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[GCP] Google Vision API - 00 ***

GoogleAPI 00 Vision
2023-09-27 14:23:24 时间

Ref: 使用 TFX、Kubeflow 流水线和 Cloud Build 的 MLOps 的架构

What will you be doing?  

You will be working across the GCP platform developing Machine Learning algorithms using Computer Vision and AutoML for a number of GreenField projects.

You will be engaging with key stakeholders to make strategic decisions using the ML model


We need you to have: 

You will have experience working with BigQuery, DataFlow, AutoML & TensorFlow

  • Strong programming background
  • Worked with BigQuery, DataFlow AutoML & TensorFlow
  • Strong understanding of Data Science
  • Strong stakeholder management with the ability to speak from a data-driven perspective to deliver data strategy


Nice to Have:

  • GCP Certifications
  • Programming with Java & Python
  • Previous ML role in retail
  • Self Starter






Documentation: https://cloud.google.com/vision/docs/...

Python Script https://learndataanalysis.org/google-...

Part 1: Introduction and Overview https://youtu.be/xKvffLRSyPk

Part 2: Configuration and Setup https://youtu.be/wfyDiLMGqDM

Part 3: Detect and Extract Text (Image) https://youtu.be/zOKz0e8flTw

Part 4: Detect and Extract Text (Handwriting) https://youtu.be/3cM8zY_dwdw

Part 5: Detect Text in Files (PDF/TIFF) https://youtu.be/HMaoUdJQEgY

Part 6: Detect Crop Hints https://youtu.be/H-kDftkPVD4

Part 7: Detect Faces https://youtu.be/xjanWxVdpko

Part 8: Image Properties Detection https://youtu.be/G1k7dr8S3TY

Part 9: Labels Detection https://youtu.be/p-Z-jd3kGFg

Part 10: Detect Famous Landmarks https://youtu.be/pHSbTEWoDWw

Part 11: Detect Logos https://youtu.be/VWnJgc90BAo

Part 12: Objects Detection https://youtu.be/nyTiWOZYHfE

Part 13: Detect Explicit Content (Safe Search Feature) https://youtu.be/w6GtHaT6EqA

Part 14: Detect Web Entities and Pages https://youtu.be/s2pin2XAx4M

Draw Object Borders Using Pillow Python Library https://youtu.be/tvUy8YQxRTQ Visit my website https://LearnDataAnalysis.org




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