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sql: Oracle 11g create procedure

OracleSQL create 11g procedure
2023-09-11 14:19:12 时间
begin --SELECT COUNT (*) INTO ncount FROM BookKindList fm1 where EXISTS (SELECT BookKindName from BookKindList fm2 where fm2.BookKindName=temTypeName);--判斷是否存 SELECT count(*) INTO ncount FROM BookKindList where BookKindName=temTypeName; if ncount =0 then begin INSERT INTO BookKindList (BookKindName,BookKindParent) VALUES(temTypeName,temParent); commit; begin SELECT BookKindID INTO ncount FROM BookKindList where BookKindName=temTypeName; dbms_output.put_line(存在相同的记录,添加不成功!||ncount); end if; Exception When others then dbms_output.put_line(存在问题,添加不成功!||ncount); Rollback; end proc_Insert_BookKindList; --测试 oracle 11g 涂聚文 20150526 exec proc_Insert_BookKindList (油彩画,3); drop PROCEDURE proc_Insert_BookKindOut;
begin --SELECT COUNT (*) INTO ncount FROM BookKindList fm1 where EXISTS (SELECT BookKindName from BookKindList fm2 where fm2.BookKindName=temTypeName);--判斷是否存 SELECT count(*) INTO ncount FROM BookKindList where BookKindName=temTypeName; if ncount =0 then begin INSERT INTO BookKindList (BookKindID,BookKindName,BookKindParent) VALUES(BookKindList_SEQ.nextval,temTypeName,temParent); select BookKindList_SEQ.currval into reid from dual; temId:=reid; dbms_output.put_line(添加成功!||temId); commit; begin SELECT BookKindID INTO ncount FROM BookKindList where BookKindName=temTypeName; dbms_output.put_line(存在相同的记录,添加不成功!||ncount); temId:=0; end if; Exception When others then begin dbms_output.put_line(存在问题,添加不成功!||ncount); temId:=0; Rollback; end; end procInsertBookKindOut; --测试 oracle 11g 涂聚文 20150526 declare mid number:=0; nam nvarchar2(100):=黑白画; par number:=3; begin --proc_Insert_BookKindOut(nam in nvarchar2,par in int,mid in out int); procInsertBookKindOut(nam,par ,mid); if mid 0 then dbms_output.put_line(添加成功!输出参数:||mid); dbms_output.put_line(存在相同的记录,添加不成功!输出参数:||mid); end if;
【大数据开发运维解决方案】linux5 安装 oracle 11g(实验 安装环境(可以查看附件的环境安装过程来安装和我这个一模一样的环境): oracle linux 5 64位 ,oracle11.2.0.4 64位  ip    hostname jtxy 安装目录: /u01 系统要求: 以下是安装Oracle数据库的内存要求11所示g版本2(11.2):
geovindu 读者是,读之者,者之读.一沙一世界! to be is to do举世皆清我独浊,众人皆醒我独醉.俺是农民工,程序员.