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php curl Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)

PHPSSL The with access path CURL Problem
2023-09-27 14:22:23 时间

公司有台老服务器,搭的php的环境,有个负载均横的服务 调用 curl_init 的时候报了 Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) 网上各种脑补


yum install ca-certificates
yum reinstall ca-certificates

当我用 rpm -V ca-certificates 这个命令时的确没有输出

[root@app1 certs]# rpm -V ca-certificates
[root@app1 certs]# ls
Makefile  ca-bundle.crt  ca-bundle.trust.crt  cacert.pem  make-dummy-cert  renew-dummy-cert
[root@app1 certs]# mv ca-bundle.crt.bak
mv: missing destination file operand after `ca-bundle.crt.bak'
Try `mv --help' for more information.
[root@app1 certs]# mv ca-bundle.crt ca-bundle.
ca-bundle.crt        ca-bundle.trust.crt
[root@app1 certs]# mv ca-bundle.crt ca-bundle.crt.bak
[root@app1 certs]# ls
Makefile  ca-bundle.crt.bak  ca-bundle.trust.crt  cacert.pem  make-dummy-cert  renew-dummy-cert
[root@app1 certs]# mv cacert.pem ca-bundle.crt
[root@app1 certs]# rpm -V ca-certificates
S.5....T.  c /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt


最后重启了一下 php-fpm

[root@app1 certs]# service php-fpm restart
Restarting php-fpm daemon: php-fpm[19-Feb-2019 14:27:26] ERROR: unable to bind listening socket for address '': Address already in use (98)
[19-Feb-2019 14:27:26] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
 already running.

发现报错了子,心都是慌的,这个大概是把 php-fpm 进程给干掉,然后 nginx 自动会启新的 php-fpm ,刷一变报502,刷2变就正常了

到此问题解决了,突然还是发现 docker 好,至少镜像出了问题,可以在镜像里面解决.



