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试题 2022 2021 答案 英语 学年 八年级
2023-09-11 14:15:05 时间



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 ABCD 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

In 1956, William Lindesay was born in a town of England. His __21__ in China dates back to his childhood. One day he looked at the map of China in an atlas, he __22__ the Great Wall.

“I fell in love with it immediately,” he said to China Daily. “I thought it would be a great __23__ if I could travel along it, from end to end.”

In 1987, he started to climb the Great Wall, __24__ it in 78 days. It’s a great journey from the far west of China to the point where the __25__ meets the sea. He __26__ extreme heat, giant blisters and __27__ during the run, which took place in two parts, during spring and fall, to 28 the more extreme heat of midsummer.

On one expedition out in the Gobi Desert, he almost died from dehydration(脱水). __29__ another trip, Lindesay walked deep into the Desert, and __30__ a previously unknown section of the wall.

During his exploration, he noticed some sections of the wall were __31__ damaged and covered with litter, __32__ he decided to stay in China to protect it. Modernization was making the situation worse. “Some people say it will take generations to change; I say we don’t have generations of time. It’s got to be much __33__, “ he said.

Lindesay always carries a garbage bag with him in the wilderness, picking litter along the way. “Every person can make a difference. If we can __34__ most Chinese people to be environmentalists, China will be a green, beautiful and country to live in,” he said.