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Cppcheck 1.54 C/C++静态代码分析工具

2023-09-27 14:29:33 时间
官方上建议让编译器提供尽量多的警告提示:1.使用Visual C++的话,应使用警告等级4 2.使用GCC的话,参看Warning options - using GCC 官方地址:http://cppcheck.sourceforge.net/ 当前版本:1.54 for windows 安装界面如下: 安装完后,双击cppcheckgui.exe启动其GUI程序: 工具栏第一个按钮 可以添加检测的目录,但是这里不支持中文路径。
int main() 
    char a[10];
    a[10] =0;
    return 0;


在Visual Studio下使用的话,步骤如下: 1.在Visual Studio菜单栏"工具"→"外部工具",点击"添加",内容如下:
命令:D:\Program Files\Cppcheck\cppcheck.exe
参数:--enable=all--template=vs $(SolutionDir)
勾选"使用输出窗口" 2.使用时,点击"工具"→"Cppcheck"即可,如下图所示:  
    cppcheck [OPTIONS] [files or paths]  If a directory is given instead of a filename, *.cpp, *.cxx, *.cc, *.c++, *.c, *.tpp, and *.txx files are checked recursively from the given directory.
--append= file This allows you to provide information about functions by providing an implementation for them.
--check-config Check cppcheck configuration. The normal code analysis is disabled by this flag.
-D ID   By default Cppcheck checks all configurations. Use -D to limit the checking to a particular configuration.
Example: -DDEBUG=1 -D__cplusplus.
-U ID By default Cppcheck checks all configurations. Use -U to explicitly hide certain #ifdef ID code paths from checking.
Example: -UDEBUG
--enable= id Enable additional checks. The available ids are:
* all
  Enable all checks
* style
  Enable all coding style checks. All messages with the severities style, performance and portability are enabled.
* performance
  Enable performance messages
* portability
  Enable portability messages
* information
  Enable information messages
* unusedFunction
  Check for unused functions
* missingInclude
  Warn if there are missing includes. For detailed information, use --check-config.
Several ids can be given if you separate them with commas. See also --std
--error-exitcode= n If errors are found, integer [n] is returned instead of the default 0. 1 is returned if arguments are not valid or if no input files are provided. Note that your operating system can modify this value, e.g. 256 can become 0.
--exitcode-suppressions= file Used when certain messages should be displayed but should not cause a non-zero exitcode.
--file-list= file Specify the files to check in a text file. Add one filename per line. When file is -, the file list will be read from standard input.
-f, --force Force checking of all configurations in files. If used together with --max-ifdefs=, the last option is the one that is effective.
-I dir   Give path to search for include files. Give several -I parameters to give several paths. First given path is searched for contained header files first. If paths are relative to source files, this is not needed.
--includes-file= file Specify directory paths to search for included header files in a text file. Add one include path per line. First given path is searched for contained header files first. If paths are relative to source files, this is not needed.
-i dir or file   Give a source file or source file directory to exclude from the check. This applies only to source files so header files included by source files are not matched. Directory name is matched to all parts of the path.
--inline-suppr Enable inline suppressions. Use them by placing one or more comments, like: // cppcheck-suppress warningId on the lines before the warning to suppress.
--max-configs= limit Maximum number of configurations to check in a file before skipping it. Default is 12. If used together with --force, the last option is the one that is effective.
--platform= type Specifies platform specific types and sizes. The available platforms are:
* unix32
32 bit unix variant
* unix64
64 bit unix variant
* win32A
32 bit Windows ASCII character encoding
* win32W
32 bit Windows UNICODE character encoding
* win64
64 bit Windows
-rp, --relative-paths
-rp= paths , --relative-paths= paths Use relative paths in output. When given, paths are used as base. You can separate multiple paths by ;. Otherwise path where source files are searched is used. We use string comparison to create relative paths, so using e.g. ~ for home folder does not work. It is currently only possible to apply the base paths to files that are on a lower level in the directory tree.
--rule-file= file Use given rule file. For more information, see: https://sourceforge.net/projects/cppcheck/files/Articles/
--std= id Enable some standard related checks.
The available options are:
* posix
Checks related to POSIX-specific functionality
* c99
C99 standard related checks
* c++11
C++11 standard related checks
Example to enable more than one checks:
cppcheck --std=c99 --std=posix file.cpp
--suppress= spec   Suppress warnings that match spec . The format of spec is:
[error id]:[filename]:[line]
The [filename] and [line] are optional. If [error id] is a wildcard *, all error ids match.
--suppressions-list= file Suppress warnings listed in the file. Each suppression is in the same format as spec above.
--template= text Format the error messages. E.g.
{file}:{line},{severity},{id},{message} or {file}({line}):({severity}) {message}
Pre-defined templates: gcc, vs, edit.
--xml-version= version Select the XML file version. Currently versions 1 and 2 are available. The default version is 1.
Example usage:   # Recursively check the current folder. Print the progress on the screen and write errors to a file:     cppcheck . 2 err.txt   # Recursively check ../myproject/ and dont print progress:     cppcheck --quiet ../myproject/   # Check only files one.cpp and two.cpp and give all information there is:     cppcheck -v -s one.cpp two.cpp   # Check f.cpp and search include files from inc1/ and inc2/:    cppcheck -I inc1/ -I inc2/ f.cpp

A pointer to a variable is only valid as long as the variable is in scope. Check:

returning a pointer to auto or temporary variable assigning address of an variable to an effective parameter of a function returning reference to local/temporary variable returning address of function parameter Boost usage

Check for invalid usage of Boost:

container modification during BOOST_FOREACH Bounds checking

out of bounds checking


Check the code for each class.

Missing constructors Are all variables initialized by the constructors? Warn if memset, memcpy etc are used on a class If its a base class, check that the destructor is virtual Are there unused private functions operator= should return reference to self operator= should check for assignment to self Constness for member functions Exception Safety

Checking exception safety

Throwing exceptions in destructors Throwing exception during invalid state Throwing a copy of a caught exception instead of rethrowing the original exception exception caught by value instead of by reference Match assignments and conditions

Match assignments and conditions:

Mismatching assignment and comparison = comparison is always true/false Mismatching lhs and rhs in comparison = comparison is always true/false Detect matching if and else if conditions Memory leaks (address not taken)

Not taking the address to allocated memory

Memory leaks (class variables)

If the constructor allocate memory then the destructor must deallocate it.

Memory leaks (function variables)

Is there any allocated memory when a function goes out of scope

Memory leaks (struct members)

Dont forget to deallocate struct members

Non reentrant functions

Warn if any of these non reentrant functions are used:

crypt ctermid fgetgrent fgetpwent fgetspent getgrent getgrgid getgrnam gethostbyaddr gethostbyname gethostbyname2 gethostent getlogin getnetbyaddr getnetbyname getnetgrent getprotobyname getpwent getpwnam getpwuid getrpcbyname getrpcbynumber getrpcent getservbyname getservbyport getservent getspent getspnam gmtime localtime readdir strtok tempnam ttyname Null pointer

Null pointers

null pointer dereferencing Obsolete functions

Warn if any of these obsolete functions are used:

asctime asctime_r bcopy bsd_signal bzero ctime ctime_r ftime getcontext gethostbyaddr gethostbyname getwd index makecontext pthread_attr_getstackaddr pthread_attr_setstackaddr rand_r rindex scalbln swapcontext tmpnam tmpnam_r ualarm usleep utime vfork wcswcs Other

Other checks

Assigning bool value to pointer (converting bool value to address) bad usage of the function sprintf (overlapping data) division with zero using fflush() on an input stream scoped object destroyed immediately after construction assignment in an assert statement sizeof for array given as function argument sizeof for numeric given as function argument using sizeof(pointer) instead of the size of pointed data incorrect length arguments for substr and strncmp invalid usage of output stream. For example: std::cout std::cout; wrong number of arguments given to printf or scanf; double free() or double closedir() C-style pointer cast in cpp file casting between incompatible pointer types redundant if bad usage of the function strtol unsigned division Dangerous usage of scanf passing parameter by value Incomplete statement check how signed char variables are used variable scope can be limited condition that is always true/false unusal pointer arithmetic. For example: "abc" + d redundant assignment in a switch statement redundant strcpy in a switch statement look for sizeof sizeof .. look for calculations inside sizeof() assignment of a variable to itself mutual exclusion over || always evaluating to true Clarify calculation with parentheses using increment on boolean comparison of a boolean with a non-zero integer comparison of a boolean expression with an integer other than 0 or 1 suspicious condition (assignment+comparison) suspicious condition (runtime comparison of string literals) suspicious condition (string literals as boolean) duplicate break statement unreachable code testing if unsigned variable is negative testing is unsigned variable is positive using bool in bitwise expression Suspicious use of ; at the end of if/for/while statement. incorrect usage of functions from ctype library. optimisation: detect post increment/decrement STL usage

Check for invalid usage of STL:

out of bounds errors misuse of iterators when iterating through a container mismatching containers in calls dereferencing an erased iterator for vectors: using iterator/pointer after push_back has been used optimisation: use empty() instead of size() to guarantee fast code suspicious condition when using find redundant condition common mistakes when using string::c_str() using auto pointer (auto_ptr) useless calls of string functions Uninitialized variables

Uninitialized variables

using uninitialized variables and data Unused functions

Check for functions that are never called


UnusedVar checks

unused variable allocated but unused variable unred variable unassigned variable unused struct member Using postfix operators

Warn if using postfix operators ++ or -- rather than prefix operator

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