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Ogre物理编辑器Physics Editor

编辑器 物理 Editor
2023-09-27 14:27:56 时间

Scythe is a modelling tool for physics engines. You can create objects, vehicles, ragdolls, structures... all from physical joints and bodies, and then test them, throw them around, break them, before saving to file and loading into your own game.

It is time for games to evolve. In the future there will be no static level geometry. Nothing you cannot pickup, knock around and break.

But its about more than that. Weve all had our fill of stacks of crates. The purpose of Scythe is to push the levels of complexity and free the imagination. No more approximating collision with a bounding box. The details come in, things can get bigger, monstrosities can be created, detailed machinery simulated, but above all things are no longer pretend.

With an Scythe, control of physics falls into the hands of the artists, freeing them to push the boundaries of what your game is capable of. Complicated structures need to be visually assembled by an artist, they just cannot be blindly coded by a programmer who cant see what hes doing. 

Single user license - €30 (EUR) 

Win11系统下安装编辑器之神(The God of Editor)Vim并且构建Python生态开发环境 众神殿内,依次坐着Editplus、Atom、Sublime、Vscode、JetBrains家族、Comodo等等一众编辑器界的大佬们,偌大的殿堂内几无立锥之地,然而在殿内的金漆雕龙宝座上,端坐着一位睥睨众生的王者,那就是被称之为编辑器之神的Vim,作为一个有着30余年历史的老牌神器,没有任何编辑器可以和它媲美,其时江湖有云:神编Vim不会玩,纵称大神也枉然。Vim在 1976 年发布,奉行 Unix 传统的“Do one thing and do it well”哲学,每个程序只做一件事但求做到最好,通过程序之间的配合得到强大的功能,其两种模式(Normal/Insert) 的玄妙变换,幻