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C++log日志系统 写入 var syslog
2023-09-11 14:14:44 时间



第二个参数option是下列值取与运算的结果:LOG_CONS,LOG_NDELAY, LOG_NOWAIT, LOG_ODELAY, LOG_PERROR,LOG_PID,各值意义请参考man openlog手册:
       Writedirectly to system console if there is an error while sending tosystem logger.

       Openthe connection immediately (normally, the connection is opened whenthe first message is logged).

       Don’t wait for childprocesses that may have been created while logging themessage.  (The GNU C library does not createa child process, so this option has no effect onLinux.)

       The converseof LOG_NDELAY; opening of the connection is delayed until syslog()is called.  (This is the default,  and need not be specified.)

       (Notin SUSv3.) Print to stderr as well.

        IncludePID with each message.


        The facility argument is used to specify what type ofprogram  is logging  the  message.
        This  lets the configuration file specify thatmessages from different facilities will be
        handled differently.
        LOG_AUTH      security/authorization messages (DEPRECATED Use LOG_AUTHPRIVinstead)
        LOG_AUTHPRIV  security/authorization messages (private)
        LOG_CRON      clock daemon (cron and at)
        LOG_DAEMON    system daemons without separate facility value
        LOG_FTP       ftp daemon
        LOG_KERN      kernel messages (these can't be generage from user processes)
        LOG_LOCAL0 through LOG_LOCAL7
                       reserved for local use
        LOG_LPR       line printer subsystem
        LOG_MAIL      mail subsystem
        LOG_NEWS      USENET news subsystem
        LOG_SYSLOG    messages generated internally by syslogd(8)
        LOG_USER (default)
                       generic user-level messages
        LOG_UUCP      UUCP subsystem


void syslog(int priority, const char *format, ...);



        This determines the importance of the message. The levels are, in  order of  decreasing
        LOG_EMERG     system is unusable
        LOG_ALERT     action must be taken immediately
        LOG_CRIT      critical conditions
        LOG_ERR       error conditions
        LOG_WARNING   warning conditions
        LOG_NOTICE    normal, but significant, condition
        LOG_INFO      informational message
        LOG_DEBUG     debug-level message
        The function setlogmask(3) can be used to restrict logging tospecified levels only.

        The  argument ident  in  the call  of openlog() is probably storedas-is.  Thus, if the
        string it points to is changed, syslog() may start prepending thechanged string, and  if
        the  string it points to ceases to exist, theresults are undefined.  Most portable is to
        use a string constant.
        Never pass a string with user-supplied data as a format, use thefollowing instead:
            syslog(priority, "%s", string);


#include <stdio.h>
#include <syslog.h>

int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
    openlog("project/filter", LOG_PID, LOG_MAIL);

    syslog ( LOG_DEBUG, "argc: %d\n", argc );
    syslog ( LOG_NOTICE, "argv[0]: %s\n", argv[0] );

    return 0;