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实时网络Web 实现 如何 更新 相关
2023-09-27 14:24:59 时间
    Web应用使用了HTTP协议,我们知道在HTTP协议中,基本的动作get/post/put/options/delete等,这些动作里基本的模式都是客户端请求,服务端响应。这样的交互模式中,服务端是无法推送信息到客户端的?那应该采取什么样的交互措施呢? 基本的实现方式polling,简单的讲就是,客户端定时刷新请求的页面。比如邮件客户端,每隔10分钟左右



客户端向服务器发送Ajax请求,服务器接到请求后hold住连接,直到有新消息才返回响应信息并关闭连接,客户端处理完响应信息后再向服务器发送新的请求。这样在无消息的情况西,避免了频繁的发送请求。但是服务端保持连接会消耗资源。基本的应用场景中,WebQQ、Hi网页版、Facebook IM等。


How long can the response remain open? Browsers are set to time out after 5 minutes and network intermediaries such as proxies can time out even sooner. So even if no new information arrives, a long polling request should complete regularly to allow the browser to send a new request. This IETF document recommends using a timeout value between 30 and 120 seconds but the actual value to use will likely depend on how much control you have over network intermediaries that separate the browser from server.

Long polling can dramatically reduce the number of requests required to receive information updates with low latency, especially where new information becomes available at irregular intervals. However, the more frequent the updates are the closer it gets to traditional polling.

The browser sends a request to the server and the server responds when it has information to send. However, unlike long polling, the server keeps the response open and continues to send more updates as they arrive. The approach removes the need for polling but is also a more significant departure from typical HTTP request-response semantics. For example the client and server need to agree how to interpret the response stream so that the client will know where one update ends and another begins. Furthermore, network intermediaries can cache the response stream which thwarts the intent of the approach. This is why long polling is more commonly used today.

The browser sends an HTTP request to the server to switch to the WebSocket protocol and the server responds by confirming the upgrade. Thereafter browser and server can send data frames in both directions over a TCP socket.

The WebSocket protocol was designed to replace the need for polling and is specifically suited for scenarios where messages need to be exchanged between browser and server at a high frequency. The initial handshake over HTTP ensures WebSocket requests can go through firewalls. However, there are also significant challenges since a majority of deployed browsers do not support WebSockets and there are further issues with getting through network intermediaries.

WebSockets revolves around the two way exchange of text or binary messages. It leads to a significantly different approach from a RESTful, HTTP-based architecture. In fact there is a need for some another protocol on top of WebSockets, e.g. XMPP, AMQP, STOMP, or other and which one(s) will become predominant remains to be seen.

The WebSocket protocol is already standardized by the IETF while the WebSocket API is in the final stages of being standardized by W3C. A number of Java implementations have become available including servlet containers like Jetty and Tomcat. The Servlet 3.1 spec will likely support the initial WebSocket upgrade request while a separate JSR-356 will define a Java-based WebSocket API.

Coming back to Spring MVC 3.2, the Servlet 3 async feature can be used for long-running requests and also for HTTP streaming, techniques Filip Hanik referred to as “the server version of client AJAX calls”. As for WebSockets, there is no support yet in Spring 3.2 but it will most likely be included in Spring 3.3. You can watch SPR-9356 for progress updates.

The next post turns to sample code and explains in more detail the new Spring MVC 3.2 feature.

服务器推送事件(Server-sent Events)是 HTML 5 规范中的一个组成部分,可以用来从服务端实时推送数据到浏览器端。相对于与之类似的 COMET 和 WebSocket 技术来说,服务器推送事件的使用更简单,对服务器端的改动也比较小。

Web优化躬行记(3)——图像和网络 浏览器根据屏幕大小、设备像素比、横竖屏自动加载合适的图像。 响应式的功能可以通过srcset和sizes两个新属性实现。 前者可指定选择的图像以及其大小,后者会定义一组媒体条件并声明填充的宽度。 在下面的示例中(在线查看效果),浏览器会先查看设备宽度,然后检查sizes列表中哪个媒体条件第一个为真,再查看该媒体查询的填充宽度,最后从加载的srcset列表中引用宽度最接近的图像。
构建基于浏览器的Web P2P网络直播 在2021年的互联网时代,越来越多的网络直播节目相继涌现。浏览器是用户最易接触的渠道之一,聚集了大量观看直播的用户。当用户们同时观看直播内容时,服务器承受的负载随着用户量的增加而增大,会导致播放的卡顿,延迟等用户体验的下降;而且高昂的服务器带宽成本也不容忽视。 那么是否存在一套解决方案,在保证用户体验与服务质量的前提下,又可以有效的降低服务器的负载与带宽呢?那就是接下来要介绍的Web P2P技术了。