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【大数据】HDFS管理员 HaAdmin 集群高可用命令详细使用说明

集群命令数据HDFS 详细 说明 可用 管理员
2023-09-11 14:21:26 时间




此命令调用的是 org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.tools.DFSHAAdmin

hdfs haadmin -transitionToActive <serviceId> [--forceactive]
    hdfs haadmin -transitionToStandby <serviceId>
    hdfs haadmin -transitionToObserver <serviceId>
    hdfs haadmin -failover [--forcefence] [--forceactive] <serviceId> <serviceId>
    hdfs haadmin -getServiceState <serviceId>
    hdfs haadmin -getAllServiceState
    hdfs haadmin -checkHealth <serviceId>
    hdfs haadmin -help <command>



如下 nn1 服务异常时

# 开启健康监测
[root@hadoop-1 hadoop-3.3.1]# bin/hdfs haadmin -checkHealth nn1
2023-03-11 09:06:16,517 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: hadoop-1/ Already tried 0 time(s); retry policy is RetryUpToMaximumCountWithFixedSleep(maxRetries=1, sleepTime=1000 MILLISECONDS)
Operation failed: Call From hadoop-client.local/ to hadoop-1:8020 failed on connection exception: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused; For more details see:  http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/ConnectionRefused

如下 nn2 服务正常时

# 开启健康监测 ,无任何异常就是正常
[root@hadoop-1 hadoop-3.3.1]# bin/hdfs haadmin -checkHealth nn2



执行hdfs haadmin -getAllServiceState命令,返回所有NameNode的高可用状态。

[root@hadoop-1 hadoop-3.3.1]# bin/hdfs haadmin -getAllServiceState
hadoop-1:8020                                      standby
hadoop-3:8020                                      active


执行hdfs haadmin -getServiceState <serviceId>命令,返回active或者standby。

[root@hadoop-1 hadoop-3.3.1]# bin/hdfs haadmin -getServiceState nn1
[root@hadoop-1 hadoop-3.3.1]# bin/hdfs haadmin -getServiceState nn2



执行hdfs haadmin -failover <serviceId of current active> <serviceId of new active>命令,切换NameNode的主备状态。

例如,nn1当前是Active NameNode,想让nn2成为新的Active NameNode,可执行以下命令。如果nn2当前已是Active NameNode,执行以下命令后,nn2仍为新的Active NameNode。

[root@hadoop-1 hadoop-3.3.1]# bin/hdfs haadmin -getAllServiceState
hadoop-1:8020                                      standby
hadoop-3:8020                                      active

# 将 nn1 变为 主
[root@hadoop-1 hadoop-3.3.1]# bin/hdfs haadmin -failover nn2 nn1
Failover to NameNode at / successful
[root@hadoop-1 hadoop-3.3.1]# bin/hdfs haadmin -getAllServiceState
spark-31:8020                                      active
spark-33:8020                                      standby

# 将 nn2 变为 主
[root@hadoop-1 hadoop-3.3.1]# bin/hdfs haadmin -failover nn1 nn2
Failover to NameNode at / successful
[root@hadoop-1 hadoop-3.3.1]# bin/hdfs haadmin -getAllServiceState
spark-31:8020                                      standby
spark-33:8020                                      active



当开启了故障自动切换failover(dfs.ha.automatic-failover.enabled=true)之后,无法手动进行。想要 transitionToActive 切换主,就需要 带上 强制手动的标志 --forcemanual

[root@hadoop-1 hadoop-3.3.1]# bin/hdfs haadmin -transitionToActive nn1
Automatic failover is enabled for NameNode at /
Refusing to manually manage HA state, since it may cause
a split-brain scenario or other incorrect state.
If you are very sure you know what you are doing, please
specify the --forcemanual flag.

此时 nn1: standby nn2: active

[root@hadoop-1 hadoop-3.3.1]# bin/hdfs haadmin -getAllServiceState
hadoop-1:8020                                      standby
hadoop-3:8020                                      active

[root@hadoop-1 hadoop-3.3.1]# bin/hdfs haadmin -transitionToActive --forcemanual nn1
You have specified the --forcemanual flag. This flag is dangerous, as it can induce a split-brain scenario that WILL CORRUPT your HDFS namespace, possibly irrecoverably.

It is recommended not to use this flag, but instead to shut down the cluster and disable automatic failover if you prefer to manually manage your HA state.

You may abort safely by answering 'n' or hitting ^C now.

Are you sure you want to continue? (Y or N) y
2023-03-11 10:05:09,570 WARN ha.HAAdmin: Proceeding with manual HA state management even though
automatic failover is enabled for NameNode at /
transitionToActive: Node nn2 is already active
Usage: haadmin [-ns <nameserviceId>] [-transitionToActive [--forceactive] <serviceId>]

此时提示的是 nn2 已经是 active,切换不起作用

当active节点正常时,使用hdfs haadmin -transitionToActive命令对两个namenode节点切换都不起作用.

此时试试将 active 状态切换成 standby

[root@hadoop-1 hadoop-3.3.1]# bin/hdfs haadmin -getAllServiceState
hadoop-1:8020                                      standby
hadoop-3:8020                                      active

[root@hadoop-1 hadoop-3.3.1]# bin/hdfs haadmin -transitionToStandby --forcemanual nn2
You have specified the --forcemanual flag. This flag is dangerous, as it can induce a split-brain scenario that WILL CORRUPT your HDFS namespace, possibly irrecoverably.

It is recommended not to use this flag, but instead to shut down the cluster and disable automatic failover if you prefer to manually manage your HA state.

You may abort safely by answering 'n' or hitting ^C now.

Are you sure you want to continue? (Y or N) y
2023-03-11 10:09:40,129 WARN ha.HAAdmin: Proceeding with manual HA state management even though
automatic failover is enabled for NameNode at /

[root@hadoop-1 hadoop-3.3.1]#  bin/hdfs haadmin -getAllServiceState
hadoop-1:8020                                      active
hadoop-3:8020                                      standby

此时提示的是 nn2 已经是 standby,切换生效

当active节点正常时,执行hdfs haadmin -transitionToStandby命令可以将active的namenode节点转换成standby状态。