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opencv 基于GMS的图像拼接

Opencv 基于 图像 拼接
2023-09-27 14:25:49 时间


#pragma once
#pragma once
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;


// 8 possible rotation and each one is 3 X 3 
const int mRotationPatterns[8][9] = {








// 5 level scales
const double mScaleRatios[5] = { 1.0, 1.0 / 2, 1.0 / sqrt(2.0), sqrt(2.0), 2.0 };

class gms_matcher
	// OpenCV Keypoints & Correspond Image Size & Nearest Neighbor Matches 
	gms_matcher(const vector<KeyPoint>& vkp1, const Size size1, const vector<KeyPoint>& vkp2, const Size size2, const vector<DMatch>& vDMatches)
		// Input initialize
		NormalizePoints(vkp1, size1, mvP1);
		NormalizePoints(vkp2, size2, mvP2);
		mNumberMatches = vDMatches.size();
		ConvertMatches(vDMatches, mvMatches);

		// Grid initialize
		mGridSizeLeft = Size(20, 20);
		mGridNumberLeft = mGridSizeLeft.width * mGridSizeLeft.height;

		// Initialize the neihbor of left grid 
		mGridNeighborLeft = Mat::zeros(mGridNumberLeft, 9, CV_32SC1);
		InitalizeNiehbors(mGridNeighborLeft, mGridSizeLeft);
	~gms_matcher() {};


	// Normalized Points
	vector<Point2f> mvP1, mvP2;

	// Matches
	vector<pair<int, int> > mvMatches;

	// Number of Matches
	size_t mNumberMatches;

	// Grid Size
	Size mGridSizeLeft, mGridSizeRight;
	int mGridNumberLeft;
	int mGridNumberRight;

	// x	  : left grid idx
	// y      :  right grid idx
	// value  : how many matches from idx_left to idx_right
	Mat mMotionStatistics;

	vector<int> mNumberPointsInPerCellLeft;

	// Inldex  : grid_idx_left
	// Value   : grid_idx_right
	vector<int> mCellPairs;

	// Every Matches has a cell-pair 
	// first  : grid_idx_left
	// second : grid_idx_right
	vector<pair<int, int> > mvMatchPairs;

	// Inlier Mask for output
	vector<bool> mvbInlierMask;

	Mat mGridNeighborLeft;
	Mat mGridNeighborRight;


	// Get Inlier Mask
	// Return number of inliers 
	int GetInlierMask(vector<bool>& vbInliers, bool WithScale = false, bool WithRotation = false);


	// Normalize Key Points to Range(0 - 1)
	void NormalizePoints(const vector<KeyPoint>& kp, const Size& size, vector<Point2f>& npts) {
		const size_t numP = kp.size();
		const int width = size.width;
		const int height = size.height;

		for (size_t i = 0; i < numP; i++)
			npts[i].x = kp[i].pt.x / width;
			npts[i].y = kp[i].pt.y / height;

	// Convert OpenCV DMatch to Match (pair<int, int>)
	void ConvertMatches(const vector<DMatch>& vDMatches, vector<pair<int, int> >& vMatches) {
		for (size_t i = 0; i < mNumberMatches; i++)
			vMatches[i] = pair<int, int>(vDMatches[i].queryIdx, vDMatches[i].trainIdx);

	int GetGridIndexLeft(const Point2f& pt, int type) {
		int x = 0, y = 0;

		if (type == 1) {
			x = floor(pt.x * mGridSizeLeft.width);
			y = floor(pt.y * mGridSizeLeft.height);

			if (y >= mGridSizeLeft.height || x >= mGridSizeLeft.width) {
				return -1;

		if (type == 2) {
			x = floor(pt.x * mGridSizeLeft.width + 0.5);
			y = floor(pt.y * mGridSizeLeft.height);

			if (x >= mGridSizeLeft.width || x < 1) {
				return -1;

		if (type == 3) {
			x = floor(pt.x * mGridSizeLeft.width);
			y = floor(pt.y * mGridSizeLeft.height + 0.5);

			if (y >= mGridSizeLeft.height || y < 1) {
				return -1;

		if (type == 4) {
			x = floor(pt.x * mGridSizeLeft.width + 0.5);
			y = floor(pt.y * mGridSizeLeft.height + 0.5);

			if (y >= mGridSizeLeft.height || y < 1 || x >= mGridSizeLeft.width || x < 1) {
				return -1;

		return x + y * mGridSizeLeft.width;

	int GetGridIndexRight(const Point2f& pt) {
		int x = floor(pt.x * mGridSizeRight.width);
		int y = floor(pt.y * mGridSizeRight.height);

		return x + y * mGridSizeRight.width;

	// Assign Matches to Cell Pairs 
	void AssignMatchPairs(int GridType);

	// Verify Cell Pairs
	void VerifyCellPairs(int RotationType);

	// Get Neighbor 9
	vector<int> GetNB9(const int idx, const Size& GridSize) {
		vector<int> NB9(9, -1);

		int idx_x = idx % GridSize.width;
		int idx_y = idx / GridSize.width;

		for (int yi = -1; yi <= 1; yi++)
			for (int xi = -1; xi <= 1; xi++)
				int idx_xx = idx_x + xi;
				int idx_yy = idx_y + yi;

				if (idx_xx < 0 || idx_xx >= GridSize.width || idx_yy < 0 || idx_yy >= GridSize.height)

				NB9[xi + 4 + yi * 3] = idx_xx + idx_yy * GridSize.width;
		return NB9;

	void InitalizeNiehbors(Mat& neighbor, const Size& GridSize) {
		for (int i = 0; i < neighbor.rows; i++)
			vector<int> NB9 = GetNB9(i, GridSize);
			int* data = neighbor.ptr<int>(i);
			memcpy(data, &NB9[0], sizeof(int) * 9);

	void SetScale(int Scale) {
		// Set Scale
		mGridSizeRight.width = mGridSizeLeft.width * mScaleRatios[Scale];
		mGridSizeRight.height = mGridSizeLeft.height * mScaleRatios[Scale];
		mGridNumberRight = mGridSizeRight.width * mGridSizeRight.height;

		// Initialize the neihbor of right grid 
		mGridNeighborRight = Mat::zeros(mGridNumberRight, 9, CV_32SC1);
		InitalizeNiehbors(mGridNeighborRight, mGridSizeRight);

	// Run 
	int run(int RotationType);

int gms_matcher::GetInlierMask(vector<bool>& vbInliers, bool WithScale, bool WithRotation) {

	int max_inlier = 0;

	if (!WithScale && !WithRotation)
		max_inlier = run(1);
		vbInliers = mvbInlierMask;
		return max_inlier;

	if (WithRotation && WithScale)
		for (int Scale = 0; Scale < 5; Scale++)
			for (int RotationType = 1; RotationType <= 8; RotationType++)
				int num_inlier = run(RotationType);

				if (num_inlier > max_inlier)
					vbInliers = mvbInlierMask;
					max_inlier = num_inlier;
		return max_inlier;

	if (WithRotation && !WithScale)
		for (int RotationType = 1; RotationType <= 8; RotationType++)
			int num_inlier = run(RotationType);

			if (num_inlier > max_inlier)
				vbInliers = mvbInlierMask;
				max_inlier = num_inlier;
		return max_inlier;

	if (!WithRotation && WithScale)
		for (int Scale = 0; Scale < 5; Scale++)

			int num_inlier = run(1);

			if (num_inlier > max_inlier)
				vbInliers = mvbInlierMask;
				max_inlier = num_inlier;

		return max_inlier;

	return max_inlier;

void gms_matcher::AssignMatchPairs(int GridType) {

	for (size_t i = 0; i < mNumberMatches; i++)
		Point2f& lp = mvP1[mvMatches[i].first];
		Point2f& rp = mvP2[mvMatches[i].second];

		int lgidx = mvMatchPairs[i].first = GetGridIndexLeft(lp, GridType);
		int rgidx = -1;

		if (GridType == 1)
			rgidx = mvMatchPairs[i].second = GetGridIndexRight(rp);
			rgidx = mvMatchPairs[i].second;

		if (lgidx < 0 || rgidx < 0)	continue;

		mMotionStatistics.at<int>(lgidx, rgidx)++;


void gms_matcher::VerifyCellPairs(int RotationType) {

	const int* CurrentRP = mRotationPatterns[RotationType - 1];

	for (int i = 0; i < mGridNumberLeft; i++)
		if (sum(mMotionStatistics.row(i))[0] == 0)
			mCellPairs[i] = -1;

		int max_number = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < mGridNumberRight; j++)
			int* value = mMotionStatistics.ptr<int>(i);
			if (value[j] > max_number)
				mCellPairs[i] = j;
				max_number = value[j];

		int idx_grid_rt = mCellPairs[i];

		const int* NB9_lt = mGridNeighborLeft.ptr<int>(i);
		const int* NB9_rt = mGridNeighborRight.ptr<int>(idx_grid_rt);

		int score = 0;
		double thresh = 0;
		int numpair = 0;

		for (size_t j = 0; j < 9; j++)
			int ll = NB9_lt[j];
			int rr = NB9_rt[CurrentRP[j] - 1];
			if (ll == -1 || rr == -1)	continue;

			score += mMotionStatistics.at<int>(ll, rr);
			thresh += mNumberPointsInPerCellLeft[ll];

		thresh = THRESH_FACTOR * sqrt(thresh / numpair);

		if (score < thresh)
			mCellPairs[i] = -2;

int gms_matcher::run(int RotationType) {

	mvbInlierMask.assign(mNumberMatches, false);

	// Initialize Motion Statisctics
	mMotionStatistics = Mat::zeros(mGridNumberLeft, mGridNumberRight, CV_32SC1);
	mvMatchPairs.assign(mNumberMatches, pair<int, int>(0, 0));

	for (int GridType = 1; GridType <= 4; GridType++)
		// initialize
		mCellPairs.assign(mGridNumberLeft, -1);
		mNumberPointsInPerCellLeft.assign(mGridNumberLeft, 0);


		// Mark inliers
		for (size_t i = 0; i < mNumberMatches; i++)
			if (mvMatchPairs[i].first >= 0) {
				if (mCellPairs[mvMatchPairs[i].first] == mvMatchPairs[i].second)
					mvbInlierMask[i] = true;
	int num_inlier = sum(mvbInlierMask)[0];
	return num_inlier;


#include "gms_matcher.h"

//#define USE_GPU 
#ifdef USE_GPU
#include <opencv2/cudafeatures2d.hpp>
using cuda::GpuMat;

void GmsMatch(Mat& img1, Mat& img2);
//Mat DrawInlier(Mat& src1, Mat& src2, vector<KeyPoint>& kpt1, vector<KeyPoint>& kpt2, vector<DMatch>& inlier, int type);
Mat DrawInlier(Mat& src1, Mat& src2, vector<KeyPoint>& kpt1, vector<KeyPoint>& kpt2, vector<DMatch>& inlier, int type, vector<Point2f>& kpLeft, vector<Point2f>& kpRight);
void CalcCorners(const Mat& H, const Mat& src);
Mat stitchImages(vector<Point2f>& kpLeft, vector<Point2f>& kpRight, Mat& img_left, Mat& img_right);

typedef struct
	Point2f left_top;
	Point2f left_bottom;
	Point2f right_top;
	Point2f right_bottom;

four_corners_t corners;

void runImagePair() {
	Mat img_left = imread("../data/flowerL.jpg");
	Mat img_right = imread("../data/flowerR.jpg");
	//Mat img_left = imread("../data/SL.jpg");
	//Mat img_right = imread("../data/SR.jpg");
	//Mat img_left = imread("../data/Image_02.jpg");
	//Mat img_right = imread("../data/Image_01.jpg");
	GmsMatch(img_left, img_right);

int main()
#ifdef USE_GPU
	int flag = cuda::getCudaEnabledDeviceCount();
	if (flag != 0) { cuda::setDevice(0); }
#endif // USE_GPU


	return 0;

void GmsMatch(Mat& img_left, Mat& img_right) {
	vector<KeyPoint> kp1, kp2;
	Mat d1, d2;
	vector<DMatch> matches_all, matches_gms;

	Ptr<ORB> orb = ORB::create(10000);

	orb->detectAndCompute(img_left, Mat(), kp1, d1);
	orb->detectAndCompute(img_right, Mat(), kp2, d2);

#ifdef USE_GPU
	GpuMat gd1(d1), gd2(d2);
	Ptr<cuda::DescriptorMatcher> matcher = cv::cuda::DescriptorMatcher::createBFMatcher(NORM_HAMMING);
	matcher->match(gd1, gd2, matches_all);
	BFMatcher matcher(NORM_HAMMING);
	matcher.match(d1, d2, matches_all);

	// GMS filter
	std::vector<bool> vbInliers;
	gms_matcher gms(kp1, img_left.size(), kp2, img_right.size(), matches_all);
	int num_inliers = gms.GetInlierMask(vbInliers, false, false);
	cout << "Get total " << num_inliers << " matches." << endl;

	// collect matches
	for (size_t i = 0; i < vbInliers.size(); ++i)
		if (vbInliers[i] == true)

	// draw matching
	vector<Point2f> kpLeft, kpRight;
	//Mat show = DrawInlier(img1, img2, kp1, kp2, matches_gms, 1);
	Mat show = DrawInlier(img_left, img_right, kp1, kp2, matches_gms, 1, kpLeft, kpRight);
	//namedWindow("show", 2);
	imshow("matchingshow", show);
	// stitch images
	Mat stitch_image = stitchImages(kpLeft, kpRight, img_left, img_right);

	namedWindow("stitch_image", 2);
	imshow("stitch_image", stitch_image);

Mat stitchImages(vector<Point2f>& kpLeft, vector<Point2f>& kpRight, Mat& img_left, Mat& img_right)
	//获取图像1到图像2的投影映射矩阵 尺寸为3*3  
	Mat homo = findHomography(kpRight, kpLeft, RANSAC);

	cout << "变换矩阵为:\n" << homo << endl << endl; //输出映射矩阵  
	CalcCorners(homo, img_right);

	Mat imageTransform1, imageTransform2;
	warpPerspective(img_right, imageTransform1, homo, Size(MAX(corners.right_top.x, corners.right_bottom.x), img_left.rows));
	//namedWindow("transformedImage", 2);
	//imshow("transformedImage", imageTransform1); //直接经过透视矩阵变换

	int dst_width = imageTransform1.cols;  //取最右点的长度为拼接图的长度
	//int dst_width = imageLeft.cols + imageRight.cols;  //取最右点的长度为拼接图的长度

	int dst_height = img_left.rows;

	Mat dst_stitch(dst_height, dst_width, CV_8UC3);

	imageTransform1.copyTo(dst_stitch(Rect(0, 0, imageTransform1.cols, imageTransform1.rows)));

	//namedWindow("transform1", 2);
	//imshow("transform1", dst_stitch);

	img_left.copyTo(dst_stitch(Rect(0, 0, img_left.cols, img_left.rows)));

	return dst_stitch;

Mat DrawInlier(Mat& src1, Mat& src2, vector<KeyPoint>& kpt1, vector<KeyPoint>& kpt2, vector<DMatch>& inlier, int type, vector<Point2f>& kpLeft, vector<Point2f>& kpRight) {
	const int height = max(src1.rows, src2.rows);
	const int width = src1.cols + src2.cols;
	Mat output(height, width, CV_8UC3, Scalar(0, 0, 0));
	src1.copyTo(output(Rect(0, 0, src1.cols, src1.rows)));
	src2.copyTo(output(Rect(src1.cols, 0, src2.cols, src2.rows)));

	if (type == 1)
		for (size_t i = 0; i < inlier.size(); i++)
			Point2f left = kpt1[inlier[i].queryIdx].pt;
			Point2f right = (kpt2[inlier[i].trainIdx].pt + Point2f((float)src1.cols, 0.f));


			line(output, left, right, Scalar(0, 255, 255));
	else if (type == 2)
		for (size_t i = 0; i < inlier.size(); i++)
			Point2f left = kpt1[inlier[i].queryIdx].pt;
			Point2f right = (kpt2[inlier[i].trainIdx].pt + Point2f((float)src1.cols, 0.f));

			line(output, left, right, Scalar(255, 0, 0));

		for (size_t i = 0; i < inlier.size(); i++)
			Point2f left = kpt1[inlier[i].queryIdx].pt;
			Point2f right = (kpt2[inlier[i].trainIdx].pt + Point2f((float)src1.cols, 0.f));

			circle(output, left, 1, Scalar(0, 255, 255), 2);
			circle(output, right, 1, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);

	return output;

void CalcCorners(const Mat& H, const Mat& src)
	double v2[] = { 0, 0, 1 };//左上角
	double v1[3];//变换后的坐标值
	Mat V2 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, v2);  //列向量
	Mat V1 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, v1);  //列向量

	V1 = H * V2;
	cout << "V2: " << V2 << endl;
	cout << "V1: " << V1 << endl;
	corners.left_top.x = v1[0] / v1[2];
	corners.left_top.y = v1[1] / v1[2];

	v2[0] = 0;
	v2[1] = src.rows;
	v2[2] = 1;
	V2 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, v2);  //列向量
	V1 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, v1);  //列向量
	V1 = H * V2;
	corners.left_bottom.x = v1[0] / v1[2];
	corners.left_bottom.y = v1[1] / v1[2];

	v2[0] = src.cols;
	v2[1] = 0;
	v2[2] = 1;
	V2 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, v2);  //列向量
	V1 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, v1);  //列向量
	V1 = H * V2;
	corners.right_top.x = v1[0] / v1[2];
	corners.right_top.y = v1[1] / v1[2];

	v2[0] = src.cols;
	v2[1] = src.rows;
	v2[2] = 1;
	V2 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, v2);  //列向量
	V1 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, v1);  //列向量
	V1 = H * V2;
	corners.right_bottom.x = v1[0] / v1[2];
	corners.right_bottom.y = v1[1] / v1[2];






#include "gms_matcher.h"

//#define USE_GPU 
#ifdef USE_GPU
#include <opencv2/cudafeatures2d.hpp>
using cuda::GpuMat;

void GmsMatch(Mat& img1, Mat& img2, Mat& rect_l, Mat& rect_r);
void GmsMatch(Mat& img1, Mat& img2);
//Mat DrawInlier(Mat& src1, Mat& src2, vector<KeyPoint>& kpt1, vector<KeyPoint>& kpt2, vector<DMatch>& inlier, int type);
Mat DrawInlier(Mat& src1, Mat& src2, vector<KeyPoint>& kpt1, vector<KeyPoint>& kpt2, vector<DMatch>& inlier, int type, vector<Point2f>& kpLeft, vector<Point2f>& kpRight);
void CalcCorners(const Mat& H, const Mat& src);
Mat stitchImages(vector<Point2f>& kpLeft, vector<Point2f>& kpRight, Mat& img_left, Mat& img_right);

typedef struct
	Point2f left_top;
	Point2f left_bottom;
	Point2f right_top;
	Point2f right_bottom;

four_corners_t corners;

void runImagePair() {
	Mat img_left = imread("../data/flowerL.jpg");
	Mat img_right = imread("../data/flowerR.jpg");
	//Mat img_left = imread("../data/SL.jpg");
	//Mat img_right = imread("../data/SR.jpg");
	//Mat img_left = imread("../data/Image_02.jpg");
	//Mat img_right = imread("../data/Image_01.jpg");

		//直接从可能重复的区域提取特征点匹配 当前是左右图在拼接处大概有1/3是重复的
	Rect rect_right = Rect(0, 0, img_right.cols / 3, img_right.rows);
	Rect rect_left = Rect(2 * img_left.cols / 3, 0, (img_left.cols / 3) - 1, img_left.rows);

	Mat image_r_rect = img_right(Rect(rect_right));
	Mat image_l_rect = img_left(Rect(rect_left));

	GmsMatch(img_left, img_right, image_l_rect, image_r_rect);

int main()
#ifdef USE_GPU
	int flag = cuda::getCudaEnabledDeviceCount();
	if (flag != 0) { cuda::setDevice(0); }
#endif // USE_GPU


	return 0;

void GmsMatch(Mat& img_left, Mat& img_right, Mat& rect_l, Mat& rect_r) {
	vector<KeyPoint> kp1, kp2;
	Mat d1, d2;
	vector<DMatch> matches_all, matches_gms;

	Ptr<ORB> orb = ORB::create(10000);

	orb->detectAndCompute(rect_l, Mat(), kp1, d1);
	orb->detectAndCompute(rect_r, Mat(), kp2, d2);

#ifdef USE_GPU
	GpuMat gd1(d1), gd2(d2);
	Ptr<cuda::DescriptorMatcher> matcher = cv::cuda::DescriptorMatcher::createBFMatcher(NORM_HAMMING);
	matcher->match(gd1, gd2, matches_all);
	BFMatcher matcher(NORM_HAMMING);
	matcher.match(d1, d2, matches_all);

	// GMS filter
	std::vector<bool> vbInliers;
	gms_matcher gms(kp1, rect_l.size(), kp2, rect_r.size(), matches_all);
	int num_inliers = gms.GetInlierMask(vbInliers, false, false);
	cout << "Get total " << num_inliers << " matches." << endl;

	// collect matches
	for (size_t i = 0; i < vbInliers.size(); ++i)
		if (vbInliers[i] == true)

	// draw matching
	vector<Point2f> kpLeft, kpRight;
	//Mat show = DrawInlier(img1, img2, kp1, kp2, matches_gms, 1);
	Mat show = DrawInlier(rect_l, rect_r, kp1, kp2, matches_gms, 1, kpLeft, kpRight);
	//namedWindow("show", 2);
	imshow("matchingshow", show);
	// stitch images
	Mat stitch_image = stitchImages(kpLeft, kpRight, img_left, img_right);

	namedWindow("stitch_image", 2);
	imshow("stitch_image", stitch_image);

void GmsMatch(Mat& img_left, Mat& img_right) {
	vector<KeyPoint> kp1, kp2;
	Mat d1, d2;
	vector<DMatch> matches_all, matches_gms;

	Ptr<ORB> orb = ORB::create(10000);

	orb->detectAndCompute(img_left, Mat(), kp1, d1);
	orb->detectAndCompute(img_right, Mat(), kp2, d2);

#ifdef USE_GPU
	GpuMat gd1(d1), gd2(d2);
	Ptr<cuda::DescriptorMatcher> matcher = cv::cuda::DescriptorMatcher::createBFMatcher(NORM_HAMMING);
	matcher->match(gd1, gd2, matches_all);
	BFMatcher matcher(NORM_HAMMING);
	matcher.match(d1, d2, matches_all);

	// GMS filter
	std::vector<bool> vbInliers;
	gms_matcher gms(kp1, img_left.size(), kp2, img_right.size(), matches_all);
	int num_inliers = gms.GetInlierMask(vbInliers, false, false);
	cout << "Get total " << num_inliers << " matches." << endl;

	// collect matches
	for (size_t i = 0; i < vbInliers.size(); ++i)
		if (vbInliers[i] == true)

	// draw matching
	vector<Point2f> kpLeft, kpRight;
	//Mat show = DrawInlier(img1, img2, kp1, kp2, matches_gms, 1);
	Mat show = DrawInlier(img_left, img_right, kp1, kp2, matches_gms, 1, kpLeft, kpRight);
	//namedWindow("show", 2);
	imshow("matchingshow", show);
	// stitch images
	Mat stitch_image = stitchImages(kpLeft, kpRight, img_left, img_right);

	namedWindow("stitch_image", 2);
	imshow("stitch_image", stitch_image);

Mat stitchImages(vector<Point2f>& kpLeft, vector<Point2f>& kpRight, Mat& img_left, Mat& img_right)
	for (int i = 0; i < kpLeft.size(); ++i)
		kpLeft[i].x += 2*img_left.cols/3;

	//获取图像1到图像2的投影映射矩阵 尺寸为3*3  
	Mat homo = findHomography(kpRight, kpLeft, RANSAC);

	cout << "变换矩阵为:\n" << homo << endl << endl; //输出映射矩阵  
	CalcCorners(homo, img_right);

	Mat imageTransform1, imageTransform2;
	warpPerspective(img_right, imageTransform1, homo, Size(MAX(corners.right_top.x, corners.right_bottom.x), img_left.rows));
	//namedWindow("transformedImage", 2);
	//imshow("transformedImage", imageTransform1); //直接经过透视矩阵变换

	int dst_width = imageTransform1.cols;  //取最右点的长度为拼接图的长度
	//int dst_width = imageLeft.cols + imageRight.cols;  //取最右点的长度为拼接图的长度

	int dst_height = img_left.rows;

	Mat dst_stitch(dst_height, dst_width, CV_8UC3);

	imageTransform1.copyTo(dst_stitch(Rect(0, 0, imageTransform1.cols, imageTransform1.rows)));

	//namedWindow("transform1", 2);
	//imshow("transform1", dst_stitch);

	img_left.copyTo(dst_stitch(Rect(0, 0, img_left.cols, img_left.rows)));

	return dst_stitch;

Mat DrawInlier(Mat& src1, Mat& src2, vector<KeyPoint>& kpt1, vector<KeyPoint>& kpt2, vector<DMatch>& inlier, int type, vector<Point2f>& kpLeft, vector<Point2f>& kpRight) {
	const int height = max(src1.rows, src2.rows);
	const int width = src1.cols + src2.cols;
	Mat output(height, width, CV_8UC3, Scalar(0, 0, 0));
	src1.copyTo(output(Rect(0, 0, src1.cols, src1.rows)));
	src2.copyTo(output(Rect(src1.cols, 0, src2.cols, src2.rows)));

	if (type == 1)
		for (size_t i = 0; i < inlier.size(); i++)
			Point2f left = kpt1[inlier[i].queryIdx].pt;
			Point2f right = (kpt2[inlier[i].trainIdx].pt + Point2f((float)src1.cols, 0.f));

			line(output, left, right, Scalar(0, 255, 255));

	else if (type == 2)
		for (size_t i = 0; i < inlier.size(); i++)
			Point2f left = kpt1[inlier[i].queryIdx].pt;
			Point2f right = (kpt2[inlier[i].trainIdx].pt + Point2f((float)src1.cols, 0.f));

			line(output, left, right, Scalar(255, 0, 0));


		for (size_t i = 0; i < inlier.size(); i++)
			Point2f left = kpt1[inlier[i].queryIdx].pt;
			Point2f right = (kpt2[inlier[i].trainIdx].pt + Point2f((float)src1.cols, 0.f));

			circle(output, left, 1, Scalar(0, 255, 255), 2);
			circle(output, right, 1, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);


	return output;

void CalcCorners(const Mat& H, const Mat& src)
	double v2[] = { 0, 0, 1 };//左上角
	double v1[3];//变换后的坐标值
	Mat V2 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, v2);  //列向量
	Mat V1 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, v1);  //列向量

	V1 = H * V2;
	cout << "V2: " << V2 << endl;
	cout << "V1: " << V1 << endl;
	corners.left_top.x = v1[0] / v1[2];
	corners.left_top.y = v1[1] / v1[2];

	v2[0] = 0;
	v2[1] = src.rows;
	v2[2] = 1;
	V2 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, v2);  //列向量
	V1 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, v1);  //列向量
	V1 = H * V2;
	corners.left_bottom.x = v1[0] / v1[2];
	corners.left_bottom.y = v1[1] / v1[2];

	v2[0] = src.cols;
	v2[1] = 0;
	v2[2] = 1;
	V2 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, v2);  //列向量
	V1 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, v1);  //列向量
	V1 = H * V2;
	corners.right_top.x = v1[0] / v1[2];
	corners.right_top.y = v1[1] / v1[2];

	v2[0] = src.cols;
	v2[1] = src.rows;
	v2[2] = 1;
	V2 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, v2);  //列向量
	V1 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, v1);  //列向量
	V1 = H * V2;
	corners.right_bottom.x = v1[0] / v1[2];
	corners.right_bottom.y = v1[1] / v1[2];
