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How to function call using 'this' inside forEach loop

to &# 39 this Using How Function call
2023-09-11 14:14:18 时间

How to function call using 'this' inside forEach loop

In the following object, I have a problem using the 'this' reference:

function SampleObject(){
    this.addObject = function(object){...}
    // more code here
    this.addNewObjects= function(arr){
        arr.forEach( function (obj) {
            this.addObject(new Obj(obj.prop1, obj.prop2));

I'm assuming the context is changing and that 'this' refers the iterated 'obj', and not 'SampleObject'. I've solved the problem using a normal for loop however, i'm curuois to why this is not working, and would like to know if there is another way to do this.



You can store this in variable:

var self = this;
this.addNewObjects = function(arr){
    arr.forEach(function(obj) {
        self.addObject(new Obj(obj.prop1, obj.prop2));

or use bind:

this.addNewObjects = function(arr) {
    arr.forEach(function(obj) {
        this.addObject(new Obj(obj.prop1, obj.prop2));

And side note, without those this will be window object not obj. This is always object that was created using new keyword or window object if it's normal function. In strict mode this will be undefined in this case.

UPDATE: and with ES6 you can use arrow function:

this.addNewObjects = function(arr) {
    arr.forEach((obj) => {
        this.addObject(new Obj(obj.prop1, obj.prop2));

arrow functions don't have their own this and they get it from outer scope.

UPDATE2: from @viery365 comment you can use this as second argument to forEach and it will make context for the function:

this.addNewObjects = function(arr) {
    arr.forEach(function(obj) {
        this.addObject(new Obj(obj.prop1, obj.prop2));
    }, this);

You can read this on MDN forEach page


Jquery $().each method obscures 'this' keyword

I am creating a Javascript object that contains a function that executes a jQuery each method like the following:

function MyClass {

  Method1 = function(obj) { 
    // Does something here

  Method2 = function() {
    $(".SomeClass").each(function() {

       // 1          2



Which object is each THIS referring to? jQuery is referring to the item returned from the each iteration. However, I would like This[1] to refer to the containing class...

How can I refer to the containing class from within the jQuery loop?



I guess you could do something like this:

function MyClass {
     Method1 = function(obj) {
         //do something here

     Method2 = function () {
          var containingClass = this;
          $(".SomeClass").each(function () {