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Web service framework—SoapUI研究

Web 研究 Service Framework soapui
2023-09-11 14:20:31 时间
最近接触到web service的一些事情,是基于脚本的自动化的一个测试过程,主要用到的是SoapUI(groovy script)。 SoapUI的在线文档是一个很好的资源,基于此,有一些简单的应用分享。 有兴趣可以研究一下,自己也是一个在学习的过程,一点学习笔记分享给大家。 Here is a sample presented that how to run test case in soapUI project and save data into DB Process: 1.       Load properties file or DataSource so that fetch corresponding data 2.       Set a request with parameters populated(data derive from properties or DataSource) 3.       Through transfer property to save data into external files or DB 4.       Using DataSink to export data to external files(such as excel,txt) or DB(need to connect DB) Screenshot of structure of one TestSuite: Step1: Load files( here I load file from properties file) PlaceName=Houston Step2: with data populated request (get data from properties under Form format) Step3: transfer data to target Also can transfer the designated data from original source to target( click on here) Step4: save data fetched into DB Need to connect database from DB list, here I select mysql as my db. Firstly you should download mysql-connector-java.zip from mysql website,after that, you should copy mysql-connector-java.jar to [JAVA_HOME]/ eviware/soapUI-Pro-3.5.1/jre/lib/ext, then configure connection and test it, if ok, you would fill in sql to insert data to table, as following: Step5: query mysql db and check if the data have been saved in DB 最新内容请见作者的GitHub页:http://qaseven.github.io/

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