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Software Stack的翻译

翻译 Stack Software
2023-09-11 14:22:09 时间


The default software and middleware stacks (such as USB or TCP/IP) can be extended thanks to enhanced STM32Cube Expansion Packages.

这里面出现的XXX stack的含义一直搞不太清,直到网上搜到了这篇文章,在图灵社区里的一篇文章,不错的。

一条微博引发的思考——再谈“Software Stack”之“软件栈”译法!


Solution stack

In computing, a solution stack is a set of software subsystems or components needed to deliver a fully functional solution, e.g. a product or service.



software stack

A set of programs that work together to produce a result; for example, an operating system and its applications. It may refer to any group of applications that work in sequence toward a common result or to any set of utilities or routines that work as a group. See stack.


(1) In a network, a hierarchy of software layers in both clients and servers that are required in order to communicate with each other. See protocol stack.

(2) A hierarchy of software. A stack is the common set of programs used in a computer. The stack can refer to infrastructure only (see technology stack) or to the applications the company gives its employees (see application stack). It may also refer to an industry set or developer set of programs. For example, the phrase "they don't offer a complete stack" could imply that a software company has an incomplete set of applications for a particular industry or niche.

Software Stack 侧重于功能上的完整性,而非结构上的层次性。这是从多个英文释义中选择恰当的释义的关键!

我理解下来,XXX stack,比如USB stack,就是一组相关的软件子系统或组件来实现某个比较复杂的功能,这些软件子系统或组件在一起协作,有一定的逻辑关系。

