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Google Earth Engine APP(GEE) ——一个简单的添加红绿蓝图例的APP

GoogleApp 一个 简单 添加 Engine Earth GEE
2023-09-11 14:15:11 时间

本博客的主要内容是我们需要通过简单的三个控件,一个是面板用于加载其它部件,另外就是一个是标签,然后分别将建立好的标签以添加到面板上。最后将面板加载到地图上。这里是一个简单的嵌套结构。整个思路非常简单,这里我们需要提前准备两个列表分别装载颜色和名称,然后根据循环分别添加到所设定的标签中,其实比较简单。前言 – 床长人工智能教程



A widget that can hold other widgets. Use panels to construct complex combinations of nested widgets.

Panels can be added to ui.root but not printed to the console with print().


widgets (List<ui.Widget>|ui.Widget, optional):

The list of widgets or a single widget to add to the panel. Defaults to an empty array.

layout (String|ui.Panel.Layout, optional):

The layout to use for this panel. If a string is passed in, it’s taken as a shortcut to the layout constructor with that name. Defaults to 'flow'.