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Android Studio 2.3 instant run与miui冲突问题的解决

AndroidStudio 解决 2.3 冲突 run 问题 MIUI
2023-09-11 14:17:21 时间

Android Studio最近发布的2.3版本,由于这个版本改进后的Instant Run功能和很多国内ROM存在兼容问题,所以导致不得不做一些妥协策略,具体在小米Rom上,就是把小米rom的调试定制优化功能关闭掉:      

In case you are running a device with MIUI, Go to Developer Settings > Turn on MIUI optimization and turn it off.

You will then need to restart your device and recompile the code.

Instant Run should then work again

