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文章 一篇 Netty
2023-09-11 14:20:41 时间



 NIO是什么呢,NOT-BLOCKING IO,不阻塞的IO,字面上理解就是不用排队的IO。原生的BIO存在多个地方的阻塞,如服务端开启的accept(),read(),write(),NIO解决了这些问题吗,其实并不然。经过学习会发现,NIO在阻塞方面只是搞定了IO操作中的部分阻塞问题,将原本必须完全阻塞的读写方法改变为半阻塞方法,开启轮询模式,让复用路由器循环探测读写操作是否完成,如果未完成,线程就要去干别的事情了。








 * A multiplexor of {@link SelectableChannel} objects.
 * <p> A selector may be created by invoking the {@link #open open} method of
 * this class, which will use the system's default {@link
 * java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider selector provider} to
 * create a new selector.  A selector may also be created by invoking the
 * {@link java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider#openSelector openSelector}
 * method of a custom selector provider.  A selector remains open until it is
 * closed via its {@link #close close} method.
 * <a name="ks"></a>
 * <p> A selectable channel's registration with a selector is represented by a
 * {@link SelectionKey} object.  A selector maintains three sets of selection
 * keys:
 * <ul>
 *   <li><p> The <i>key set</i> contains the keys representing the current
 *   channel registrations of this selector.  This set is returned by the
 *   {@link #keys() keys} method. </p></li>
 *   <li><p> The <i>selected-key set</i> is the set of keys such that each
 *   key's channel was detected to be ready for at least one of the operations
 *   identified in the key's interest set during a prior selection operation.
 *   This set is returned by the {@link #selectedKeys() selectedKeys} method.
 *   The selected-key set is always a subset of the key set. </p></li>
 *   <li><p> The <i>cancelled-key</i> set is the set of keys that have been
 *   cancelled but whose channels have not yet been deregistered.  This set is
 *   not directly accessible.  The cancelled-key set is always a subset of the
 *   key set. </p></li>
 * </ul>
 * <p> All three sets are empty in a newly-created selector.
 * <p> A key is added to a selector's key set as a side effect of registering a
 * channel via the channel's {@link SelectableChannel#register(Selector,int)
 * register} method.  Cancelled keys are removed from the key set during
 * selection operations.  The key set itself is not directly modifiable.
 * <p> A key is added to its selector's cancelled-key set when it is cancelled,
 * whether by closing its channel or by invoking its {@link SelectionKey#cancel
 * cancel} method.  Cancelling a key will cause its channel to be deregistered
 * during the next selection operation, at which time the key will removed from
 * all of the selector's key sets.
 * <a name="sks"></a><p> Keys are added to the selected-key set by selection
 * operations.  A key may be removed directly from the selected-key set by
 * invoking the set's {@link java.util.Set#remove(java.lang.Object) remove}
 * method or by invoking the {@link java.util.Iterator#remove() remove} method
 * of an {@link java.util.Iterator iterator} obtained from the
 * set.  Keys are never removed from the selected-key set in any other way;
 * they are not, in particular, removed as a side effect of selection
 * operations.  Keys may not be added directly to the selected-key set. </p>
 * <a name="selop"></a>
 * <h2>Selection</h2>
 * <p> During each selection operation, keys may be added to and removed from a
 * selector's selected-key set and may be removed from its key and
 * cancelled-key sets.  Selection is performed by the {@link #select()}, {@link
 * #select(long)}, and {@link #selectNow()} methods, and involves three steps:
 * </p>
 * <ol>
 *   <li><p> Each key in the cancelled-key set is removed from each key set of
 *   which it is a member, and its channel is deregistered.  This step leaves
 *   the cancelled-key set empty. </p></li>
 *   <li><p> The underlying operating system is queried for an update as to the
 *   readiness of each remaining channel to perform any of the operations
 *   identified by its key's interest set as of the moment that the selection
 *   operation began.  For a channel that is ready for at least one such
 *   operation, one of the following two actions is performed: </p>
 *   <ol>
 *     <li><p> If the channel's key is not already in the selected-key set then
 *     it is added to that set and its ready-operation set is modified to
 *     identify exactly those operations for which the channel is now reported
 *     to be ready.  Any readiness information previously recorded in the ready
 *     set is discarded.  </p></li>
 *     <li><p> Otherwise the channel's key is already in the selected-key set,
 *     so its ready-operation set is modified to identify any new operations
 *     for which the channel is reported to be ready.  Any readiness
 *     information previously recorded in the ready set is preserved; in other
 *     words, the ready set returned by the underlying system is
 *     bitwise-disjoined into the key's current ready set. </p></li>
 *   </ol>
 *   If all of the keys in the key set at the start of this step have empty
 *   interest sets then neither the selected-key set nor any of the keys'
 *   ready-operation sets will be updated.
 *   <li><p> If any keys were added to the cancelled-key set while step (2) was
 *   in progress then they are processed as in step (1). </p></li>
 * </ol>
 * <p> Whether or not a selection operation blocks to wait for one or more
 * channels to become ready, and if so for how long, is the only essential
 * difference between the three selection methods. </p>
 * <h2>Concurrency</h2>
 * <p> Selectors are themselves safe for use by multiple concurrent threads;
 * their key sets, however, are not.
 * <p> The selection operations synchronize on the selector itself, on the key
 * set, and on the selected-key set, in that order.  They also synchronize on
 * the cancelled-key set during steps (1) and (3) above.
 * <p> Changes made to the interest sets of a selector's keys while a
 * selection operation is in progress have no effect upon that operation; they
 * will be seen by the next selection operation.
 * <p> Keys may be cancelled and channels may be closed at any time.  Hence the
 * presence of a key in one or more of a selector's key sets does not imply
 * that the key is valid or that its channel is open.  Application code should
 * be careful to synchronize and check these conditions as necessary if there
 * is any possibility that another thread will cancel a key or close a channel.
 * <p> A thread blocked in one of the {@link #select()} or {@link
 * #select(long)} methods may be interrupted by some other thread in one of
 * three ways:
 * <ul>
 *   <li><p> By invoking the selector's {@link #wakeup wakeup} method,
 *   </p></li>
 *   <li><p> By invoking the selector's {@link #close close} method, or
 *   </p></li>
 *   <li><p> By invoking the blocked thread's {@link
 *   java.lang.Thread#interrupt() interrupt} method, in which case its
 *   interrupt status will be set and the selector's {@link #wakeup wakeup}
 *   method will be invoked. </p></li>
 * </ul>
 * <p> The {@link #close close} method synchronizes on the selector and all
 * three key sets in the same order as in a selection operation.
 * <a name="ksc"></a>
 * <p> A selector's key and selected-key sets are not, in general, safe for use
 * by multiple concurrent threads.  If such a thread might modify one of these
 * sets directly then access should be controlled by synchronizing on the set
 * itself.  The iterators returned by these sets' {@link
 * java.util.Set#iterator() iterator} methods are <i>fail-fast:</i> If the set
 * is modified after the iterator is created, in any way except by invoking the
 * iterator's own {@link java.util.Iterator#remove() remove} method, then a
 * {@link java.util.ConcurrentModificationException} will be thrown. </p>
 * @author Mark Reinhold
 * @author JSR-51 Expert Group
 * @since 1.4
 * @see SelectableChannel
 * @see SelectionKey
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     2.Selector维护三个数据集,这个很重要。一个是keys set,记录的是注册的Channel所注册的操作,第二个是selected-keys set,记录的是已经探测确认要执行任务的操作,第三个是要取消的操作,cancel-keys set。最后一个集合没有提供访问方法。






 * A nexus for I/O operations.
 * <p> A channel represents an open connection to an entity such as a hardware
 * device, a file, a network socket, or a program component that is capable of
 * performing one or more distinct I/O operations, for example reading or
 * writing.
 * <p> A channel is either open or closed.  A channel is open upon creation,
 * and once closed it remains closed.  Once a channel is closed, any attempt to
 * invoke an I/O operation upon it will cause a {@link ClosedChannelException}
 * to be thrown.  Whether or not a channel is open may be tested by invoking
 * its {@link #isOpen isOpen} method.
 * <p> Channels are, in general, intended to be safe for multithreaded access
 * as described in the specifications of the interfaces and classes that extend
 * and implement this interface.
 * @author Mark Reinhold
 * @author JSR-51 Expert Group
 * @since 1.4
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     2.其他特点其实在其他的实现类中有,比如FileChannle中写了channle对于传统IO操作所对应的对Buffer的操作。对于Buffer的研究不是本次记录重点,但是这个概念也比较重要,所以我贴了一位同学的研究成果作为记录: https://blog.csdn.net/dkfajsldfsdfsd/article/details/89225098




Basic Buffer Usage



  向buffer写入数据。这一步通过调用channel的read()方法实现,例如本文第二节中出现的代码:bytesRead = inChannel.read(buf);,要求channel从它后端的数据源中read出数据并写入buffer,注意channel的非阻塞特性,此时buffer处于写模式。






                                      Java NIO: Buffer capacity, position and limit in write and read mode.









 * An asynchronous channel for reading, writing, and manipulating a file.
 * <p> An asynchronous file channel is created when a file is opened by invoking
 * one of the {@link #open open} methods defined by this class. The file contains
 * a variable-length sequence of bytes that can be read and written and whose
 * current size can be {@link #size() queried}. The size of the file increases
 * when bytes are written beyond its  current size; the size of the file decreases
 * when it is {@link #truncate truncated}.
 * <p> An asynchronous file channel does not have a <i>current position</i>
 * within the file. Instead, the file position is specified to each read and
 * write method that initiates asynchronous operations. A {@link CompletionHandler}
 * is specified as a parameter and is invoked to consume the result of the I/O
 * operation. This class also defines read and write methods that initiate
 * asynchronous operations, returning a {@link Future} to represent the pending
 * result of the operation. The {@code Future} may be used to check if the
 * operation has completed, wait for its completion, and retrieve the result.
 * <p> In addition to read and write operations, this class defines the
 * following operations: </p>
 * <ul>
 *   <li><p> Updates made to a file may be {@link #force <i>forced
 *   out</i>} to the underlying storage device, ensuring that data are not
 *   lost in the event of a system crash.  </p></li>
 *   <li><p> A region of a file may be {@link #lock <i>locked</i>} against
 *   access by other programs.  </p></li>
 * </ul>
 * <p> An {@code AsynchronousFileChannel} is associated with a thread pool to
 * which tasks are submitted to handle I/O events and dispatch to completion
 * handlers that consume the results of I/O operations on the channel. The
 * completion handler for an I/O operation initiated on a channel is guaranteed
 * to be invoked by one of the threads in the thread pool (This ensures that the
 * completion handler is run by a thread with the expected <em>identity</em>).
 * Where an I/O operation completes immediately, and the initiating thread is
 * itself a thread in the thread pool, then the completion handler may be invoked
 * directly by the initiating thread. When an {@code AsynchronousFileChannel} is
 * created without specifying a thread pool then the channel is associated with
 * a system-dependent default thread pool that may be shared with other
 * channels. The default thread pool is configured by the system properties
 * defined by the {@link AsynchronousChannelGroup} class.
 * <p> Channels of this type are safe for use by multiple concurrent threads. The
 * {@link Channel#close close} method may be invoked at any time, as specified
 * by the {@link Channel} interface. This causes all outstanding asynchronous
 * operations on the channel to complete with the exception {@link
 * AsynchronousCloseException}. Multiple read and write operations may be
 * outstanding at the same time. When multiple read and write operations are
 * outstanding then the ordering of the I/O operations, and the order that the
 * completion handlers are invoked, is not specified; they are not, in particular,
 * guaranteed to execute in the order that the operations were initiated. The
 * {@link java.nio.ByteBuffer ByteBuffers} used when reading or writing are not
 * safe for use by multiple concurrent I/O operations. Furthermore, after an I/O
 * operation is initiated then care should be taken to ensure that the buffer is
 * not accessed until after the operation has completed.
 * <p> As with {@link FileChannel}, the view of a file provided by an instance of
 * this class is guaranteed to be consistent with other views of the same file
 * provided by other instances in the same program.  The view provided by an
 * instance of this class may or may not, however, be consistent with the views
 * seen by other concurrently-running programs due to caching performed by the
 * underlying operating system and delays induced by network-filesystem protocols.
 * This is true regardless of the language in which these other programs are
 * written, and whether they are running on the same machine or on some other
 * machine.  The exact nature of any such inconsistencies are system-dependent
 * and are therefore unspecified.
 * @since 1.7
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  read: public abstract Future<Integer> read(ByteBuffer dst, long position);

     * Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into the given buffer,
     * starting at the given file position.
     * <p> This method initiates the reading of a sequence of bytes from this
     * channel into the given buffer, starting at the given file position. This
     * method returns a {@code Future} representing the pending result of the
     * operation. The {@code Future}'s {@link Future#get() get} method returns
     * the number of bytes read or {@code -1} if the given position is greater
     * than or equal to the file's size at the time that the read is attempted.
     * <p> This method works in the same manner as the {@link
     * AsynchronousByteChannel#read(ByteBuffer)} method, except that bytes are
     * read starting at the given file position. If the given file position is
     * greater than the file's size at the time that the read is attempted then
     * no bytes are read.
     * @param   dst
     *          The buffer into which bytes are to be transferred
     * @param   position
     *          The file position at which the transfer is to begin;
     *          must be non-negative
     * @return  A {@code Future} object representing the pending result
     * @throws  IllegalArgumentException
     *          If the position is negative or the buffer is read-only
     * @throws  NonReadableChannelException
     *          If this channel was not opened for reading
    public abstract Future<Integer> read(ByteBuffer dst, long position);
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  write:public abstract Future<Integer> wriet(ByteBuffer src, long position);

     * Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from the given buffer, starting
     * at the given file position.
     * <p> This method initiates the writing of a sequence of bytes to this
     * channel from the given buffer, starting at the given file position. The
     * method returns a {@code Future} representing the pending result of the
     * write operation. The {@code Future}'s {@link Future#get() get} method
     * returns the number of bytes written.
     * <p> This method works in the same manner as the {@link
     * AsynchronousByteChannel#write(ByteBuffer)} method, except that bytes are
     * written starting at the given file position. If the given position is
     * greater than the file's size, at the time that the write is attempted,
     * then the file will be grown to accommodate the new bytes; the values of
     * any bytes between the previous end-of-file and the newly-written bytes
     * are unspecified.
     * @param   src
     *          The buffer from which bytes are to be transferred
     * @param   position
     *          The file position at which the transfer is to begin;
     *          must be non-negative
     * @return  A {@code Future} object representing the pending result
     * @throws  IllegalArgumentException
     *          If the position is negative
     * @throws  NonWritableChannelException
     *          If this channel was not opened for writing
    public abstract Future<Integer> write(ByteBuffer src, long position);
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  IO 都是同步阻塞模式,所以需要多线程以实现多任务处理。而 NIO 则是利用了单线程轮询事件的机制,通过高效地定位就绪的 Channel,来决定做什么,仅仅 select 阶段是阻塞的,可以有效避免大量客户端连接时,频繁线程切换带来的问题,应用的扩展能力有了非常大的提高









      1.初始化创建 2 个 NioEventLoopGroup:其中 boosGroup 用于 Accetpt 连接建立事件并分发请求,workerGroup 用于处理 I/O 读写事件和业务逻辑。

      2.NioEventLoopGroup 相当于 1 个事件循环组,这个组里包含多个事件循环 NioEventLoop,每个 NioEventLoop 包含 1 个 Selector 和 1 个事件循环线程。

      每个 Boss NioEventLoop 循环执行的任务包含 3 步:

        1)轮询 Accept 事件;

        2)处理 Accept I/O 事件,与 Client 建立连接,生成 NioSocketChannel,并将 NioSocketChannel 注册到某个 Worker NioEventLoop 的 Selector 上;

        3)处理任务队列中的任务,runAllTasks。任务队列中的任务包括用户调用 eventloop.execute 或 schedule 执行的任务,或者其他线程提交到该 eventloop 的任务。

      每个 Worker NioEventLoop 循环执行的任务包含 3 步:

        1)轮询 Read、Write 事件;

        2)处理 I/O 事件,即 Read、Write 事件,在 NioSocketChannel 可读、可写事件发生时进行处理;



  最后给一个NETTY的例子,例子来源: https://www.jianshu.com/p/a4e03835921a


 * @author 闪电侠
public class NettyClient {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        Bootstrap bootstrap = new Bootstrap();
        NioEventLoopGroup group = new NioEventLoopGroup();

                .handler(new ChannelInitializer<Channel>() {
                    protected void initChannel(Channel ch) {
                        ch.pipeline().addLast(new StringEncoder());

        Channel channel = bootstrap.connect("", 8000).channel();

        while (true) {
            channel.writeAndFlush(new Date() + ": hello world!");
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 * @author 闪电侠
public class NettyServer {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ServerBootstrap serverBootstrap = new ServerBootstrap();

        NioEventLoopGroup boos = new NioEventLoopGroup();
        NioEventLoopGroup worker = new NioEventLoopGroup();
                .group(boos, worker)
                .childHandler(new ChannelInitializer<NioSocketChannel>() {
                    protected void initChannel(NioSocketChannel ch) {
                        ch.pipeline().addLast(new StringDecoder());
                        ch.pipeline().addLast(new SimpleChannelInboundHandler<String>() {
                            protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, String msg) {
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