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mongodb的数据迁移与同步工具 mongoshake

2023-09-27 14:21:14 时间



[work@]$ cat collector.conf
# if you have any problem, please visit https://github.com/alibaba/MongoShake/wiki/FAQ
# for the detail explanation, please visit xxxx
# 如果有问题,请先查看FAQ文档以及wiki上的说明。
# 关于各个参数的详细说明,请参考:xxx

# current configuration version, do not modify.
# 当前配置文件的版本号,请不要修改该值。
conf.version = 2

# --------------------------- global configuration ---------------------------
# collector name
# id用于输出pid文件等信息。
id = mongoshake

# high availability option.
# enable master election if set true. only one mongoshake can become master
# and do sync, the others will wait and at most one of them become master once 
# previous master die. The master information stores in the `mongoshake` db in the source 
# database by default.
# This option is useless when there is only one mongoshake running.
# 如果开启主备mongoshake拉取同一个源端,此参数需要开启。
master_quorum = false

# http api interface. Users can use this api to monitor mongoshake.
# `curl`.
# We also provide a restful tool named "mongoshake-stat" to
# print ack, lsn, checkpoint and qps information based on this api.
# usage: `./mongoshake-stat --port=9100`
# 全量和增量的restful监控端口,可以用curl查看内部监控metric统计情况。详见wiki。
full_sync.http_port = 9101
incr_sync.http_port = 9100
# profiling on net/http/profile
# profiling端口,用于查看内部go堆栈。
system_profile_port = 9200

# global log level: debug, info, warning, error. lower level message will be filter
log.level = info
# log directory. log and pid file will be stored into this file.
# if not set, default is "./logs/"
# log和pid文件的目录,如果不设置默认打到当前路径的logs目录。
log.dir =
# log file name.
# log文件名。
log.file = collector.log
# log flush enable. If set false, logs may not be print when exit. If
# set true, performance will be decreased extremely
# 设置log刷新,false表示包含缓存,如果true那么每条log都会直接刷屏,但对性能有影响;
# 反之,退出不一定能打印所有的log,调试时建议配置true。
log.flush = false
# sync mode: all/full/incr. default is incr.
# all means full synchronization + incremental synchronization.
# full means full synchronization only.
# incr means incremental synchronization only.
# 同步模式,all表示全量+增量同步,full表示全量同步,incr表示增量同步。
#sync_mode = incr
sync_mode = all

# connect source mongodb, set username and password if enable authority. Please note: password shouldn't contain '@'.
# split by comma(,) if use multiple instance in one replica-set. E.g., mongodb://username1:password1@primaryA,secondaryB,secondaryC
# split by semicolon(;) if sharding enable. E.g., mongodb://username1:password1@primaryA,secondaryB,secondaryC;mongodb://username2:password2@primaryX,secondaryY,secondaryZ
# 源MongoDB连接串信息,逗号分隔同一个副本集内的结点,分号分隔分片sharding实例,免密模式
# 可以忽略“username:password@”,注意,密码里面不能含有'@'符号。
# 举例:
# 副本集:mongodb://username1:password1@primaryA,secondaryB,secondaryC
# 分片集:mongodb://username1:password1@primaryA,secondaryB,secondaryC;mongodb://username2:password2@primaryX,secondaryY,secondaryZ
mongo_urls = mongodb://igoodful:123456@,
# please fill the source config server url if source mongodb is sharding.
mongo_cs_url =
# please give one mongos address if using change stream to fetching data in incremental stage.
# 如果源端采用change stream拉取,这里还需要配置一个mongos的地址
mongo_s_url = 

# tunnel pipeline type. now we support rpc,file,kafka,mock,direct
# 通道模式。
tunnel = direct
# tunnel target resource url
# for rpc. this is remote receiver socket address
# for tcp. this is remote receiver socket address
# for file. this is the file path, for instance "data"
# for kafka. this is the topic and brokers address which split by comma, for
# instance: topic@brokers1,brokers2, default topic is "mongoshake"
# for mock. this is uesless
# for direct. this is target mongodb address which format is the same as `mongo_urls`. If
# the target is sharding, this should be the mongos address.
# direct模式用于直接写入MongoDB,其余模式用于一些分析,或者远距离传输场景,
# 注意,如果是非direct模式,需要通过receiver进行解析,具体参考FAQ文档。
# 此处配置通道的地址,格式与mongo_urls对齐。
#tunnel.address = mongodb://user:password@host:port
tunnel.address = mongodb://igoodful:123456@
# the message format in the tunnel, used when tunnel is kafka.
# "raw": batched raw data format which has good performance but encoded so that users
# should parse it by receiver.
# "json": single oplog format by json.
# "bson": single oplog format by bson.
# 通道数据的类型,只用于kafka和file通道类型。
# raw是默认的类型,其采用聚合的模式进行写入和
# 读取,但是由于携带了一些控制信息,所以需要专门用receiver进行解析。
# json以json的格式写入kafka,便于用户直接读取。
# bson以bson二进制的格式写入kafka。
tunnel.message = raw

# connect mode:
# primary: fetch data from primary.
# secondaryPreferred: fetch data from secondary if has, otherwise primary.(default)
# standalone: fetch data from given 1 node, no matter primary, secondary or hidden. This is only
# support when tunnel type is direct.
# 连接模式,primary表示从主上拉取,secondaryPreferred表示优先从secondary拉取(默认建议值),
# standalone表示从任意单个结点拉取。
mongo_connect_mode = secondaryPreferred

# filter db or collection namespace. at most one of these two parameters can be given.
# if the filter.namespace.black is not empty, the given namespace will be
# filtered while others namespace passed. 
# if the filter.namespace.white is not empty, the given namespace will be
# passed while others filtered. 
# all the namespace will be passed if no condition given.
# db and collection connected by the dot(.).
# different namespaces are split by the semicolon(;).
# filter: filterDbName1.filterCollectionName1;filterDbName2
# 黑白名单过滤,目前不支持正则,白名单表示通过的namespace,黑名单表示过滤的namespace,
# 不能同时指定。分号分割不同namespace,每个namespace可以是db,也可以是db.collection。
#filter.namespace.black =
filter.namespace.white = mktact.themis_template_field; mktact.themis_template_module;  mktact.goods_allow_list
# some databases like "admin", "local", "mongoshake", "config", "system.views" are
# filtered, users can enable these database based on some special needs.
# different database are split by the semicolon(;).
# e.g., admin;mongoshake.
# pay attention: collection isn't support like "admin.xxx" except "system.views"
# 正常情况下,不建议配置该参数,但对于有些非常特殊的场景,用户可以启用admin,mongoshake等库的同步,
# 以分号分割,例如:admin;mongoshake。
filter.pass.special.db = mktact
# only transfer oplog commands for syncing. represent
# by oplog.op are "i","d","u".
# DDL will be transferred if disable like create index, drop databse,
# transaction in mongodb 4.0.
# 是否需要开启DDL同步,true表示开启,源是sharding暂时不支持开启。
# 如果目的端是sharding,暂时不支持applyOps命令,包括事务。
filter.ddl_enable = true

# checkpoint info, used in resuming from break point.
# checkpoint存储信息,用于支持断点续传。
# context.storage.url is used to mark the checkpoint store database. E.g., mongodb://
# if not set, checkpoint will be written into source mongodb when source mongodb is replica-set(db=mongoshake),
# when source mongodb is sharding, the checkpoint will be written into config-server(db=admin)
# checkpoint的具体写入的MongoDB地址,如果不配置,对于副本集将写入源库(db=mongoshake),对于分片集
# 将写入config-server(db=admin)
checkpoint.storage.url =
# checkpoint db's name.
# checkpoint存储的db的名字
checkpoint.storage.db = mongoshake
# checkpoint collection's name.
# checkpoint存储的表的名字,如果启动多个mongoshake拉取同一个源可以修改这个表名以防止冲突。
checkpoint.storage.collection = ckpt_default
# real checkpoint: the fetching oplog position.
# pay attention: this is UTC time which is 8 hours latter than CST time. this
# variable will only be used when checkpoint is not exist.
# 本次开始拉取的位置,如果checkpoint已经存在(位于上述存储位置)则该参数无效,
# 如果需要强制该位置开始拉取,需要先删除原来的checkpoint,详见FAQ。
# 若checkpoint不存在,且该值为1970-01-01T00:00:00Z,则会拉取源端现有的所有oplog。
# 若checkpoint不存在,且该值不为1970-01-01T00:00:00Z,则会先检查源端oplog最老的时间是否
# 大于给定的时间,如果是则会直接报错退出。
checkpoint.start_position = 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z

# transform from source db or collection namespace to dest db or collection namespace.
# at most one of these two parameters can be given.
# transform: fromDbName1.fromCollectionName1:toDbName1.toCollectionName1;fromDbName2:toDbName2
# 转换命名空间,比如a.b同步后变成c.d,谨慎建议开启,比较耗性能。
#transform.namespace = ucenter.award:award.award;ucenter.award_config:award.award_config;ucenter.award_order:award.award_order;ucenter.address_info:award.address_info
#transform.namespace = ucenter:award
#transform.namespace = ucenter.athena_user_task_v2:athena.athena_user_task_v3
# 数据库名称和集合名称的映射,可能需要变更目的的数据库名称和集合名称 transform.namespace
= mktact.themis_template_field:bifrost.themis_template_field; mktact.themis_template_module:bifrost.themis_template_module;  mktact.goods_allow_list:bifrost.goods_allow_list # --------------------------- full sync configuration --------------------------- # the number of collection concurrence # 并发最大拉取的表个数,例如,6表示同一时刻shake最多拉取6个表。 full_sync.reader.collection_parallel = 16 # the number of document writer thread in each collection. # 同一个表内并发写的线程数,例如,8表示对于同一个表,将会有8个写线程进行并发写入。 full_sync.reader.write_document_parallel = 32 # number of documents in a batch insert in a document concurrence # 目的端写入的batch大小,例如,128表示一个线程将会一次聚合128个文档然后再写入。 full_sync.reader.document_batch_size = 10240 full_sync.reader.read_document_count=0 # drop the same name of collection in dest mongodb in full synchronization # 同步时如果目的库存在,是否先删除目的库再进行同步。 full_sync.collection_exist_no_drop = true # create foreground indexes when data sync finish in full sync stage. # 全量期间数据同步完毕后,是否需要创建索引,none表示不创建,foreground表示创建前台索引, # background表示创建后台索引。 full_sync.create_index = background # convert insert to update when duplicate key found # 如果_id存在在目的库,是否将insert语句修改为update语句。 full_sync.executor.insert_on_dup_update = true # filter orphan document for source type is sharding. # 源端是sharding,是否需要过滤orphan文档 full_sync.executor.filter.orphan_document = false # enable majority write in full sync. # the performance will degrade if enable. # 全量阶段写入端是否启用majority write full_sync.executor.majority_enable = false # --------------------------- incrmental sync configuration --------------------------- # fetch method: # oplog: fetch oplog from source mongodb (default) # change_stream: use change to receive change event from source mongodb, support MongoDB >= 4.0 incr_sync.mongo_fetch_method = oplog # global id. used in active-active replication. # this parameter is not supported on current open-source version. # gid用于双活防止环形复制,目前只用于阿里云云上MongoDB,如果是阿里云云上实例互相同步 # 希望开启gid,请联系阿里云售后或者烛昭(vinllen),sharding的有多个gid请以分号(;)分隔。 incr_sync.oplog.gids = # distribute data to different worker by hash key to run in parallel. # rker = 8 # [auto] decide by if there has unique index in collections. # use `collection` if has unique index otherwise use `id`. # [id] shard by ObjectId. handle oplogs in sequence by unique _id # [collection] shard by ns. handle oplogs in sequence by unique ns # hash的方式,id表示按文档hash,collection表示按表hash,auto表示自动选择hash类型。 # 如果没有索引建议选择id达到非常高的同步性能,反之请选择collection。 incr_sync.shard_key = auto # oplog transmit worker concurrent # if the source is sharding, worker number must equal to shard numbers. # 内部发送的worker数目,如果机器性能足够,可以提高worker个数。 incr_sync.worker = 128 # batched oplogs have block level checksum value using # crc32 algorithm. and compressor for compressing content # of oplog entry. # supported compressor are : gzip,zlib,deflate # Do not enable this option when tunnel type is "direct" # 是否启用发送,非direct模式发送可以选择压缩以减少网络带宽消耗。 incr_sync.worker.oplog_compressor = none # memory queue configuration, plz visit FAQ document to see more details. # do not modify these variables if the performance and resource usage can # meet your needs. # 内部队列的配置参数,如果目前性能足够不建议修改,详细信息参考FAQ。 incr_sync.worker.batch_queue_size = 64 incr_sync.adaptive.batching_max_size = 1024 incr_sync.fetcher.buffer_capacity = 256 # --- direct tunnel only begin --- # if tunnel type is direct, all the below variable should be set # 下列参数仅用于tunnel为direct的情况。 # oplog changes to Insert while Update found non-exist (_id or unique-index) # 如果_id不存在在目的库,是否将update语句修改为insert语句。 incr_sync.executor.upsert = false # oplog changes to Update while Insert found duplicated key (_id or unique-index) # 如果_id存在在目的库,是否将insert语句修改为update语句。 incr_sync.executor.insert_on_dup_update = false # db. write duplicated logs to mongoshake_conflict # sdk. write duplicated logs to sdk. # 如果写入存在冲突,记录冲突的文档。 incr_sync.conflict_write_to = none # enable majority write in incrmental sync. # the performance will degrade if enable. # 增量阶段写入端是否启用majority write incr_sync.executor.majority_enable = false # --- direct tunnel only end ---












