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插件代码 细节
2023-09-27 14:20:16 时间
Plugin or libraryPath inside sources directoryDescription
DsExample GStreamer plugingst-plugins/gst-dsexampleTemplate plugin for integrating custom algorithms into DeepStream SDK graph.
GStreamer Gst-nvmsgconv plugingst-plugins/gst-nvmsgconvSource code for the GStreamer Gst-nvmsgconv plugin to convert metadata to schema format.
GStreamer Gst-nvmsgbroker plugingst-plugins/gst-nvmsgbrokerSource code for the GStreamer Gst-nvmsgbroker plugin to send data to the server.
GStreamer Gst-nvinfer plugingst-plugins/gst-nvinferSource code for the GStreamer Gst-nvinfer plugin for inference.
GStreamer Gst-nvdsosd plugingst-plugins/gst-nvdsosdSource code for the GStreamer Gst-nvdsosd plugin to draw bboxes, text and other objects.
NvDsInfer librarylibs/nvdsinferSource code for the NvDsInfer library, used by the Gst-nvinfer GStreamer plugin.
NvMsgConv librarylibs/nvmsgsconvSource code for the NvMsgConv library, required by the Gst-nvmsgconv GStreamer plugin.
Kafka protocol adapterlibs/kafka_protocol_adapterProtocol adapter for Kafka.
nvdsinfer_customparserlibs/nvdsinfer_customparserCustom model output parsing example for detectors and classifiers.
Gst-v4l2See the note below 1Source code for v4l2 codecs.
Gstreamer gst-nvdsvideotemplate plugingst-plugins/gst-nvdsvideotemplateSource code for template plugin to implement video custom algorithms (non Gstreamer based)
Gstreamer gst-nvdsaudiotemplate plugingst-plugins/gst-nvdsaudiotemplateSource code for template plugin tp implement audio custom algorithms (non Gstreamer based)

Gst-v4l2 源代码没有包含在 DeepStream 软件包中。按照如下步骤下载::

  1. 去网站: https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/downloads.
  2. Search filter 字段, 输入 L4T sources
  3. 为 L4T 版本 32.5.1 选择适当的项目。
  4. 下载文件,解压 tar 文件, 得到 .tbz2 文件。

展开 .tbz2 文件, Gst-v4l2 源文件在 gst-nvvideo4linux2_src.tbz2 中。