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MATLAB代码 实现 基本 检测 信号 包括 重建
2023-09-27 14:20:42 时间


💥1 概述

📚2 运行结果

🎉3 参考文献

👨‍💻4 Matlab代码

💥1 概述


📚2 运行结果









🎉3 参考文献

[1]牛传莉. 心电信号预处理和波形检测算法的研究[D].北京交通大学,2009.

👨‍💻4 Matlab代码


clear all
close all;

N = 10000;      % number of samples
NumCh = 8;      % number of channels      
fs = 500;       % sampling rate

% the ratio between the different types of noise
w_bw = 5;       % weight of baseline wander noise in the generated noise (for noisetype = 5)
w_em = 1;       % weight of electrode movement noise in the generated noise (for noisetype = 5)
w_ma = 1;       % weight of muscle artifact noise in the generated noise (for noisetype = 5)

M = 10800;
% original noise template
template =  NoiseGenerator('mixture',1,0,M,360,[w_bw,w_em,w_ma],1000);

% parameters required for estimating the AR coefficients using a Kalman Filter (KF)
order = 12;                         % AR model order for modeling the ECG noise
[a0,e] = aryule(template,order);    % a global AR model
q = (.05*max(abs(a0(2:end))))^2;    % AR coefficients covariance
R = 1;                              % unit variance noise
p0 = 1e6*q;                         % covariance of the KF initial state
alpha = 1;                          % KF forgetting factor

% time-variant AR parameter estimation using KF and Kalman Smoother (KS)
[Ahat,Asmoothed] = TimeVariantAR(template,order,a0(2:end)',q,R,p0,alpha);

% generating different instances of ECG noise using the time-variant AR parameters
noise1 =  zeros(NumCh,N);
noise2 =  zeros(NumCh,N);
for j = 1:NumCh,
    x = randn(1,M);
    y1 =  zeros(M,1);
    y2 =  zeros(M,1);
    for i = order+1:M-1,
        y1(i) = (sqrt(1)*x(i)-Ahat(:,i)'*y1(i-1:-1:i-order))/1;         % KF
        y2(i) = (sqrt(1)*x(i)-Asmoothed(:,i)'*y2(i-1:-1:i-order))/1;    % KS