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How to use RowClick of DxDataGrid?

to of How use
2023-09-11 14:14:16 时间

How to use RowClick of DxDataGrid?

Without more context, it is difficult for me to provide a specific answer to your question. However, I can provide some general information about the RowClick event in the DevExpress DxDataGrid control.

The RowClick event is triggered when a user clicks on a row in a DxDataGrid control. This event can be used to perform an action, such as displaying more information about the data in the row or performing some other task. To handle the RowClick event, you can add an event handler to the DxDataGrid control in your code. This event handler will be called whenever the RowClick event is triggered.

Here is an example of how you might use the RowClick event in a DxDataGrid control:

@using DevExpress.Blazor

<DxDataGrid Data="@GridData" RowClick="@HandleRowClick">
  <DxDataGridColumn Field="@nameof(MyData.Name)" Caption="Name" />
  <DxDataGridColumn Field="@nameof(MyData.Age)" Caption="Age" />

@code {
  List<MyData> GridData = new List<MyData>();

  void HandleRowClick(RowClickEventArgs args)
    // Perform some action when a row is clicked.
    // For example, you might display a message or open a modal window.

  class MyData
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }

In the example above, the HandleRowClick method is used as the event handler for the RowClick event. When a user clicks on a row in the DxDataGrid control, this method will be called and you can perform any desired actions within it.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Does the click means left click or right click or even double click?

In the context of the RowClick event in the DevExpress DxDataGrid control, the click refers to a mouse click with the left button. This is the most common type of mouse click, and it is the default action that is performed when a user clicks on an element on a web page.

In some cases, a RowClick event may be triggered by other types of mouse clicks, such as a right-click or a double-click. However, this will depend on how the RowClick event is implemented in the DxDataGrid control. Some developers may choose to handle these other types of clicks differently, or they may choose to ignore them altogether.

If you want to handle right-clicks or double-clicks specifically, you can use the RowRightClick and RowDblClick events, respectively. These events are similar to the RowClick event, but they are triggered by different types of mouse clicks. Here is an example of how you might handle these events:

@using DevExpress.Blazor

<DxDataGrid Data="@GridData"
  <DxDataGridColumn Field="@nameof(MyData.Name)" Caption="Name" />
  <DxDataGridColumn Field="@nameof(MyData.Age)" Caption="Age" />

@code {
  List<MyData> GridData = new List<MyData>();

  void HandleRowClick(RowClickEventArgs args)
    // Perform some action when a row is clicked.

  void HandleRowRightClick(RowClickEventArgs args)
    // Perform some action when a row is right-clicked.

  void HandleRowDblClick(RowClickEventArgs args)
    // Perform some action when a row is double-clicked.

  class MyData
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }

In the example above, the RowClick, RowRightClick, and RowDblClick events are all handled separately. This allows you to perform different actions depending on the type of mouse click that is performed.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.