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配置 cp Editor
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CP editor配置


强推简单的 CP Editor 使用教程!(C++ 选手为主),里面内容已经很详细了,我在这记一下我遇到的问题和我的一些配置

除了不能 D e b u g Debug Debug,其他强推

  • 关于字体

    依然强推 F i r a c o d e Firacode Firacode[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-LwKAP9KI-1633350651469)(C:\Users\liusy\AppData\Roaming\Typora\typora-user-images\image-20211004201844701.png)]

  • 代码格式化

    参考这篇文章: 设置 CP Editor 的 C++ 代码错误警告

    我选择的是 M i c r o s o f t Microsoft Microsoft,默认是 G o o g l e Google Google,平常 V s c o d e Vscode Vscode默认就是 f i l e file file,也就是 M i c r o s o f t Microsoft Microsoft


  • language server

    关于 l a n g u a g e   s e r v e r language \ server language server,跟着教程走可能会出现错误

    fatal error: ‘float.h’ file not found
    #include_next <float.h>

    意思是说新版的 L L V M LLVM LLVM与旧版的 m i n g w mingw mingw f l o a t . h float.h float.h中并不兼容,所以把下面的代码换成源文件夹下的 f l o a t . h float.h float.h即可

     * float.h
     * This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain.
     * This file is part of the mingw-runtime package.
     * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within the package.
     * Constants related to floating point arithmetic.
     * Also included here are some non-ANSI bits for accessing the floating
     * point controller.
    #if defined(__LIBMSVCRT__)
    /* When building mingw-w64, this should be blank.  */
    #define _SECIMP
    #ifndef _SECIMP
    #define _SECIMP __declspec(dllimport)
    #endif /* _SECIMP */
    #endif /* defined(_CRTBLD) || defined(__LIBMSVCRT__) */
    #if (defined (__GNUC__) && defined (__GNUC_MINOR__)) \
        || (defined(__clang__) && defined(__clang_major__))
    #if (__GNUC__ < 4  || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 6)) \
        || (__clang_major__ >=3)
    #if !defined(_FLOAT_H___) && !defined(__FLOAT_H) && !defined(__CLANG_FLOAT_H)
    #include_next <float.h>
    #elif !defined (_FLOAT_H___)
    #if (__GNUC__ < 4)
    #error Corrupt install of gcc-s internal headers, or search order was changed.
    	/* #include_next <float_ginclude.h> */
       	/* Number of decimal digits, q, such that any floating-point number with q
       	   decimal digits can be rounded into a floating-point number with p radix b
    	   digits and back again without change to the q decimal digits,
    	   p * log10(b)			if b is a power of 10
    	   floor((p - 1) * log10(b))	otherwise
    	#undef FLT_DIG
    	#undef DBL_DIG
    	#undef LDBL_DIG
    	#define FLT_DIG		__FLT_DIG__
    	#define DBL_DIG		__DBL_DIG__
    	#define LDBL_DIG	__LDBL_DIG__
    	/* Maximum representable finite floating-point number,
    	   (1 - b**-p) * b**emax
    	#undef FLT_MAX
    	#undef DBL_MAX
    	#undef LDBL_MAX
    	#define FLT_MAX		__FLT_MAX__
    	#define DBL_MAX		__DBL_MAX__
    	#define LDBL_MAX	__LDBL_MAX__
    	/* Minimum normalized positive floating-point number, b**(emin - 1).  */
    	#undef FLT_MIN
    	#undef DBL_MIN
    	#undef LDBL_MIN
    	#define FLT_MIN		__FLT_MIN__
    	#define DBL_MIN		__DBL_MIN__
    	#define LDBL_MIN	__LDBL_MIN__
    	/* Needed for libjava building - Victor K. */
    	/* Radix of exponent representation, b. */
        #undef FLT_RADIX
        #define FLT_RADIX	__FLT_RADIX__
        /* Minimum int x such that FLT_RADIX**(x-1) is a normalized float, emin */
    	#undef FLT_MIN_EXP
    	#undef DBL_MIN_EXP
    	#undef LDBL_MIN_EXP
    	#define FLT_MIN_EXP	__FLT_MIN_EXP__
    	#define DBL_MIN_EXP	__DBL_MIN_EXP__
    	#define LDBL_MIN_EXP	__LDBL_MIN_EXP__
    	/* Minimum negative integer such that 10 raised to that power is in the
       	range of normalized floating-point numbers,
    	ceil(log10(b) * (emin - 1))
    	#undef FLT_MIN_10_EXP
    	#undef DBL_MIN_10_EXP
    	#undef LDBL_MIN_10_EXP
    	#define FLT_MIN_10_EXP	__FLT_MIN_10_EXP__
    	#define DBL_MIN_10_EXP	__DBL_MIN_10_EXP__
    	#define LDBL_MIN_10_EXP	__LDBL_MIN_10_EXP__
    	/* Maximum int x such that FLT_RADIX**(x-1) is a representable float, emax.  */
    	#undef FLT_MAX_EXP
    	#undef DBL_MAX_EXP
    	#undef LDBL_MAX_EXP
    	#define FLT_MAX_EXP	__FLT_MAX_EXP__
    	#define DBL_MAX_EXP	__DBL_MAX_EXP__
    	#define LDBL_MAX_EXP	__LDBL_MAX_EXP__
    	/* Maximum integer such that 10 raised to that power is in the range of
       	representable finite floating-point numbers,
    	floor(log10((1 - b**-p) * b**emax))
    	#undef FLT_MAX_10_EXP
    	#undef DBL_MAX_10_EXP
    	#undef LDBL_MAX_10_EXP
    	#define FLT_MAX_10_EXP	__FLT_MAX_10_EXP__
    	#define DBL_MAX_10_EXP	__DBL_MAX_10_EXP__
    	#define LDBL_MAX_10_EXP	__LDBL_MAX_10_EXP__
    	/* Addition rounds to 0: zero, 1: nearest, 2: +inf, 3: -inf, -1: unknown.  */
    	/* ??? This is supposed to change with calls to fesetround in <fenv.h>.  */
    	#undef FLT_ROUNDS
    	#define FLT_ROUNDS 1
    	#define _FLOAT_H___
    #ifndef _MINGW_FLOAT_H_
    #define _MINGW_FLOAT_H_
    /* All the headers include this file. */
    #include <crtdefs.h>
     * Functions and definitions for controlling the FPU.
    #ifndef	__STRICT_ANSI__
    /* TODO: These constants are only valid for x86 machines */
    /* Control word masks for unMask */
    #define	_MCW_DN  	0x03000000  	/* Denormal control */
    #define	_MCW_EM		0x0008001F	/* Error masks */
    #define	_MCW_IC		0x00040000	/* Infinity */
    #define	_MCW_RC		0x00000300	/* Rounding */
    #define	_MCW_PC		0x00030000	/* Precision */
    /* Number of base-FLT_RADIX digits in the significand, p.  */
    #undef FLT_MANT_DIG
    #undef DBL_MANT_DIG
    #undef LDBL_MANT_DIG
    #define FLT_MANT_DIG   __FLT_MANT_DIG__
    #define DBL_MANT_DIG   __DBL_MANT_DIG__
    #define LDBL_MANT_DIG  __LDBL_MANT_DIG__
    #if defined (__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
    /* The floating-point expression evaluation method.
          -1  indeterminate
           0  evaluate all operations and constants just to the range and
    	  precision of the type
           1  evaluate operations and constants of type float and double
    	  to the range and precision of the double type, evaluate
    	  long double operations and constants to the range and
    	  precision of the long double type
           2  evaluate all operations and constants to the range and
    	  precision of the long double type
       ??? This ought to change with the setting of the fp control word;
       the value provided by the compiler assumes the widest setting.  */
    #undef FLT_EVAL_METHOD
    #endif /* C99 */
    /* Control word values for unNew (use with related unMask above) */
    #define	_DN_SAVE	0x00000000
    #define	_DN_FLUSH	0x01000000
    #define	_EM_INVALID	0x00000010
    #define	_EM_DENORMAL	0x00080000
    #define	_EM_ZERODIVIDE	0x00000008
    #define	_EM_OVERFLOW	0x00000004
    #define	_EM_UNDERFLOW	0x00000002
    #define	_EM_INEXACT	0x00000001
    #define	_IC_AFFINE	0x00040000
    #define	_IC_PROJECTIVE	0x00000000
    #define	_RC_CHOP	0x00000300
    #define	_RC_UP		0x00000200
    #define	_RC_DOWN	0x00000100
    #define	_RC_NEAR	0x00000000
    #define	_PC_24		0x00020000
    #define	_PC_53		0x00010000
    #define	_PC_64		0x00000000
    /* These are also defined in Mingw math.h, needed to work around
       GCC build issues.  */
    /* Return values for fpclass. */
    #define	_FPCLASS_SNAN	0x0001	/* Signaling "Not a Number" */
    #define	_FPCLASS_QNAN	0x0002	/* Quiet "Not a Number" */
    #define	_FPCLASS_NINF	0x0004	/* Negative Infinity */
    #define	_FPCLASS_NN	0x0008	/* Negative Normal */
    #define	_FPCLASS_ND	0x0010	/* Negative Denormal */
    #define	_FPCLASS_NZ	0x0020	/* Negative Zero */
    #define	_FPCLASS_PZ	0x0040	/* Positive Zero */
    #define	_FPCLASS_PD	0x0080	/* Positive Denormal */
    #define	_FPCLASS_PN	0x0100	/* Positive Normal */
    #define	_FPCLASS_PINF	0x0200	/* Positive Infinity */
    #endif /* __MINGW_FPCLASS_DEFINED */
    /* invalid subconditions (_SW_INVALID also set) */
    #define _SW_UNEMULATED		0x0040  /* unemulated instruction */
    #define _SW_SQRTNEG		0x0080  /* square root of a neg number */
    #define _SW_STACKOVERFLOW	0x0200  /* FP stack overflow */
    #define _SW_STACKUNDERFLOW	0x0400  /* FP stack underflow */
    /*  Floating point error signals and return codes */
    #define _FPE_INVALID		0x81
    #define _FPE_DENORMAL		0x82
    #define _FPE_ZERODIVIDE		0x83
    #define _FPE_OVERFLOW		0x84
    #define _FPE_UNDERFLOW		0x85
    #define _FPE_INEXACT		0x86
    #define _FPE_UNEMULATED		0x87
    #define _FPE_SQRTNEG		0x88
    #define _FPE_STACKOVERFLOW	0x8a
    #define _FPE_STACKUNDERFLOW	0x8b
    #define _FPE_EXPLICITGEN	0x8c    /* raise( SIGFPE ); */
    #define MCW_PC  _MCW_PC
    #define PC_24   _PC_24
    #define PC_53   _PC_53
    #define PC_64   _PC_64
    #if defined(_M_IX86)
    #elif defined(_M_IA64)
    #elif defined(_M_AMD64)
    #ifndef RC_INVOKED
    #ifdef	__cplusplus
    extern "C" {
    /* Set the FPU control word as cw = (cw & ~unMask) | (unNew & unMask),
     * i.e. change the bits in unMask to have the values they have in unNew,
     * leaving other bits unchanged. */
    _CRTIMP unsigned int __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW _controlfp (unsigned int unNew, unsigned int unMask) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_SEC_WARN;
    _SECIMP errno_t __cdecl _controlfp_s(unsigned int *_CurrentState, unsigned int _NewValue, unsigned int _Mask);
    _CRTIMP unsigned int __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW _control87 (unsigned int unNew, unsigned int unMask);
    _CRTIMP unsigned int __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW _clearfp (void);	/* Clear the FPU status word */
    _CRTIMP unsigned int __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW _statusfp (void);	/* Report the FPU status word */
    #define		_clear87	_clearfp
    #define		_status87	_statusfp
       MSVCRT.dll _fpreset initializes the control register to 0x27f,
       the status register to zero and the tag word to 0FFFFh.
       This differs from asm instruction finit/fninit which set control
       word to 0x37f (64 bit mantissa precison rather than 53 bit).
       By default, the mingw version of _fpreset sets fp control as
       per fninit. To use the MSVCRT.dll _fpreset, include CRT_fp8.o when
       building your application.	 
    void __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW _fpreset (void);
    void __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW fpreset (void);
    /* Global 'variable' for the current floating point error code. */
    _CRTIMP int * __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW __fpecode(void);
    #define	_fpecode	(*(__fpecode()))
     * IEEE recommended functions.  MS puts them in float.h
     * but they really belong in math.h.
    #ifndef _SIGN_DEFINED
    #define _SIGN_DEFINED
    _CRTIMP double __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW _chgsign (double _X);
    _CRTIMP double __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW _copysign (double _Number,double _Sign);
    _CRTIMP double __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW _logb (double);
    _CRTIMP double __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW _nextafter (double, double);
    _CRTIMP double __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW _scalb (double, long);
    _CRTIMP int __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW _finite (double);
    _CRTIMP int __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW _fpclass (double);
    _CRTIMP int __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW _isnan (double);
    #define _copysignl copysignl
    extern long double __cdecl _chgsignl (long double);
    #endif /* _SIGN_DEFINED */
    #ifdef	__cplusplus
    #endif	/* Not RC_INVOKED */
    #endif	/* Not __STRICT_ANSI__ */
    #endif /* _MINGW_FLOAT_H_ */

    另外就是 C P e d i t o r CPeditor CPeditor推出了自带 L L V M + M I N G W 64 LLVM + MINGW64 LLVM+MINGW64的版本,下载这个版本,直接设置它给的 c l a n g d clangd clangd即可,如下图

  • cf-tool

    设置环境变量不用精确到 c f . e x e cf.exe cf.exe,然后在终端输入cf config配置即可



  • 热键

    遵循着 V s c o d e Vscode Vscode的习惯,别设置 F 11 F11 F11
