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属性 说明 翻译
2023-09-27 14:26:38 时间
四、            备注: 如果返回值为True,则标示MapObjects是当前可以以独占的写入底层记录集数据源。 如果返回值为False,此时,或则数据源底层记录集是只读的(一种不能被MapObjects编辑的类型,比如:ARC/INFO模式,或则一个属性表数据源),或则数据源正被另外的程序使用着;或则被其他的程序以独占的写入。GeoDataset的AllowSharing属性值将影响到GeoDataset的数据记录的Updatable属性。 在基于shp文件的地图层记录集的情况下,一个可能引起Updatable属性返回False的可能性是,存在一个或多个AddRelates(额外的联系)于记录集合其他的表之间。 MapObjects将不会在一个被其他的程序打开编辑的shp文件上执行编辑。要么,true值表明记录集描述一个可能被其他程序编辑的SDE层。 一、            Updatable property Returns a value that indicates whether changes can be made to a Recordset object. 二、            Syntax object.Updatable The Updatable property syntax has these parts:   
四、            Remarks: If the return value is True, this indicates that MapObjects is currently able to gain exclusive write access to the data source underlying the Recordset. If the return value is False then either the data source underlying the Recordset is read-only; of a type that MapObjects cannot edit, e.g. an ARC/INFO coverage or an attribute table data source; or that the data source is currently being edited by another application, or has been opened with exclusive write access by another application. The value of the AllowSharing property of a GeoDataset will affect the Updatable property of the GeoDatasets Recordset. In the case of a Recordset based on a shapefile MapLayer, an additional cause of the Updatable property returning False is the presence of one of more AddRelates between the Recordset and other Tables. MapObjects will not perform edits on a Shapefile that has been opened for editing by another application. Alternatively, a value of True indicates that the Recordset represents an SDE layer that the application may edit. 其中有两处不知道怎么翻译: 1、 underlying the Recordset,我翻译成了“底层记录集”; 2、 If the return value is False then either the data source underlying the Recordset is read-only; of a type that MapObjects cannot edit, e.g. an ARC/INFO coverage or an attribute table data source;……几句话更难了,不知道“of a type that MapObjects cannot edit, e.g. an ARC/INFO coverage or an attribute table data source”对谁修饰,我翻译的时候理解为对前面的“read-only”进行解释说明的,不知道对不对; 希望有谁看到了的话,帮忙看看!
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