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ASP.NET Core Library – Google libphonenumber (Country Dial Code)

2023-09-27 14:23:55 时间


Google libphonenumber 是 Java 的, ASP.NET Core 只是 port 过去而已.

以前在 angular2 学习笔记 ( translate, i18n 翻译 ) 有介绍过. 但后来就一直没怎么用过了.



Github – Google libphonenumber

Github – libphonenumber-csharp

Stack Overflow – Listing all country codes of phone numbers



Github – CountryCodes.json (JSON)

geonames.org (API)

Wikipedia – List of country calling codes


nuget 安装

dotnet add package libphonenumber-csharp



Get Phone Number Information

var singaporeNumber = "+6590269356";
var phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance();
PhoneNumber number = phoneUtil.Parse(singaporeNumber, defaultRegion: "");
var regionCode = phoneUtil.GetRegionCodeForNumber(number); // SG   
var isValidNumber = phoneUtil.IsValidNumber(number);
var internationalFormat = phoneUtil.Format(number, PhoneNumberFormat.INTERNATIONAL); //+65 9026 9356
var localFormat = phoneUtil.Format(number, PhoneNumberFormat.NATIONAL); // 9026 9356

当获取到一个用户输入的号码, 我们可以通过 PhoneNumberUtil 检查它是否 valid, 是属于什么国家, 还可以获取它的正规格式.

-RegionCode 指的是 Country String Code, 比如 Malaysia = MY, Singapore = SG

-CountryCode 指的是 Dial Code, 比如 Malaysia = 60, Singapore = 65

Get All Code List Information

var phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance();
List<int> countryCodes = phoneUtil.GetSupportedCallingCodes().ToList(); // e.g. 60, 65
foreach (var countryCode in countryCodes)
    var regionCode = phoneUtil.GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(countryCode); // e.g. MY, SG
        var countryName = new Locale("", regionCode).GetDisplayCountry("en"); // e.g. Malaysia, Singapore
        // 247, 599, 211, 383, 800, 808, 870, 878, 881, 882, 883, 888, 979 
        // 上面这些 CountryCode/DialCode 的 RegionCode 对不上任何国家...我不知道为什么, 但 Wikipedia 也找不到这些 DialCode

上面是拿 country code / dial code > 转去 region code > 获取 country name

先拿 region code > 转去 country code 也可以

var regionCodes = phoneUtil.GetSupportedRegions(); // e.g. MY, SG
var countryCode = phoneUtil.GetCountryCodeForRegion("MY"); // 60