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DevOps镜像 查看 参数 记录 拉取 问题 Rancher
2023-09-27 14:25:55 时间



registryPullQPS int32
registryPullQPS is the limit of registry pulls per second. The value must not be a negative number. Setting it to 0 means no limit. If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when dynamically updating this field, consider that it may impact scalability by changing the amount of traffic produced by image pulls. Default: 5
registryBurst int32
registryBurst is the maximum size of bursty pulls, temporarily allows pulls to burst to this number, while still not exceeding registryPullQPS. The value must not be a negative number. Only used if registryPullQPS is greater than 0. If DynamicKubeletConfig (deprecated; default off) is on, when dynamically updating this field, consider that it may impact scalability by changing the amount of traffic produced by image pulls. Default: 10

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