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进程 一个 可以 死锁
2023-09-11 14:19:43 时间

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崔华,网名 dbsnake

Oracle ACE Director,ACOUG 核心专家






select sid from v$mystat 

where rownum




SQL create table t1 (id varchar2(10),

amount number(10));

Table created

SQL insert into t1 values(cuihua,100); 

1 row inserted 

SQL commit;

Commit complete

SQL select * from t1;

ID              AMOUNT

———- ———–

cuihua             100


SQL create procedure p_autonomous is


  3  begin

  4  update t1 set amount=102

  5  where id=cuihua;

  6  commit;

  7  end;

  8  /

Procedure created

SQL create procedure p_test is

  2 begin

  3 update t1 set amount=101 where id=cuihua;

  4 p_autonomous;

  5 commit;

  6  end;

  7  /


Procedure created 


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此时alert log里会显示:

ORA-00060: Deadlock detected.

 More info in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/ipra/udump/ipra_ora_921828.trc.



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也就是说这里的Blocker是session 362,Waiter也是session 362,典型的自己锁死了自己。


The Oracle server provides the ability to temporarily suspend a current transaction and begin another. This second transaction is known as an autonomous transaction and runs independently of its parent. The autonomous or child transaction can commit or rollback as applicable, with the execution of the parent transaction being resumed upon its completion.

The parent may then perform further operations and commit or roll back without affecting the outcome of any operations performed within the child. The child transaction does not inherit transaction context (that is, SET TRANSACTION statements). The transactions are organized as a stack: Only the “top” transaction is accessible at any given time. Once completed, the autonomous transaction is “popped” and the calling transaction is again visible. The limit to the number of suspended transactions is governed by the initialization parameter TRANSACTIONS.

The Oracle server uses similar functionality internally in recursive transactions.

Transactions must be explicitly committed or rolled back or an error ORA-6519 is signaled when attempting to return from the autonomous block.

A deadlock situation may occur where a called and calling transaction deadlock; — this is not prevented, but is signaled by an error unique to this situation. The application developer is responsible for avoiding this situation.


线程和进程 / 进程和线程的区别和联系 每个应用程序运行于现代操作系统之上时,操作系统会提供一种抽象,好像系统上只有这个程序在运行,所有的硬件资源都被这个程序在使用。这种假象是通过抽象了一个进程的概念来完成的,进程可以说是计算机科学中最重要和最成功的概念之一.
今天,进程告诉我线程它它它它不想活了(二) 这篇文章我们来探讨它们是如何通信的,进程告诉我说线程不想活了,我不管它死活,我是谁?进程是怎么告诉我的?进程的出现和线程的死亡和我有必然联系吗?文章为你揭露哟...
今天,进程告诉我线程它它它它不想活了(三) 这篇文章我们来探讨它们是如何通信的,进程告诉我说线程不想活了,我不管它死活,我是谁?进程是怎么告诉我的?进程的出现和线程的死亡和我有必然联系吗?文章为你揭露哟...