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RvmTranslator4.1 in PDMS

2023-09-27 14:28:45 时间
RvmTranslator4.1 in PDMS eryar@163.com In order to export PDMS model to other system more convenient, I wrapped the RvmTranslator in PDMS by PML.
RvmTranslator4.1 in PDMS


In order to export PDMS model to other system more convenient, I wrapped the RvmTranslator in PDMS by PML. Then you can export PDMS model to STEP, IGES, STL, 3D PDF. Etc. Directly. The RvmTranslator form as following:


Figure 1. RvmTranslator Form in PDMS

The RvmTranslator form usage is simple:

1. Enter the output file name;

2. Select the export file format, default is STEP;

3. Add model to the list by Add CE button;

4. Remove the model from the list;

5. Use Translate button to perform the translate operation;


How to install RvmTranslator for PDMS:

1.Download RvmTranslator4.1:

http://yun.baidu.com/pcloud/album/file?album_id=3634993082542187183 uk=3808749571 fsid=992478348244136

2.Extract files to PMLLIB folder;

3.Enter following command in the PDMS CommandWindow: PML REHASH ALL

4.Show the RvmTranslator Form in PDMS: show !!RvmTranslator


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