrFlags 0x0, flags 0x1 } to gipcd

2014-09-29 15:37:10.357: [GIPCHDEM][1115363648] gipchaDaemonInfRequest: sent local interfaceRequest, hctx 0x1af1b3f0 [0000000000000010] { gipchaContext : host db02, name ab7a-cf72-e3c3-0259, luid a24af02a-00000000, numNode 0, numInf 0, usrFlags 0x0, flags 0x1 } to gipcd

2014-09-29 15:37:11.979: [GIPCHGEN][1115363648] gipchaNodeAddInterface: adding interface information for inf 0x1b077f30 { host , haName ab7a-cf72-e3c3-0259, local (nil), ip, subnet, mask, mac 40-f2-e9-db-c9-fc, ifname bond1, numRef 0, numFail 0, idxBoot 0, flags 0x1 }

2014-09-29 15:37:12.357: [GIPCHTHR][1113262400] gipchaWorkerCreateInterface: created local interface for node db02, haName ab7a-cf72-e3c3-0259, inf udp://

2014-09-29 15:37:19.055: [UiServer][1178401088] CS(0x2aaab00bb7b0)set Properties ( grid,0x1b269870)

2014-09-29 15:37:19.067: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:82} Sending message to PE. ctx= 0x2aaab00b94a0, Client PID: 6871

2014-09-29 15:37:19.067: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:82} Processing PE command id=151. Description: [Stat Resource : 0x2aaaac45f580]

2014-09-29 15:37:19.067: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:82} Expression Filter : ((NAME == ora.scan1.vip) AND (LAST_SERVER == db02))

2014-09-29 15:37:19.069: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:82} Done for ctx=0x2aaab00b94a0

2014-09-29 15:37:46.761: [GIPCHGEN][1115363648] gipchaInterfaceFail: marking interface failing 0x1b077f30 { host , haName ab7a-cf72-e3c3-0259, local (nil), ip, subnet, mask, mac 40-f2-e9-db-c9-fc, ifname bond1, numRef 0, numFail 0, idxBoot 0, flags 0xd }

2014-09-29 15:37:47.379: [GIPCHGEN][1113262400] gipchaInterfaceDisable: disabling interface 0x1b077f30 { host , haName ab7a-cf72-e3c3-0259, local (nil), ip, subnet, mask, mac 40-f2-e9-db-c9-fc, ifname bond1, numRef 0, numFail 0, idxBoot 0, flags 0x18d }

2014-09-29 15:37:47.379: [GIPCHDEM][1113262400] gipchaWorkerCleanInterface: performing cleanup of disabled interface 0x1b077f30 { host , haName ab7a-cf72-e3c3-0259, local (nil), ip, subnet, mask, mac 40-f2-e9-db-c9-fc, ifname bond1, numRef 0, numFail 0, idxBoot 0, flags 0x1ad }

2014-09-29 15:37:47.379: [GIPCXCPT][1115363648] gipchaDaemonProcessRecv: dropping unrecognized daemon request 17, hctx 0x1af1b3f0 [0000000000000010] { gipchaContext : host db02, name ab7a-cf72-e3c3-0259, luid a24af02a-00000000, numNode 0, numInf 0, usrFlags 0x0, flags 0x5 }, ret gipcretFail (1)

2014-09-29 15:37:47.379: [GIPCHDEM][1115363648] gipchaDaemonProcessRecv: EXCEPTION[ ret gipcretFail (1) ] exception processing requset type 17, hctx 0x1af1b3f0 [0000000000000010] { gipchaContext : host db02, name ab7a-cf72-e3c3-0259, luid a24af02a-00000000, numNode 0, numInf 0, usrFlags 0x0, flags 0x5 }

2014-09-29 15:37:48.519: [GIPCHGEN][1115363648] gipchaNodeAddInterface: adding interface information for inf 0x1b077f30 { host , haName ab7a-cf72-e3c3-0259, local (nil), ip, subnet, mask, mac 40-f2-e9-db-c9-fc, ifname bond1, numRef 0, numFail 0, idxBoot 0, flags 0x1 }

2014-09-29 15:37:49.379: [GIPCHTHR][1113262400] gipchaWorkerCreateInterface: created local interface for node db02, haName ab7a-cf72-e3c3-0259, inf udp://

2014-09-29 15:38:19.029: [UiServer][1178401088] CS(0x2aaab0095dc0)set Properties ( root,0x1b54db00)

2014-09-29 15:38:19.041: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:83} Sending message to PE. ctx= 0x2aaaac4583f0, Client PID: 6263

2014-09-29 15:38:19.041: [ CRSPE][1174198592]{2:33589:83} Processing PE command id=152. Description: [Stat Resource : 0x1b349af0]

2014-09-29 15:38:19.041: [UiServer][1176299840]{2:33589:83} Done for ctx=0x2aaaac4583f0


2014-09-29 15:37:18.813: [ CSSD][1091881280]clssnmCompleteGMReq: Completed request type 17 with status 1

2014-09-29 15:37:18.813: [ CSSD][1091881280]clssgmDoneQEle: re-queueing req 0x2aaaac9c9900 status 1

2014-09-29 15:37:18.813: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmCheckReqNMCompletion: Completing request type 17 for proc (0x2aaaac65d250), operation status 1, client status 0

2014-09-29 15:37:22.990: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:37:22.990: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sent 5 status msgs to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:37:23.016: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmExitGrock: client 1 (0x2aaaac9a88c0), grock CRF-, member 2

2014-09-29 15:37:23.016: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmUnregisterPrimary: Unregistering member 2 (0x2aaaac9a8be0) in global grock CRF-

2014-09-29 15:37:23.016: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmQueueGrockEvent: groupName(CRF-) count(2) master(3) event(2), incarn 10, mbrc 2, to member 3, events 0x38, state 0x0

2014-09-29 15:37:23.016: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmUnreferenceMember: global grock CRF- member 2 refcount is 0

2014-09-29 15:37:23.016: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmAllocateRPCIndex: allocated rpc 139 (0x2aaaaaedfb48)

2014-09-29 15:37:23.016: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmRPC: rpc 0x2aaaaaedfb48 (RPC#139) tag(8b002a) sent to node 2

2014-09-29 15:37:23.016: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmHandleMasterMemberExit: [s(2) d(2)]

2014-09-29 15:37:23.016: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmRemoveMember: grock CRF-, member number 2 (0x2aaaac9a8be0) node number 2 state 0x4 grock type 2

2014-09-29 15:37:23.016: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmQueueGrockEvent: groupName(CRF-) count(1) master(3) event(1), incarn 11, mbrc 1, to member 3, events 0x38, state 0x0

2014-09-29 15:37:23.016: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmRPCDone: rpc 0x2aaaaaedfb48 (RPC#139) state 6, flags 0x100

2014-09-29 15:37:23.016: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmDelMemCmpl: rpc 0x2aaaaaedfb48, ret 0, client 0x2aaaac9a88c0 member 0x2aaaac9a8be0

2014-09-29 15:37:23.016: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmFreeRPCIndex: freeing rpc 139

2014-09-29 15:37:23.016: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmAllocateRPCIndex: allocated rpc 140 (0x2aaaaaedfbf0)

2014-09-29 15:37:23.016: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmRPCBroadcast: rpc(0x8c002a), status(0), sendcount(0), filtered by specific properties: 

2014-09-29 15:37:23.016: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmFreeRPCIndex: freeing rpc 140

2014-09-29 15:37:23.016: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmDiscEndpcl: gipcDestroy 0x4a20

2014-09-29 15:37:23.016: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmUnregNodeGroup: Unregistering member (0x2aaaac9ab960) client (0x2aaaac9ab640)

2014-09-29 15:37:23.017: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmDiscEndpcl: gipcDestroy 0x4a4e

2014-09-29 15:37:23.017: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmDeadProc: proc 0x2aaaac9c3410

2014-09-29 15:37:23.017: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmDestroyProc: cleaning up proc(0x2aaaac9c3410) con(0x49f1) skgpid ospid 7243 with 0 clients, refcount 0

2014-09-29 15:37:23.017: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmDiscEndpcl: gipcDestroy 0x49f1

2014-09-29 15:37:23.020: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssscSelect: cookie accept request 0x2aaaac024f00

2014-09-29 15:37:23.020: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmAllocProc: (0x2aaaac9c0230) allocated

2014-09-29 15:37:23.020: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmClientConnectMsg: properties of cmProc 0x2aaaac9c0230 - 1,2,3,4,5

2014-09-29 15:37:23.020: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmClientConnectMsg: Connect from con(0x624f) proc(0x2aaaac9c0230) pid(7243) version 11:2:1:4, properties: 1,2,3,4,5

2014-09-29 15:37:23.020: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmClientConnectMsg: msg flags 0x0000

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssscSelect: cookie accept request 0x2aaaac9c0230

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssscevtypSHRCON: getting client with cmproc 0x2aaaac9c0230

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmRegisterClient: proc(22/0x2aaaac9c0230), client(1/0x2aaaac9add10)

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmJoinGrock: global grock CRF- new client 0x2aaaac9add10 with con 0x627e, requested num -1, flags 0x4000e00

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmAddGrockMember: adding member to grock CRF-

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmAllocateRPCIndex: allocated rpc 141 (0x2aaaaaedfc98)

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmRPC: rpc 0x2aaaaaedfc98 (RPC#141) tag(8d002a) sent to node 2

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmHandleMasterMemberAdd: [s(2) d(2)]

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmAddMember: Adding fencing for member 0, group CRF-, death 1, SAGE 0

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmAddMember: member (0/0x2aaaac5594d0) added. pbsz(0) prsz(336) flags 0x0 to grock (0x9ddf690/CRF-)

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmQueueGrockEvent: groupName(CRF-) count(2) master(3) event(1), incarn 12, mbrc 2, to member 3, events 0x38, state 0x0

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmQueueGrockEvent: groupName(CRF-) count(2) master(3) event(1), incarn 12, mbrc 2, to member 0, events 0x38, state 0x0

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmCommonAddMember: global group grock CRF- member(0/Local) node(2) flags 0x0 0x430d02f0 

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmRPCDone: rpc 0x2aaaaaedfc98 (RPC#141) state 6, flags 0x100

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmAddGrockMemCmpl: rpc 0x2aaaaaedfc98, ret 0, client 0x2aaaac9add10 member 0x2aaaac5594d0

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmAddGrockMemCmpl: sending type 6, size 540 to 0x2aaaac9add10

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmFreeRPCIndex: freeing rpc 141

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmAllocateRPCIndex: allocated rpc 142 (0x2aaaaaedfd40)

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmRPCBroadcast: rpc(0x8e002a), status(0), sendcount(0), filtered by specific properties: 

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1124936000]clssgmFreeRPCIndex: freeing rpc 142

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssscSelect: cookie accept request 0x2aaaac9c0230

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssscevtypSHRCON: getting client with cmproc 0x2aaaac9c0230

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmRegisterClient: proc(22/0x2aaaac9c0230), client(2/0x2aaaac6537f0)

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmJoinGrock: local grock CSS_INTERNAL_NODE_GROUP new client 0x2aaaac6537f0 with con 0x6298, requested num 0, flags 0x30000

2014-09-29 15:37:23.021: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmAddNodeGrpMember: member (0x2aaaac60e430) added

2014-09-29 15:37:23.022: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmQueueGrockEvent: groupName(CRF-) count(2) master(3) event(6), incarn 2, mbrc 1, to member 3, events 0x38, state 0x0

2014-09-29 15:37:23.022: [ CSSD][1101797696]clssgmQueueGrockEvent: groupName(CRF-) count(2) master(3) event(6), incarn 2, mbrc 1, to member 0, events 0x38, state 0x0

2014-09-29 15:37:28.001: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:37:28.001: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sent 5 status msgs to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:37:32.012: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:37:32.012: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sent 4 status msgs to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:37:36.024: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:37:36.024: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sent 4 status msgs to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:37:40.036: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:37:40.036: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sent 4 status msgs to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:37:44.047: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:37:44.047: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sent 4 status msgs to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:37:46.761: [GIPCHGEN][1109166400] gipchaInterfaceFail: marking interface failing 0x2aaab015dc30 { host , haName CSS_db-cluster, local (nil), ip, subnet, mask, mac 40-f2-e9-db-c9-fc, ifname bond1, numRef 1, numFail 0, idxBoot 0, flags 0x184d }

2014-09-29 15:37:47.349: [GIPCHGEN][1090304320] gipchaInterfaceFail: marking interface failing 0x9dd4160 { host db01, haName CSS_db-cluster, local 0x2aaab015dc30, ip, subnet, mask, mac , ifname , numRef 0, numFail 0, idxBoot 1, flags 0x1846 }

2014-09-29 15:37:48.055: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:37:48.055: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sent 4 status msgs to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:37:48.349: [GIPCHGEN][1090304320] gipchaInterfaceDisable: disabling interface 0x2aaab015dc30 { host , haName CSS_db-cluster, local (nil), ip, subnet, mask, mac 40-f2-e9-db-c9-fc, ifname bond1, numRef 0, numFail 1, idxBoot 0, flags 0x19cd }

2014-09-29 15:37:48.349: [GIPCHGEN][1090304320] gipchaInterfaceDisable: disabling interface 0x9dd4160 { host db01, haName CSS_db-cluster, local 0x2aaab015dc30, ip, subnet, mask, mac , ifname , numRef 0, numFail 0, idxBoot 1, flags 0x18c6 }

2014-09-29 15:37:48.349: [GIPCHALO][1090304320] gipchaLowerCleanInterfaces: performing cleanup of disabled interface 0x9dd4160 { host db01, haName CSS_db-cluster, local 0x2aaab015dc30, ip, subnet, mask, mac , ifname , numRef 0, numFail 0, idxBoot 1, flags 0x18e6 }

2014-09-29 15:37:49.349: [GIPCHDEM][1090304320] gipchaWorkerCleanInterface: performing cleanup of disabled interface 0x2aaab015dc30 { host , haName CSS_db-cluster, local (nil), ip, subnet, mask, mac 40-f2-e9-db-c9-fc, ifname bond1, numRef 0, numFail 0, idxBoot 0, flags 0x18ed }

2014-09-29 15:37:50.519: [GIPCHDEM][1109166400] gipchaDaemonInfRequest: sent local interfaceRequest, hctx 0x9b369c0 [0000000000000010] { gipchaContext : host db02, name CSS_db-cluster, luid feec02b2-00000000, numNode 1, numInf 0, usrFlags 0x0, flags 0x63 } to gipcd

2014-09-29 15:37:50.546: [GIPCHGEN][1109166400] gipchaNodeAddInterface: adding interface information for inf 0x2aaab02fd5d0 { host , haName CSS_db-cluster, local (nil), ip, subnet, mask, mac 40-f2-e9-db-c9-fc, ifname bond1, numRef 0, numFail 0, idxBoot 0, flags 0x1841 }

2014-09-29 15:37:51.349: [GIPCHTHR][1090304320] gipchaWorkerCreateInterface: created local interface for node db02, haName CSS_db-cluster, inf udp://

2014-09-29 15:37:51.349: [GIPCHTHR][1090304320] gipchaWorkerCreateInterface: created local bootstrap multicast interface for node db02, haName CSS_db-cluster, inf mcast://

2014-09-29 15:37:51.349: [GIPCHTHR][1090304320] gipchaWorkerCreateInterface: created local bootstrap multicast interface for node db02, haName CSS_db-cluster, inf mcast://

2014-09-29 15:37:51.349: [GIPCHTHR][1090304320] gipchaWorkerCreateInterface: created local bootstrap broadcast interface for node db02, haName CSS_db-cluster, inf udp://

2014-09-29 15:37:51.349: [GIPCHGEN][1090304320] gipchaNodeAddInterface: adding interface information for inf 0x9dd4160 { host db01, haName CSS_db-cluster, local (nil), ip, subnet, mask, mac , ifname , numRef 0, numFail 0, idxBoot 0, flags 0x1842 }

2014-09-29 15:37:51.350: [GIPCHTHR][1090304320] gipchaWorkerCreateInterface: created remote bootstrap multicast interface for node db01, haName CSS_db-cluster, inf mcast://

2014-09-29 15:37:51.350: [GIPCHTHR][1090304320] gipchaWorkerCreateInterface: created remote bootstrap multicast interface for node db01, haName CSS_db-cluster, inf mcast://

2014-09-29 15:37:51.350: [GIPCHTHR][1090304320] gipchaWorkerCreateInterface: created remote bootstrap broadcast interface for node db01, haName CSS_db-cluster, inf udp://

2014-09-29 15:37:51.350: [GIPCHGEN][1090304320] gipchaWorkerAttachInterface: Interface attached inf 0x9dd4160 { host db01, haName CSS_db-cluster, local 0x2aaab02fd5d0, ip, subnet, mask, mac , ifname , numRef 0, numFail 0, idxBoot 0, flags 0x1846 }

2014-09-29 15:37:52.063: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:37:52.063: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sent 4 status msgs to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:37:57.073: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:37:57.073: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sent 5 status msgs to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:38:02.083: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:38:02.083: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sent 5 status msgs to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:38:06.091: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sending status msg to all nodes

2014-09-29 15:38:06.091: [ CSSD][1128089920]clssnmSendingThread: sent 4 status msgs to all nodes


###db01 message

Sep 29 15:29:27 db01 kernel: bonding: bond1: link status definitely down for interface eth3, disabling it

Sep 29 15:29:27 db01 kernel: bonding: bond1: making interface eth2 the new active one.

Sep 29 15:29:31 db01 kernel: igb: eth3 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: RX/TX

Sep 29 15:29:31 db01 kernel: bonding: bond1: link status definitely up for interface eth3.

Sep 29 15:31:28 db01 kernel: igb: eth2 NIC Link is Down

Sep 29 15:31:28 db01 kernel: bonding: bond1: link status definitely down for interface eth2, disabling it

Sep 29 15:31:28 db01 kernel: bonding: bond1: making interface eth3 the new active one.

Sep 29 15:31:28 db01 kernel: igb: eth3 NIC Link is Down

Sep 29 15:31:29 db01 kernel: bonding: bond1: link status definitely down for interface eth3, disabling it

Sep 29 15:31:29 db01 kernel: bonding: bond1: now running without any active interface !

Sep 29 15:31:54 db01 kernel: igb: eth2 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: RX/TX

Sep 29 15:31:54 db01 kernel: bonding: bond1: link status definitely up for interface eth2.

Sep 29 15:31:54 db01 kernel: bonding: bond1: making interface eth2 the new active one.

Sep 29 15:31:54 db01 kernel: bonding: bond1: first active interface up!

Sep 29 15:31:54 db01 kernel: igb: eth3 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: RX/TX

Sep 29 15:31:54 db01 kernel: bonding: bond1: link status definitely up for interface eth3.

Sep 29 15:36:10 db01 shutdown[17047]: shutting down for system reboot

Sep 29 15:36:11 db01 gconfd (root-6536): Received signal 15, shutting down cleanly

Sep 29 15:36:11 db01 gconfd (root-6536): Exiting

###db02 message

Sep 29 15:36:54 db02 kernel: igb: eth2 NIC Link is Down

Sep 29 15:36:54 db02 kernel: bonding: bond1: link status definitely down for interface eth2, disabling it

Sep 29 15:36:54 db02 kernel: bonding: bond1: making interface eth3 the new active one.

Sep 29 15:36:55 db02 kernel: igb: eth3 NIC Link is Down

Sep 29 15:36:55 db02 kernel: bonding: bond1: link status definitely down for interface eth3, disabling it

Sep 29 15:36:55 db02 kernel: bonding: bond1: now running without any active interface !

Sep 29 15:37:10 db02 kernel: igb: eth2 NIC Link is Up 100 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: RX/TX

Sep 29 15:37:10 db02 kernel: igb: eth3 NIC Link is Up 100 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: RX/TX

Sep 29 15:37:10 db02 kernel: bonding: bond1: link status definitely up for interface eth2.

Sep 29 15:37:10 db02 kernel: bonding: bond1: making interface eth2 the new active one.

Sep 29 15:37:10 db02 kernel: bonding: bond1: first active interface up!

Sep 29 15:37:10 db02 kernel: bonding: bond1: link status definitely up for interface eth3.


​    从如上详细的日志信息我们不难看出有如下动作,在db01上执行关机操作之后ocss和crsd进程都会向远端返送消息告诉对端本机即将执行关闭操作。后再停止各个进程。   

   在节点二中我们可从message日志中看到之前的私网bond1口状态时Down,在15:37分将第一个节点shutdown -immediate之后私网bond1居然自动执行了up操作。随即我们从ocss和crsd的日志中可以看到集群进程都正在起来。





[root@db01 ~]# ping pri02

PING pri02.xmtvdb.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.

From pri01.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=193 Destination Host Unreachable

From pri01.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=194 Destination Host Unreachable

From pri01.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=195 Destination Host Unreachable

From pri01.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=197 Destination Host Unreachable

From pri01.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=198 Destination Host Unreachable

From pri01.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=199 Destination Host Unreachable

From pri01.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=201 Destination Host Unreachable

From pri01.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=202 Destination Host Unreachable

From pri01.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=203 Destination Host Unreachable

From pri01.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=204 Destination Host Unreachable

From pri01.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=205 Destination Host Unreachable

From pri01.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=206 Destination Host Unreachable



[root@db01 ~]# cat /proc/net/bonding/bond1

Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.4.0-1 (October 7, 2008)

Bonding Mode: fault-tolerance (active-backup)

Primary Slave: None

Currently Active Slave: eth2

MII Status: up

MII Polling Interval (ms): 100

Up Delay (ms): 0

Down Delay (ms): 0

Slave Interface: eth2

MII Status: up

Speed: 1000 Mbps

Duplex: full

Link Failure Count: 1

Permanent HW addr: 40:f2:e9:db:c9:c4

Slave Interface: eth3

MII Status: up

Speed: 1000 Mbps

Duplex: full

Link Failure Count: 1

Permanent HW addr: 40:f2:e9:db:c9:c5


[root@db02 ~]# cat /proc/net/bonding/bond1

Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.4.0-1 (October 7, 2008)

Bonding Mode: fault-tolerance (active-backup)

Primary Slave: None

Currently Active Slave: eth2

MII Status: up

MII Polling Interval (ms): 100

Up Delay (ms): 0

Down Delay (ms): 0

Slave Interface: eth2

MII Status: up

Speed: 1000 Mbps

Duplex: full

Link Failure Count: 0

Permanent HW addr: 40:f2:e9:db:c9:fc

Slave Interface: eth3

MII Status: up

Speed: 1000 Mbps

Duplex: full

Link Failure Count: 0

Permanent HW addr: 40:f2:e9:db:c9:fd



[root@db02 ~]# ifdow eth3

Sep 29 15:40:55 db02 kernel: bonding: bond1: Removing slave eth3


[root@db01 ~]# ping pri02

PING pri02.xmtvdb.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.

64 bytes from pri02.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.071 ms

64 bytes from pri02.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.122 ms

64 bytes from pri02.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.134 ms

64 bytes from pri02.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.098 ms


[root@db01 ~]# su - grid -c "crsctl status res -t"




Local Resources


















 ONLINE ONLINE db01 Started 

 ONLINE ONLINE db02 Started 














Cluster Resources















 1 ONLINE ONLINE db01 Open 

 2 ONLINE ONLINE db02 Open 




再次把eth3 up起来,不受影响


[root@db02 ~]# ifup eth3


[root@db01 ~]# ping pri02

PING pri02.xmtvdb.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.

64 bytes from pri02.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.161 ms

64 bytes from pri02.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.022 ms

64 bytes from pri02.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.034 ms

64 bytes from pri02.xmtvdb.com ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.196 ms






Oracle RAC 11gR2数据库单节点linux操作系统无法启动 场景:新部署的RAC数据库,在做数据库初始化的时候,大量的并发导致操作,加之服务器/u01目录   写满(并发导入上TB数据),在这个状态下,直接服务器reboot,导致linux服务器无法启动。
多路径的方式----部署Oracle RAC 11GR2 based in RHEL6.4 1.http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-26446098-id-5689430.html     牛刀小试Oracle之ORACLE 11GR2 RAC安装配置--先决配置阶段(一)  先决条件的配置基本一致,除了磁盘划分的配置。
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