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C/C++ 框架,类库,资源集合

2023-09-27 14:29:32 时间
Apache C++ Standard Library - A collection of algorithms, containers, iterators, and other fundamental components. [Apache2] ASL - Adobe Source Libraries provides peer-reviewed and portable C++ source libraries. [MIT] Boost :star: - A large collection of generic C++ libraries. [Boost] website
BDE - The BDE Development Environment from Bloomberg Labs. [MIT] Cinder - A community-developed, free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding. [BSD] Cxxomfort - A small, header-only library that backports to C++03 some of the nifty C++11 goodies. [MIT] Dlib :star: - A general purpose cross-platform C++ library designed using contract programming and modern C++ techniques. [Boost] EASTL - Public part of EA-STL. [BSD] ffead-cpp - Framework for Enterprise Application Development. [Apache2] Folly - An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook. [Apache2] JUCE - An all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. [Core-Module: ISC, Rest: GPL2/GPL3/Commercial] website
libPhenom - libPhenom is an eventing framework for building high performance and high scalability systems in C. [Apache2] LibSourcey - C++11 evented IO for real-time video streaming and high performance networking applications. [LGPL] LibU - A multiplatform utility library written in C. [BSD] Loki - A C++ library of designs, containing flexible implementations of common design patterns and idioms. [MIT] MiLi - Minimal headers-only C++ Library. [Boost] openFrameworks - An open source C++ toolkit for creative coding. [MIT] Qt :star: - A cross-platform application and UI framework. [LGPL] Reason - A cross platform framework designed to bring the ease of use of Java, .Net, or Python to developers who require the performance and strength of C++. [GPLv2] ROOT - A set of OO frameworks with all the functionality needed to handle and analyze large amounts of data in a very efficient way. Used at CERN. [LGPL] STLport - An exemplary version of STL. [Free] STXXL - Standard Template Library for Extra Large Data Sets. [Boost] Ultimate++ - A C++ cross-platform rapid application development framework. [BSD] Windows Template Library - A C++ library for developing Windows applications and UI components. [Public] Yomm11 - Open multi-methods for C++11. [Boost]
btsk - Game Behavior Tree Starter Kit. [zlib] Evolving Objects - A template-based, ANSI-C++ evolutionary computation library which helps you to write your own stochastic optimization algorithms insanely fast. [LGPL] Neu - A C++ 11 framework, collection of programming languages, and multipurpose software system designed for: the creation of artificial intelligence applications. [BSD]
Boost.Asio - A cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming. [Boost] libev - A full-featured and high-performance event loop that is loosely modelled after libevent, but without its limitations and bugs. [BSD and GPL] libevent - An event notification library. [BSD] libuv - Cross-platform asychronous I/O. [BSD]
FMOD - An easy to use crossplatform audio engine and audio content creation tool for games. [Free for non-commercial/Commercial] Maximilian - C++ Audio and Music DSP Library. [MIT] OpenAL - Open Audio Library - A crossplatform audio API. [BSD/LGPL/Commercial] Opus - A totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec. [BSD] Speex - A free codec for free speech. Obsoleted by Opus. [BSD] Tonic - Easy and efficient audio synthesis in C++. [Unlicense] Vorbis - Ogg Vorbis is a fully open, non-proprietary, patent-and-royalty-free, general-purpose compressed audio format. [BSD]
Vcflib - a C++ library for parsing and manipulating VCF files. [MIT] Wham - Structural variants (SVs) in Genomes by directly applying association tests to BAM files.
bzip2 - A freely available, patent free, high-quality data compressor. [BSD] doboz - Compression library with very fast decompression. [zlib] PhysicsFS - A library to provide abstract access to various archives. It is intended for use in video games, and the design was somewhat inspired by Quake 3s file subsystem. [zlib] KArchive - A library for creating, reading, writing and manipulating file archives like zip and tar. It also provides transparent compression and decompression of data, using formats like gzip, via a subclass of QIODevice. [LGPL] LZ4 - Extremely Fast Compression algorithm. [BSD] LZHAM - Lossless data compression library with a compression ratio similar to LZMA but with much faster decompression. [BSD] LZMA - The default and general compression method of 7z format. [LGPL] LZMAT - An extremely fast real-time lossless data compression library. [GPL] miniz - Single C source file Deflate/Inflate compression library with zlib-compatible API, ZIP archive reading/writing, PNG writing. [Unlicense] Minizip - Zlib with latest bug fixes that supports PKWARE disk spanning, AES encryption, and IO buffering. [zlib] Snappy - A fast compressor/decompressor. [BSD] ZLib - A very compact compression library for data streams. [zlib] ZZIPlib - Provides read access on ZIP-archives. [MPL/LGPL]

并发与多线程Concurrency and Multithreading

Boost.Compute - A C++ GPU Computing Library for OpenCL. [Boost] Bolt - A C++ template library optimized for GPUs. [Apache2] C++React - A reactive programming library for C++11. [Boost] Intel TBB - Intel® Threading Building Blocks. [GPLv2 with runtime exception] Libclsph - An OpenCL based GPU accelerated SPH fluid simulation library. [MIT] OpenCL - The open standard for parallel programming of heterogeneous systems. OpenMP - The OpenMP API. Thrust - A parallel algorithms library which resembles the C++ Standard Template Library (STL). [Apache2] HPX - A general purpose C++ runtime system for parallel and distributed applications of any scale. [Boost] VexCL - A C++ vector expression template library for OpenCL/CUDA. [MIT]
C++ B-tree - A template library that implements ordered in-memory containers based on a B-tree data structure. [Apache2] Hashmaps - Implementation of open addressing hash table algorithms in C++. [MIT]
Bcrypt - A cross platform file encryption utility. Encrypted files are portable across all supported operating systems and processors. Crypto++ - A free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes. [Boost] LibTomCrypt - A fairly comprehensive, modular and portable cryptographic toolkit. [WTFPL] libsodium - P(ortable|ackageable) NaCl-based crypto library, opinionated and easy to use. [ISC] OpenSSL - A robust, commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source cryptography library. [Apache] Tiny AES128 in C - A small and portable implementation of the AES128 ECB encryption algorithm implemented in C. [PublicDomain]

数据库库,SQL服务器,ODBC驱动和工具。Database Libraries, SQL Servers, ODBC Drivers, and Tools

hiberlite - C++ Object-relational mapping for sqlite3. [BSD] Hiredis - A minimalistic C client library for the Redis database. [BSD] LevelDB - A fast key-value storage library. [BSD] LMDB - Very fast embedded key/value store with full ACID semantics. [OpenLDAP] MySQL++ - A C++ wrapper for MySQLs C API. [LGPL] RocksDB - Embedded key-value store for fast storage from facebook. [BSD] SQLite - A completely embedded, full-featured relational database in a few 100k that you can include right into your project. [PublicDomain]

调试库,内存泄漏和资源泄漏检测,单元测试。Debugging Libraries, Memory Leak and Resource Leak Detection, Unit Testing

Catch - A modern, C++-native, header-only, framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD. [Boost] CppUnit - C++ port of JUnit. [LGPLv2] googletest - Google C++ Testing Framework. [BSD] ig-debugheap - Multiplatform debug heap useful for tracking down memory errors. [BSD] libtap - Write tests in C. [GPLv2] MemTrack - Tracking memory allocations in C++. microprofile - Profiler with web-view for multiple platforms. [PublicDomain] minUnit - A minimal unit testing framework for C written using only 2 macros. [PublicDomain] Remotery - Single C File Profiler with Web Viewer. [Apache2] UnitTest++ - A lightweight unit testing framework for C++. [MIT/X Consortium license]
Cocos2d-x - A multi-platform framework for building 2d games, interactive books, demos and other graphical applications. [Commercial?] Grit - Community project to build a free game engine for implementing open world 3D games. [MIT] Irrlicht - An open source high performance realtime 3D engine written in C++. [zlib] Polycode - Open-Source Framework for creating games in C++ (with Lua bindings). [MIT]
FLTK - Fast, light, cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit. [GPLv2] GTK+ - A multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces. [LGPL] gtkmm - The official C++ interface for the popular GUI library GTK+. [LGPL] imgui - Immediate Mode Graphical User Interface with minimal dependencies. [MIT] libRocket - libRocket is a C++ HTML/CSS game interface middleware. [MIT] MyGUI - Fast, flexible and simple GUI. [MIT] Ncurses - A terminal user interfaces. [MIT] QCustomPlot - Qt plotting widget without further dependencies. [GPLv3] Qwt - Qt Widgets for Technical Applications. [Own based on LGPL] QwtPlot3D - A feature-rich Qt/OpenGL-based C++ programming library, providing essentially a bunch of 3D-widgets. [zlib] OtterUI - OtterUI is a User Interface development solution for embedded systems and interactive entertainment software. [MIT] PDCurses - Public domain curses library with both source code and pre-compiled library available. [PublicDomain] wxWidgets - A C++ library that lets developers create applications for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other platforms with a single code base. [Own LGPL]
bgfx - A cross-platform rendering library. [BSD] Cairo - A 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. [LGPLv2 or Mozilla MPL] Horde3D - A small 3D rendering and animation engine. [EPL] magnum - C++11 and OpenGL 2D/3D graphics engine. [MIT] website
Ogre 3D - A scene-oriented, real-time, flexible 3D rendering engine (as opposed to a game engine) written in C++. [MIT] OpenSceneGraph - An open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit. [OSGPL] Panda3D - A framework for 3D rendering and game development for Python and C++. [BSD] Skia - A complete 2D graphic library for drawing Text, Geometries, and Images. [bSD] webpage
urho3d - Cross-platform rendering and game engine. [Many different, mostly MIT]
Boost.GIL - Generic Image Library. CImg - A small, open source, C++ toolkit for image processing. [Own LGPL or GPL] CxImage - A C++ class to load, save, display, transform BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, MNG, ICO, PCX, TGA, WMF, WBMP, JBG, J2K images. [zlib] FreeImage - An open source library that supports popular graphics image formats and others as needed by todays multimedia applications. [GPLv2 or GPLv3] GDCM - Grassroots DICOM library. ITK - An open-source, cross-platform system for image analysis. [Apache 2.0 from ITK 4.0] Magick++ - ImageMagick program interfaces for C++. [Apache 2.0] MagickWnd - ImageMagick program interfaces for C. [Apache 2.0] OpenCV - Open source computer vision. [BSD] tesseract-ocr - An OCR engine. [Apache 2.0] VIGRA - a generic C++ computer vision library for image analysis. [MIT X11] VTK - Open-source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing and visualization. [BSD]
IBM ICU - A set of C/C++ and Java libraries providing Unicode and Globalization support. [ICU] libiconv - An encoding conversion library between different character encodings. [GPL]
frozen - JSON parser and generator for C/C++. [GPL GPLv2] Jansson - C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data. [MIT] jbson - jbson is a library for building iterating BSON data, and JSON documents in C++14. [Boost] JeayeSON - A very sane (header only) C++ JSON library. [BSD] JSON++ - A JSON parser in C++. [MIT] json-parser - Very low footprint JSON parser written in portable ANSI C. [BSD] json11 - A tiny JSON library for C++11. [MIT] jute - Very simple C++ JSON Parser. [PublicDomain] libjson - A JSON parser and printer library in C. easy to integrate with any model. [LGPL] libjson - Lightweight JSON library. [?] PicoJSON - A header-file-only, JSON parser serializer in C++. [BSD] qt-json - A simple class for parsing JSON data into a QVariant hierarchy and vice versa. [GPLv3] QJson - A qt-based library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects. [LGPLv2] RapidJSON - A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API. [MIT] YAJL :star: - A fast streaming JSON parsing library in C. [ISC]
Log4cpp - A library of C++ classes for flexible logging to files, syslog, IDSA and other destinations. [LGPL] templog - A very small and lightweight C++ library which you can use to add logging to your C++ applications. [Boost]
Caffe - A fast framework for neural networks. [BSD] CCV - C-based/Cached/Core Computer Vision Library, A Modern Computer Vision Library. [BSD] mlpack - A scalable c++ machine learning library. [LGPLv3] OpenCV - Open Source Computer Vision Library. [BSD] website
Recommender - C library for product recommendations/suggestions using collaborative filtering (CF). [BSD] SHOGUN - The Shogun Machine Learning Toolbox. [GPLv3] sofia-ml - The suite of fast incremental algorithms for machine learning. [Apache2]
Armadillo - A high quality C++ linear algebra library, aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use. The syntax (API) is deliberately similar to Matlab. [MPL2] blaze - high-performance C++ math library for dense and sparse arithmetic. [BSD] ceres-solver - C++ library for modeling and solving large complicated nonlinear least squares problems from google. [BSD] CGal - Collection of efficient and reliable geometric algorithms. [LGPL GPL] cml - free C++ math library for games and graphics. [Boost] Eigen - A high-level C++ library of template headers for linear algebra, matrix and vector operations, numerical solvers and related algorithms. [MPL2] GMP - A C/C++ library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating-point numbers. [LGPLv3 and GPLv2]
GStreamer - A library for constructing graphs of media-handling components. [LGPL] LIVE555 Streaming Media - Multimedia streaming library using open standard protocols (RTP/RTCP, RTSP, SIP). [LGPL] libVLC - libVLC (VLC SDK) media framework. [GPL] QtAv - A multimedia playback framework based on Qt and FFmpeg to write a player easily. [LGPL] website
ACE - An OO Network Programming Toolkit in C++. [?MIT?] Boost.Asio - A cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming. [Boost] Casablanca - C++ REST SDK. [Apache2] cpp-netlib - A collection of open-source libraries for high level network programming. [Boost] Dyad.c - Asynchronous networking for C. [MIT] libcurl - Multiprotocol file transfer library. [MIT/X derivate license] Mongoose - Extremely lightweight webserver. [GPLv2] Muduo - A C++ non-blocking network library for multi-threaded server in Linux. [BSD] net_skeleton - TCP client/server library for C/C++. [GPLv2] nope.c - A C language-based ultra-light software platform for scalable server-side and networking applications. Think node.js for C programmers. [GPLv2] Onion - HTTP server library in C designed to be lightweight and easy to use. [Apache2/GPLv2] POCO :star: - C++ class libraries and frameworks for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile and embedded systems. [Boost] website
Tufão - An asynchronous web framework for C++ built on top of Qt. [LGPLv2] WebSocket++ - C++/Boost Asio based websocket client/server library. [BSD] ZeroMQ - High-speed, modular asynchronous communication library. [LGPL]
LiquidFun - A 2D physics engine for games. [BSD-like] ODE - Open Dynamics Engine - An open source, high performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics. [BSD LGPL] ofxBox2d - openFrameworks wrapper for Box2D. [BSD-like] Simbody - High-performance C++ multibody dynamics/physics library for simulating articulated biomechanical and mechanical systems like vehicles, robots, and the human skeleton. [Apache2]
FFTW - A C library for computing the DFT in one or more dimensions. [GPL] GSL - GNU scientific library. [GPL]
Lua - A minimal and fast scripting engine for configuration files and basic application scripting. [MIT] luacxx - C++11 API for creating Lua bindings. [MIT] SWIG - a wrapper/interface Generator that let you link your c++ code to Javascript, Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl and Ruby. [GPL/Output not licensed] V7 - An embedded JavaScript engine. [GPLv2] V8 - A fast JavaScript engine by Google that can be embedded into any C++ application. [BSD]
Capn Proto - Fast data interchange format and capability-based RPC system. [MIT] cereal - A C++11 library for serialization. [BSD] FlatBuffers - A Memory efficient serialization library. [Apache2] MessagePack - Efficient binary serialization format "like JSON" for C/C++. [Apache2] website
protobuf - Protocol Buffers - Googles data interchange format. [BSD] protobuf-c - Protocol Buffers implementation in C. [BSD] SimpleBinaryEncoding - encoding and decoding application messages in binary format for low-latency applications. [Apache2] Thrift - Efficient cross-language IPC/RPC, works between C++, Java, Python, PHP, C#, and many more other languages. Originally developer by Twitter. [Apache2]
Theora - A free and open video compression format. [BSD]
CarpVM - "interesting" VM in C. Lets see how this goes. [GPLv3] MicroPython - aims to put an implementation of Python 3.x on a microcontroller. [MIT] TinyVM - A small, fast, lightweight virtual machine written in pure ANSI C. [MIT]
Civetweb - Provides easy to use, powerful, C/C++ embeddable web server with optional CGI, SSL and Lua support. [MIT] CppCMS - A Free High Performance Web Development Framework (not a CMS). [LGPLv3] Crow - Crow is C++ micro web framework (inspired by Python Flask). [BSD] Kore - ultra fast and flexible web server / framework for web applications developed in C. [ISC] libOnion - lightweight library to help you create webservers in C programming language. [LGPLv3] QDjango - A web framework written in C++ and built on top of the Qt library. Where possible it tries to follow djangos API, hence its name. [LGPL] Wt - A C++ library for developing web applications. [GPL/Commercial]

XML is crap. Really. There are no excuses. XML is nasty to parse for humans, and its a disaster to parse even for computers. Theres just no reason for that horrible crap to exist. - Linus Torvalds

Expat - An XML parser library written in C. [MIT] Libxml2 - The XML C parser and toolkit of Gnome. [MIT] libxml++ - An XML Parser for C++. [LGPLv2] PugiXML - A light-weight, simple and fast XML parser for C++ with XPath support. [MIT] RapidXml - An attempt to create the fastest XML parser possible, while retaining useability, portability and reasonable W3C compatibility. [Boost] TinyXML - A simple, small, minimal, C++ XML parser that can be easily integrating into other programs. [zlib] TinyXML2 - A simple, small, efficient, C++ XML parser that can be easily integrating into other programs. [zlib] TinyXML++ - A completely new interface to TinyXML that uses MANY of the C++ strengths. Templates, exceptions, and much better error handling. [MIT] Xerces-C++ - A validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++. [Apache2]

Useful libraries or tools that dont fit in the categories above or maybe just not categorised yet

C++ Format - Small, safe and fast formatting library for C++. [BSD] casacore - A set of c++ core libraries derived from aips++. [LGPL] cxx-prettyprint - A pretty printing library for C++ containers. [Boost] DynaPDF - An easy-to-use PDF generation library. [Commercial] googlemock - A library for writing and using C++ mock classes. [BSD] HTTP Parser :star: - A http request/response parser for C. [MIT] libcpuid - A small C library for x86 CPU detection and feature extraction. [BSD] libevil - The Evil License Manager. [GPLv3] libusb - A universal USB library which allows for portable access to USB devices. [LGPLv2] PCRE - A regular expression C library inspired by the regular expression capabilities in Perl. [BSD] Remote Call Framework - Inter-process communication framework for C++. [GPLv2/Commercial] Scintilla - A free source code editing component. [MIT] Serial Communication Library - Cross-platform, Serial Port library written in C++. [MIT] SDS - Simple Dynamic Strings library for C. [BSD] SLDR - Super Light DNS Resolver. [GPLv2/Commercial] SLRE - Super Light Regular Expression library. [GPLv2/Commercial] Stage - Mobile robot simulator. [GPLv2] VarTypes - A feature-rich, object-oriented framework for managing variables in C++ / Qt4. [LGPL] ZBar - A barcode scanner library, which allows to scan photos/images/video streams for barcodes and return their value. [LGPLv2] CppVerbalExpressions - C++ regular expressions made easy. [MIT] QtVerbalExpressions - This Qt lib is based off of the C++ VerbalExpressions library. [MIT] PHP-CPP - A library to build PHP extensions with C++. [Apache2] website
Better String - An alternative to the string library for C which is more functional and does not have buffer overflow overrun problems. Also includes a C++ wrapper. [BSD, GPLv2]
Intel C++ Compiler - Developed by Intel. LLVM - Collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. Microsoft Visual C++ - MSVC, developed by Microsoft. Open WatCom - Watcom C, C++, and Fortran cross compilers and tools. [Sybase Open Watcom Public License] TCC - Tiny C Compiler. [LGPL]
codepad - An online compiler/interpreter, and a simple collaboration tool. CodeTwist - A simple online compiler/interpreter, where you can paste your C, C++ or Java code and execute it online and see results. coliru - Online compiler/shell with support for various C++ compilers. Compiler Explorer - An interactive compiler with assembly output available. CompileOnline - Compile and Execute C++ online on Linux. Ideone - An online compiler and debugging tool which allows you to compile source code and execute it online in more than 60 programming languages.
CLion - Cross-platform C/C++ IDE from JetBrains. In pre-release/early access stadium. Code::Blocks - A free C, C++ and Fortran IDE. CodeLite - Another cross-plaform, free C/C++ IDE. [GPLv2 with an exception for plugins] Dev-C++ - A portable C/C++/C++11 IDE. Eclipse CDT - A fully functional C and C++ IDE based on the Eclipse platform. Geany - Small, fast, cross-platform IDE. [GPL] IBM VisualAge - A family of computer integrated development environments from IBM. KDevelop - A free, open source IDE. Microsoft Visual Studio - An IDE from Microsoft. NetBeans - An IDE for developing primarily with Java, but also with other languages, in particular PHP, C/C++, and HTML5. Qt Creator - A cross-platform C++, JavaScript and QML IDE which is part of the SDK for Qt. Xcode - Developed by Apple. YouCompleteMe - YouCompleteMe is a fast, as-you-type, fuzzy-search code completion engine for Vim.
FASTBuild - high performance, open-source build system supporting highly scalable compilation, caching and network distribution. tundra - high-performance code build system designed to give the best possible incremental build times even for very large software projects. tup - file-based build system that monitors in the background for changed files.
Static Code Analysis

List of tools for improving quality and reducing defects by code analysis

Awesome C Programming Tutorials in Hi Def [HD] - A collection of detailed C Programming Language Tutorials for Beginners and New Programmers. C++ - by VoidRealms. C++ Qt Programming - by VoidRealms. C++ Programming Tutorials Playlist - TheNewBoston Official Buckys C++ Programming Tutorials Playlist. C++ Programming Tutorials from thenewboston - These are all of thenewbostons C++ programming tutorials. C++ GUI with Qt Playlist - Official Playlist for thenewboston C++ GUI with Qt tutorials. C Programming Tutorials - All of TheNewBostons C programming tutorials are right here.
lists - List of (awesome) lists curated on GitHub. awesome-awesomeness - A curated list of awesome awesomeness. awesome - A curated list of awesome lists. free-programming-books - List of Freely Available Programming Books. papers-we-love - Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss. awesome-php - Awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things. awesome-python - Awesome Python frameworks, libraries and software. awesome-sysadmin - Awesome open source sysadmin resources. awesome-talks - A lot of screencasts, recordings of user group gatherings and conference talks. github-cheat-sheet - A list of cool features of Git and GitHub. ToolsOfTheTrade - Tools of The Trade, from Hacker News. cheatsheets.org - The largest collection of reference cards for developers. cheat-sheets.org - All cheat sheets, round-ups, quick reference cards, quick reference guides and quick reference sheets in one page. thefreecountry.com - A collection of free programming resources, free webmasters resources, free security resources and free utilities.
【C++要笑着学】list 核心框架接口的模拟实现 | 运算符重载实现list迭代器 | 妙用模板实现const迭代器(二) 我们在上一章说过,list 其实就是带哨兵位循环双向链表而已,这种链表虽然结构复杂,但是实现起来反而是最简单的,我们在数据结构专栏中有过详细的讲解。
【C++要笑着学】list 核心框架接口的模拟实现 | 运算符重载实现list迭代器 | 妙用模板实现const迭代器(一) 我们在上一章说过,list 其实就是带哨兵位循环双向链表而已,这种链表虽然结构复杂,但是实现起来反而是最简单的,我们在数据结构专栏中有过详细的讲解。
【C++要笑着学】vector 核心框架接口的模拟实现 | 基于STL3.0版本的简化vector | 浅谈迭代器失效问题(二) STL 的源代码整体考虑的东西比较多,还要考虑和其他地方的结合,因此整体的设计是比较复杂的。基于这一系列原因,我们会以简单的形式去实现其核心框架接口,方便去学习 vector。
【C++要笑着学】vector 核心框架接口的模拟实现 | 基于STL3.0版本的简化vector | 浅谈迭代器失效问题(一) STL 的源代码整体考虑的东西比较多,还要考虑和其他地方的结合,因此整体的设计是比较复杂的。基于这一系列原因,我们会以简单的形式去实现其核心框架接口,方便去学习 vector。
使用C++开发的web框架dlagon 本项目仅仅是个人的玩具项目, 其中缺陷很多, 问题也很多. 首先整个网络部分是自己看了两三章UNP自己封出来的. 老版本还有一点点错误处理, 新版本完全忽略了错误处理. 另外就是过度设计, 许多的地方没有必要预留变更空间, 我都预留了.
值得推荐的C/C++框架和库(深度好文) 【本文系外部转贴,原文地址:http://www.cppblog.com/merlinfang/archive/2014/12/26/209311.html http://coolshell.info/c/c++/2014/12/13/c-open-project.htm】留作存档 公交车上看到的好文,忍不住转发!下次造轮子前先看看现有的轮子吧--
- 1. Webbench Webbench是一个在linux下使用的非常简单的网站压测工具。它使用fork()模拟多个客户端同时访问我们设定的URL,测试网站在压力下工作的性能,最多可以模拟3万个并发连接去测试网站的负载能力。