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Erlang学习: EUnit Testing for gen_fsm

学习 for Testing erlang Gen FSM
2023-09-27 14:27:01 时间

背景:gen_fsm 是Erlang的有限状态机behavior,很实用。爱立信的一位TDD大神写了一篇怎样測试gen_fsm,这个fsm是一个交易系统,负责简单的交易员登陆,插入item,删除item等等,翻译例如以下:

1. Start and Stop


% This is the main point of "entry" for my EUnit testing.
% A generator which forces setup and cleanup for each test in the testset
main_test_() ->
     fun setup/0,
     fun cleanup/1,
     % Note that this must be a List of TestSet or Instantiator
     % (I have instantiators == functions generating tests)
      % First Iteration
      fun started_properly/1,

% Setup and Cleanup
setup()      -> {ok,Pid} = tradepost:start_link(), Pid.
cleanup(Pid) -> tradepost:stop(Pid).

% Pure tests below
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Let's start simple, I want it to start and check that it is okay.
% I will use the introspective function for this
started_properly(Pid) ->
    fun() ->

assertEqual(pending,tradepost:introspection_statename(Pid)), ?assertEqual([undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined], tradepost:introspection_loopdata(Pid)) end.

译者注:在eunit中。 setup返回的值作为全部函数包含cleanup的输入,这里是Pid。

started_properly函数是assert 初始为pending, State的值全为空。

如今Test 还不能run。由于tradepost:introspection_statename(Pid) 和 tradepost:introspection_loopdata(Pid)这两个函数还没有。


introspection_statename(TradePost) ->
introspection_loopdata(TradePost) ->
stop(Pid) -> gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid,stop).

handle_sync_event(which_statename, _From, StateName, LoopData) ->
    {reply, StateName, StateName, LoopData};
handle_sync_event(which_loopdata, _From, StateName, LoopData) ->
handle_sync_event(stop,_From,_StateName,LoopData) ->

这样就能够run test 了

zen:EUnitFSM zenon$ erl -pa ebin/
Erlang R13B04 (erts-5.7.5) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4]
[async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.7.5  (abort with ^G)
1> eunit:test(tradepost,[verbose]).
======================== EUnit ========================
module 'tradepost'
  module 'tradepost_tests'
    tradepost_tests: started_properly...ok
    [done in 0.004 s]
  [done in 0.005 s]
  Test passed.

2. 增加測试用例(identify_seller。 insert_item。 withdraw_item)

identify_seller seller是登陆函数。 insert_item。 withdraw_item是添加。删除item的函数

% This is the main point of "entry" for my EUnit testing.
% A generator which forces setup and cleanup for each test in the testset
main_test_() ->
     fun setup/0,
     fun cleanup/1,
     % Note that this must be a List of TestSet or Instantiator
     % (I have instantiators)
      % First Iteration
      fun started_properly/1,
      % Second Iteration
      fun identify_seller/1,
      fun insert_item/1,
      fun withdraw_item/1

% Now, we are adding the Seller API tests
identify_seller(Pid) ->
    fun() ->
            % From Pending, identify seller, then state should be pending
            % loopdata should now contain seller_password

assertEqual(pending,tradepost:introspection_statename(Pid)), ?

assertEqual([undefined,undefined,seller_password,undefined, undefined],tradepost:introspection_loopdata(Pid)) end. insert_item(Pid) -> fun() -> % From pending and identified seller, insert item % state should now be item_received, loopdata should now contain itm tradepost:introspection_statename(Pid), tradepost:seller_identify(Pid,seller_password), ?assertEqual(ok,tradepost:seller_insertitem(Pid,playstation, seller_password)), ?assertEqual(item_received,tradepost:introspection_statename(Pid)), ?assertEqual([playstation,undefined,seller_password,undefined, undefined],tradepost:introspection_loopdata(Pid)) end. withdraw_item(Pid) -> fun() -> % identified seller and inserted item, withdraw item % state should now be pending, loopdata should now contain only password tradepost:seller_identify(Pid,seller_password), tradepost:seller_insertitem(Pid,playstation,seller_password), ?assertEqual(ok,tradepost:withdraw_item(Pid,seller_password)), ?assertEqual(pending,tradepost:introspection_statename(Pid)), ?assertEqual([undefined,undefined,seller_password,undefined, undefined],tradepost:introspection_loopdata(Pid)) end.


%%% @author Gianfranco <zenon@zen.home>
%%% @copyright (C) 2010, Gianfranco
%%% Created :  2 Sep 2010 by Gianfranco <zenon@zen.home>

%% API

%% States

%% gen_fsm callbacks
-export([init/1, handle_event/3, handle_sync_event/4, handle_info/3,
         terminate/3, code_change/4]).
-record(state, {object,cash,seller,buyer,time}).

%%% API
start_link() -> gen_fsm:start_link(?MODULE, [], []).

introspection_statename(TradePost) ->
introspection_loopdata(TradePost) ->
stop(Pid) -> gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid,stop).

seller_identify(TradePost,Password) ->
seller_insertitem(TradePost,Item,Password) ->

withdraw_item(TradePost,Password) ->

pending(_Event,LoopData) -> {next_state,pending,LoopData}.

pending({identify_seller,Password},_Frm,LoopD = #state{seller=Password}) ->
pending({identify_seller,Password},_Frm,LoopD = #state{seller=undefined}) ->
pending({identify_seller,_},_,LoopD) ->

pending({insert,Item,Password},_Frm,LoopD = #state{seller=Password}) ->
pending({insert,_,_},_Frm,LoopD) ->

item_received({withdraw,Password},_Frm,LoopD = #state{seller=Password}) ->
item_received({withdraw,_},_Frm,LoopD) ->

handle_sync_event(which_statename, _From, StateName, LoopData) ->
    {reply, StateName, StateName, LoopData};
handle_sync_event(which_loopdata, _From, StateName, LoopData) ->
handle_sync_event(stop,_From,_StateName,LoopData) ->
handle_sync_event(_E,_From,StateName,LoopData) ->

init([]) -> {ok, pending, #state{}}.
handle_event(_Event, StateName, State) ->{next_state, StateName, State}.
handle_info(_Info, StateName, State) -> {next_state, StateName, State}.
terminate(_Reason, _StateName, _State) -> ok.
code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, State, _Extra) -> {ok, StateName, State}.

再run tests:

zen:EUnitFSM zenon$ erlc -o ebin/ src/*.erl test/*.erl
zen:EUnitFSM zenon$ erl -pa ebin/ -eval 'eunit:test(tradepost,[verbose]).'
Erlang R13B04 (erts-5.7.5) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4]
[async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.7.5  (abort with ^G)
1> ======================== EUnit ========================
module 'tradepost'
  module 'tradepost_tests'
    tradepost_tests: started_properly...ok
    tradepost_tests: identify_seller...ok
    tradepost_tests: insert_item...ok
    tradepost_tests: withdraw_item...ok
    [done in 0.015 s]
  [done in 0.015 s]
  All 4 tests passed.

3. 使用eunit_fsm



started_properly(Pid) ->
    fun() ->

assertEqual(pending,tradepost:introspection_statename(Pid)), ?

assertEqual([undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined], tradepost:introspection_loopdata(Pid)) end.


started_properly(Pid) ->
    {"Proper startup test",

再看insert_item, 原来版本号:

insert_item(Pid) ->
    fun() ->
        % From pending and identified seller, insert item
        % state should now be item_received, loopdata should now contain itm

assertEqual([playstation,undefined,seller_password,undefined, undefined],tradepost:introspection_loopdata(Pid)) end.


insert_item(Pid) ->
    {"Insert Item Test",




% This is the main point of "entry" for my EUnit testing.
% A generator which forces setup and cleanup for each test in the testset
main_test_() ->
     fun setup/0,
     fun cleanup/1,
     % Note that this must be a List of TestSet or Instantiator
      % First Iteration
      fun started_properly/1,
      % Second Iteration
      fun identify_seller/1,
      fun insert_item/1,
      fun withdraw_item/1

% Setup and Cleanup
setup()      -> {ok,Pid} = tradepost:start_link(), Pid.
cleanup(Pid) -> tradepost:stop(Pid).

% Pure tests below
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Let's start simple, I want it to start and check that it is okay.
% I will use the introspective function for this
started_properly(Pid) ->
    ?fsm_test(tradepost,Pid,"Started Properly Test",

% Now, we are adding the Seller API tests
identify_seller(Pid) ->
    ?fsm_test(Pid,"Identify Seller Test",

insert_item(Pid) ->
    ?fsm_test(Pid,"Insert Item Test",

withdraw_item(Pid) ->

fsm_test(Pid,"Withdraw Item Test", [{state,is,pending}, {call,tradepost,seller_identify,[Pid,seller_password],ok}, {call,tradepost,seller_insertitem,[Pid,button,seller_password],ok}, {state,is,item_received}, {call,tradepost,seller_withdraw_item,[Pid,seller_password],ok}, {state,is,pending}, {loopdata,is,[undefined,undefined,seller_password,undefined,undefined]} ]).

在这里我们看下作者自己写的 eunit_fsm.hrl 和  eunit_fsm.erl

 eunit_fsm.hrl :

  {Title,fun() -> [ eunit_fsm:translateCmd(Id,Cmd) || Cmd <- CmdList] end}).


translateCmd(Id,{state,is,X}) ->
    case get(Id,"StateName") of
        X -> true;
        _V ->  .erlang:error({statename_match_failed,
                              [{module, ?MODULE},
                               {line, ?

LINE}, {expected, X}, {value, _V}]}) end; translateCmd(_Id,{call,M,F,A,X}) -> case apply(M,F,A) of X -> ok; _V -> .erlang:error({function_call_match_failed, [{module, ?MODULE}, {line, ?LINE}, {expression, ?Expr(apply(M,F,A))}, {expected, X}, {value, _V}]}) end; translateCmd(Id,{loopdata,is,X}) -> case tl(tuple_to_list(get(Id,"StateData"))) of X -> true; _V -> .erlang:error({loopdata_match_failed, [{module, ?MODULE}, {line, ?LINE}, {expected, X}, {value, _V}]}) end. % StateName or StateData get(Id,Which) -> {status,_Pid,_ModTpl, List} = sys:get_status(Id), AllData = lists:flatten([ X || {data,X} <- lists:last(List) ]), proplists:get_value(Which,AllData).


zen:EUnitFSM zenon$ tree .
├── ebin
├── include
│   └── eunit_fsm.hrl
├── src
│   └── tradepost.erl
└── test
    ├── eunit_fsm.erl
    └── tradepost_tests.erl

4 directories, 4 files


zen:EUnitFSM zenon$ erlc -o ebin/ src/*.erl test/*.erl
zen:EUnitFSM zenon$ erl -pa ebin/ -eval 'eunit:test(tradepost,[verbose]).'
Erlang R13B04 (erts-5.7.5) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4]
[async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.7.5  (abort with ^G)
1> ======================== EUnit ========================
module 'tradepost'
  module 'tradepost_tests'
    tradepost_tests: started_properly (Started Properly Test)...[0.001 s] ok
    tradepost_tests: identify_seller (Identify Seller Test)...ok
    tradepost_tests: insert_item (Insert Item Test)...ok
    tradepost_tests: withdraw_item (Withdraw Item Test)...ok
    [done in 0.014 s]
  [done in 0.014 s]
  All 4 tests passed.

