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笔记:Six Pointers for Creating Strong Operational Business Values

笔记 for VALUES creating Business strong
2023-09-27 14:20:42 时间
这篇文章讲的是关于怎样创造强壮而且可操作的商业价值的六点内容,有些新意,不过最后意思的是这张图,这张图一个自上而下的组织的示意图,搞得好传神,够我笑一天的: Key Takeaways Businesses need to take into account that the future will be driven by a millennial workforce.


Key Takeaways
Businesses need to take into account that the future will be driven by a millennial workforce.
Empowering employees to take decisions in the interest of the organization leads to better productivity.
Training and collaboration are essential to keep operations running smoothly.
Encouraging employees to be creative in a way they want has significant payoffs.
Promoting from within is one of the best ways to fuel motivation.


Create an Ownership Mentality Invest in Collaboration Encourage Creativity Promote from Within Advocate Honest Feedback Keep it Simple


Reading Notes: Human-Computer Interaction System: A Survey of Talking-Head Generation 由于人工智能的快速发展,虚拟人被广泛应用于各种行业,包括个人辅助、智能客户服务和在线教育。拟人化的数字人可以快速与人接触,并在人机交互中增强用户体验。因此,我们设计了人机交互系统框架,包括语音识别、文本到语音、对话系统和虚拟人生成。接下来,我们通过虚拟人深度生成框架对Talking-Head Generation视频生成模型进行了分类。同时,我们系统地回顾了过去五年来在有声头部视频生成方面的技术进步和趋势,强调了关键工作并总结了数据集。 对于有关于Talking-Head Generation的方法,这是一篇比较好的综述,我想着整理一下里面比较重要的部分,大概了解近几年对虚拟人工作的一些发展和
北方的郎 一个IT老兵,在这行摸爬滚打快20年了,很多工作都做过,也熟悉不少技术。现在对云计算,大数据以及机器学习很感兴趣。