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工具说明书 - 使用网页生成条码

网页工具 生成 说明书 条码 使用
2023-09-11 14:22:08 时间
使用这个可以输入特殊条码,比如Function 3的条码。这种条码有时作为特殊指令输入给扫描设备。
 - 您必须在条码属性中激活转义序列的解码 - 默认情况下转义序列的翻译是关闭的。
 - 激活转义序列功能后,您必须在输入数据中使用"\\"来表示条形码中的单个反斜杠"\"。
Escape Sequences (Encoding Binary Data)
If you want to use non-printable or special characters in a barcode, you have to use escape  sequences. An escape sequence always start with a backslash (‘\’) followed by the sequence  itself.
 - You have to activate the decoding of escape sequences in the barcode properties – per default  the translation of escape sequences is turned off.
 - With activated escape sequences you must use “\\” in the input data to encode a single  backslash „\“ in the barcode.
Escape sequence 
Valid for Barcode Symbology 
Bell (alert) 
Form feed 
New Line 
Carriage Return 
Horizontal Tab 
Vertical Tab 
The backslash \ itself 
Zero Byte (if subsequent char is non-numeric)
Available in TBarCode V10+ 
ASCII-character in octal notation:
ooo … up to 3 octal digits (0..7)
First digit is always zero. 
ASCII-character in decimal notation:
ddd … up to decimal digits (0..9)
First digit must not be zero. 
For encoding bytes or ASCII-characters in hexadecimal notation
hh … hexadecimal digits (0..F) 
Color selection 
See Pharmacode 
Reset the color to default 
FNC1 (Function Number Character 1) used as field separator 
GS-128, Codablock-F
MicroPDF417: a special FNC1 code word is inserted when using emulation mode for GS1-128 or Code-128
Data Matrix: a special FNC1 code word is inserted 
Inserts a Gs (Group Separator) or ASCII 1DHex. Do not encode the \x1d directly! 
PDF417, MaxiCode and in QR-Code
QR-Code: When using format UCC/EAN/GS1 Gs is inserted in Byte Mode, a % is inserted in alphanumeric mode. 
Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI).
nnnnnn … 6 digit ECI number with leading zeros
Used for defining the character set (code page) for the subsequent encoded data – see C.1 ECI 
MaxiCode, Data Matrix, QR-Code, PDF417, MicroPDF417, Aztec Code 
\EB, \EE 
Special ECI identifiers for nesting ECIs.
\EB (ECI Begin) opens a nesting level,
\EE (ECI End) closes it. 
Global Language Identifier (GLI), similar to ECI (see \E). 
Symbol separator character for C128 emulation 
Function sequence. Currently FNC1, FNC2, FNC3, and FNC4 are implemented. \<FNC1> is equal to \F. 
Code93, Code93Ext 
Code93, Code93Ext 
Code93, Code93Ext 
Code93, Code93Ext 
Rs (Record Separator), ASCII 1EHex 
PDF417, QR-Code, Data Matrix, MaxiCode (Mode 3,4 SCM) 
Gs (Group Separator), ASCII 1DHex 
PDF417, QR-Code, Data Matrix, MaxiCode (Mode 3,4 SCM) 
Eot (End of Transmission), ASCII 04Hex 
PDF417, QR-Code, Data Matrix, MaxiCode (Mode 3,4 SCM)