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Google Earth Engine(GEE)——表达式波段计算:如何按照自己的公式设立波段运算以EVI增强型植被指数为例

Google计算 如何 自己 运算 表达式 Engine Earth
2023-09-11 14:15:11 时间

expression(expression, map)

Evaluates an arithmetic expression on an image, possibly involving additional images.

The bands of the primary input image are available using the built-in function b(), as b(0) or b('band_name').

Variables in the expression are interpreted as additional image parameters which must be supplied in opt_map. The bands of each such image can be accessed like image.band_name or image[0].

Both b() and image[] allow multiple arguments, to specify multiple bands, such as b(1, 'name', 3). Calling b() with no arguments, or using a variable by itself,