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12R RAC检查对等性报错误PRKC-1044

错误 检查 RAC
2023-09-27 14:20:53 时间


check: User equivalence for user "grid"
Node Name Status
------------------------------------ ------------------------
host02 failed
host01 failed
PRVG-2019 : Check for equivalence of user "grid" from node "host01" to node "host02" failed

PRKC-1044 : Failed to check remote command execution setup for node host02 using shells /usr/bin/ssh and /usr/bin/rsh
host02: Connection refused
PRVG-2019 : Check for equivalence of user "grid" from node "host01" to node "host01" failed

PRKC-1044 : Failed to check remote command execution setup for node host01 using shells /usr/bin/ssh and /usr/bin/rsh
host01: Connection refused



su - grid

ssh host01

ssh host01-priv

ssh host02

ssh host02-priv