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Struts Spring Plugin注意点

Spring 注意 plugin struts
2023-09-11 14:19:27 时间


The following settings can be customized. See the developer guide.

SettingDescriptionDefaultPossible Values
struts.objectFactory.spring.autoWire The autowire strategy name name,type,auto, or constructor
struts.objectFactory.spring.autoWire.alwaysRespect Whether the autowire strategy should always be used, or if the framework should try to guess the best strategy based on the situation false for backwards-compatibility true or false
struts.objectFactory.spring.useClassCache Whether to have Spring use its class cache or not true true or false
struts.class.reloading.watchList List of jar files or directories to watch for changes null Comma separated list of absolute or relative paths to jars or directories
struts.class.reloading.acceptClasses List of regular expressions of accepted class names null Comma separated list of regular expressions of classes that will be loaded by the reloading class loader(we suggest to add regular expressions so only action classes are handled by the reloading class loader)
struts.class.reloading.reloadConfig Reload the runtime configuration (action mappings, results etc) when a change is detected in one of the watched directories false true or false
