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Python Module_subprocess_调用 Powershell

Python 调用 module PowerShell Subprocess
2023-09-27 14:29:20 时间


首先在Windows Server 2012 R2中使用Powershell脚本做数据收集,并存放到一个文件中。

#function for countdown Function Countdown($number,$title,$text1,$text2=Pls Call Jmilk) Write-Host "Exit the Script after $number seconds" -ForegroundColor Red $Countdown = $number for($PercentComplete = $Countdown; $PercentComplete -ge 0; $PercentComplete--) Write-Progress -Activity $title -Status $text1 -CurrentOperation $text2 -SecondsRemaining $PercentComplete ; Sleep -Seconds 1; }#End Function Countdown Write-Host "Welcome to use the script to create table for HI OFR nodes status" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "Building the file hd.txt...Pls be patient.The script will be auto-Exit after created the hd.txt file" -ForegroundColor Yellow #Change the rdtools path $rdtoolsPath = E:\Users\userName\rdtools cd $rdtoolsPath $cmd = commands #commands of Data-Collection 因为保密条约不能将内部指令对外 cmd /c $cmd | Out-File -FilePath E:\Users\userName\Desktop\hd.txt #在powershell里调用了别的Shell所以需要使用cmd指令来实现环境变量的传递 #Out-File 将数据导出到文件 Write-Host Build Done -ForegroundColor Green #Powershell call python Start-Process python E:\Users\userName\Desktop\hd.py #在收集完数据后调用Python做数据处理 #结束并推出Powershell Countdown 60 Hd.ps1 Exiting... Pls go to the next step!
from openpyxl.writer.excel import ExcelWriter from openpyxl.cell import get_column_letter from openpyxl.cell import Cell from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl import load_workbook import subprocess #读取数据收集文件 def readFile(fileUrl): """Read the file and return the file content""" try: #unicode file fileObject = codecs.open(fileUrl,r,encoding=utf-16) except unicodeDecodeError: print "Pls check the encoding for hd.txt whether [unicode]" else: print("Unspecified Error,Pls call Jmilk") try: fileContent = fileObject.readlines() finally: fileObject.close() return fileContent #数据分类函数 def getNodeCountList(readLines): """Get the different node status type and change the global variable""" i = 0 for line in readLines: lineItem = line.split(:) if lineItem[0] == ---- \r\n: i += 1 continue if lineItem[0] == Node State: if lineItem[1] == Ready count: global ReadyCount ReadyCount[i-1] = int(lineItem[2]) if lineItem[1] == OutForRepair count: global OutForRepairCount OutForRepairCount[i-1] = int(lineItem[2]) if lineItem[1] == HumanInvestigate count: global HumanInvestigateCount HumanInvestigateCount[i-1] = int(lineItem[2]) #生成Excel表格 def createTable(): """Create the HI‘s OFR nodes status table""" wb = Workbook() ws = wb.worksheets[0] ws.title = u"NodeCount" for i in list(range(1,26)): ws.cell("A"+str(i)).value = %s % (cluster[i-1]) ws.cell("B"+str(i)).value = %s % (HumanInvestigateCount[i-1]) ws.cell("C"+str(i)).value = %s % (OutForRepairCount[i-1]) ws.cell("D"+str(i)).value = %s % (ReadyCount[i-1]) ws.cell("E"+str(i)).value = %.2f%s %((float(HumanInvestigateCount[i-1])/(HumanInvestigateCount[i-1]+OutForRepairCount[i-1]+ReadyCount[i-1]))*100,%) wb.save("Hd.xlsx") #Python call powershell 使用powershell实现发送数据处理邮件 def python_call_powershell(bodyStr): args = [r"C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe","-ExecutionPolicy","Unrestricted",r"E:\Users\userName\Desktop\SendMail.ps1",str(bodyStr)] ps = subprocess.Popen(args,stdout=subprocess.PIPE) psReturn = ps.stdout.read() return psReturn if __name__ == __main__: #Change to your user name user = userName cluster = [] ReadyCount = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] OutForRepairCount = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] HumanInvestigateCount = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] percentage = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
for i in list(range(0,24)): percentage[i] = %.2f%s % ((float(HumanInvestigateCount[i])/(HumanInvestigateCount[i]+OutForRepairCount[i]+ReadyCount[i]))*100,%) bodyStr = [x for li in [cluster,HumanInvestigateCount,OutForRepairCount,ReadyCount,percentage] for x in li] for index in list(range(0,24)): print cluster[index]+\t,str(HumanInvestigateCount[index])+\t,str(OutForRepairCount[index])+\t,str(ReadyCount[index])+\t+percentage[index] print bodyStr callResult = python_call_powershell(bodyStr) print callResult
#$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential "mailUsername",$pwd $to = "XXX@XXX.com" $from = "XXX@XXX.com" $cc = "XXX@XXX.com" $sub = "Number of statistics for Node status" $smtp = "SMTP.163.COM" Send-MailMessage -To $to -From $from -cc $cc -Subject $sub -Body $body -BodyAsHtml -SmtpServer $smtp -port 25 -Attachments $attach -Credential $cred -UseSsl if($?) Write-Host "Sent Successfully!" -ForegroundColor Green else Write-Host "Error" -ForegroundColor Red }#End Function Send-Email
$storage = "E:\Users\userName\Desktop\password.txt" $attach = "E:\Users\userName\Desktop\Hd.xlsx" $data = $args[0] #获取Python传递过来的参数 $date = Get-Date $currentTime = "{0:G}" -f $date.AddHours(16) $body = " html Report of data deal with /html " #使用HTML的方式来自定义邮件格式 Send-Email $attach $body Sleep 10


Python 调用Zoomeye搜索接口 钟馗之眼是一个强大的搜索引擎,不同于百度谷歌,它主要收集网络中的主机,服务等信息,国内互联网安全厂商知道创宇开放了他们的海量数据库,对之前沉淀的数据进行了整合、整理,打造了一个名符其实的网络空间搜索引擎ZoomEye,运用Python接口可以灵活的实现数据采集。