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C#,数值计算(Numerical Recipes in C#),稀疏矩阵的相乘(ADAT)算法与源代码

c#算法计算 in 矩阵 源代码 数值 稀疏
2023-09-11 14:15:48 时间

《Numerical Recipes in C++》原文摘要:

The only sparse matrix-matrix multiply routine we give is to form the product ADAT , where D is a diagonal matrix. This particular product is used to form the so-called normal equations in the interior-point method for linear programming (§10.11). We encapsulate the algorithm in its own structure, ADAT:



The algorithm proceeds in two steps. First, the nonzero pattern of AAT is found by a call to the constructor. Since D is diagonal, AAT and ADAT have the same nonzero structure. Algorithms using ADAT will typically have both A and AT available, so we pass them both to the constructor rather than recompute AT from A. The constructor allocates storage and assigns values to col_ptr and row_ind. The structure of ADAT is returned with columns in sorted order because routines like the AMD ordering algorithm used in §10.11 require it.

该算法分两步进行。首先,通过调用构造函数找到AAT的非零模式。由于D是对角的,AAT和ADAT具有相同的非零结构。使用ADAT的算法通常都有A和AT可用,因此我们将它们都传递给构造函数,而不是从A重新计算AT。构造函数分配存储并将值分配给col\u ptr和row\u ind。ADAT的结构以列的排序顺序返回,因为§10.11中使用的AMD排序算法等例程需要它。

By the way, if you invoke ADAT with different matrices A and BT , everything will work

fine as long as A and B have the same nonzero pattern.

In Numerical Recipes second edition, we gave a related sparse matrix storage mode in which the diagonal of the matrix is stored first, followed by the off-diagonal elements. We now feel that the added complexity of that scheme is not worthwhile for any of the uses in this book. For a discussion of this and other storage schemes, see [7,8]. To see how to work with the diagonal in the compressed column mode, look at the code for asolve at the end of this section.





using System;

namespace Legalsoft.Truffer
    public class ADAT
        private NRsparseMat a { get; set; }
        private NRsparseMat at { get; set; }
        private NRsparseMat adat { get; set; }

        public ADAT(NRsparseMat A, NRsparseMat AT)
            this.a = A;
            this.at = AT;

            int m = AT.ncols;
            int[] done = new int[m];
            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                done[i] = -1;
            int nvals = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
                for (int i = AT.col_ptr[j]; i < AT.col_ptr[j + 1]; i++)
                    int k = AT.row_ind[i];
                    for (int l = A.col_ptr[k]; l < A.col_ptr[k + 1]; l++)
                        int h = A.row_ind[l];
                        if (done[h] != j)
                            done[h] = j;
            adat = new NRsparseMat(m, m, nvals);
            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                done[i] = -1;
            nvals = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
                adat.col_ptr[j] = nvals;
                for (int i = AT.col_ptr[j]; i < AT.col_ptr[j + 1]; i++)
                    int k = AT.row_ind[i];
                    for (int l = A.col_ptr[k]; l < A.col_ptr[k + 1]; l++)
                        int h = A.row_ind[l];
                        if (done[h] != j)
                            done[h] = j;
                            adat.row_ind[nvals] = h;
            adat.col_ptr[m] = nvals;
            for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
                int i = adat.col_ptr[j];
                int size = adat.col_ptr[j + 1] - i;
                if (size > 1)
                    //int[] col = new int[size](adat.row_ind[i]);
                    //int[] col(size,&adat->row_ind[i]);

                    int[] col = new int[size];
                    for (int kk = 0; kk < col.Length; kk++)
                        col[kk] = adat.row_ind[i + kk];

                    for (int k = 0; k < size; k++)
                        adat.row_ind[i + k] = col[k];

        public void updateD(double[] D)
            int m = a.nrows;
            int n = a.ncols;
            double[] temp = new double[n];
            double[] temp2 = new double[m];
            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                for (int j = at.col_ptr[i]; j < at.col_ptr[i + 1]; j++)
                    int k = at.row_ind[j];
                    temp[k] = at.val[j] * D[k];
                for (int j = at.col_ptr[i]; j < at.col_ptr[i + 1]; j++)
                    int k = at.row_ind[j];
                    for (int l = a.col_ptr[k]; l < a.col_ptr[k + 1]; l++)
                        int h = a.row_ind[l];
                        temp2[h] += temp[k] * a.val[l];
                for (int j = adat.col_ptr[i]; j < adat.col_ptr[i + 1]; j++)
                    int k = adat.row_ind[j];
                    adat.val[j] = temp2[k];
                    temp2[k] = 0.0;