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SQL Server 查看分区表(partition table)的分区范围(partition range)

serverSQL 查看 Table 分区 范围 range partition
2023-09-27 14:24:01 时间


SQL Server 2005 的分区表(partition table)是复杂的,特别是对于初学者来说。不管怎样,我们还是掌握了分区函数(partition function),分区方案(partition scheme),最后终于创建了一个分区表出来。但之后呢,或许你想查看分区表的各个分区分区列的取值范围(这个分区的理论最小值和最大值),虽然可以通过分区函数中定义的边界值(boundary value)来推算出来分区表每个分区(partition)的取值范围,但是事情并不是很简单,你需要一系列繁琐的步骤来实现:首先要找出这个分区表的分区函数;然后确定该分区函数定义的边界值属于 left 或者 right; 最后在脑子里使劲思索几下终于确定了分区列取值范围(partition range)。幸运的是,有了下面的这个存储过程,你的大脑就可以获得解放了。

if exists (select 1 from sys.procedures where name = 'sp_show_partition_range')
   drop procedure dbo.sp_show_partition_range

-- author : p.c.w.l
-- source : www.sqlstudy.com
-- create : 2008-01-01
-- descr  : view partition range by 'partition table' or 'partition function'

create procedure dbo.sp_show_partition_range
   @partition_table    nvarchar(255) = null
  ,@partition_function nvarchar(255) = null
   set nocount on

   declare @function_id int
       set @function_id = null

   -- get @function_id base on @partition_table
   if len(@partition_table) > 0 begin
      select @function_id = s.function_id
        from sys.indexes i
                inner join sys.partition_schemes s
          on i.data_space_id = s.data_space_id
      -- i.index_id < 2 and
      i.object_id = object_id(@partition_table) if @function_id is null return 1 end -- get @function_id base on @partition_function if len(@partition_function) > 0 begin select @function_id = function_id from sys.partition_functions where name = @partition_function if @function_id is null return 1 end -- get partition range select partition_function = f.name ,t.partition ,t.minval ,value = case when f.boundary_value_on_right=1 then '<= val <' else '< val <=' end ,t.maxval from ( select h.function_id ,partition = h.boundary_id ,minval = l.value ,maxval = h.value from sys.partition_range_values h left join sys.partition_range_values l on h.function_id = l.function_id and h.boundary_id = l.boundary_id + 1 union all select function_id ,partition = max(boundary_id) + 1 ,minval = max(value) ,maxval = null from sys.partition_range_values group by function_id ) t inner join sys.partition_functions f on t.function_id = f.function_id where f.function_id = @function_id or @function_id is null order by 1, 2 end go