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Google earth engine——在线展示动图ui.Thumbnail

GoogleUI 在线 Engine Earth 展示 动图
2023-09-11 14:15:11 时间


Export.video.toDrive(collection, descriptionfolderfileNamePrefixframesPerSeconddimensionsregionscalecrscrsTransformmaxPixelsmaxFrames)

Creates a batch task to export an ImageCollection as a video to Drive. The collection must only contain RGB images. Tasks can be started from the Tasks tab. "crsTransform", "scale", and "dimensions" are mutually exclusive.


collection (ImageCollection):

The image collection to export.

description (String, optional):

A human-readable name of the task. Defaults to "myExportVideoTask".

folder (String, optional):

The Google Drive Folder that the export will reside in.

fileNamePrefix (String, optional):

The filename prefix. Defaults to the