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Auto-width of ComboBox's content

of &# 39 content Auto width combobox
2023-09-11 14:14:17 时间

Auto-width of ComboBox's content


You can't use it directly.

Do a trick

First iterate through all items of your combobox, check for the width of every items by assigning the text to a label. Then, check width every time, if width of current item gets greater than previous items then change the maximum width.

int DropDownWidth(ComboBox myCombo)
    int maxWidth = 0;
    int temp = 0;
    Label label1 = new Label();

    foreach (var obj in myCombo.Items)
        label1.Text = obj.ToString();
        temp = label1.PreferredWidth;
        if (temp > maxWidth)
            maxWidth = temp;
    return maxWidth;           

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    comboBox1.DropDownWidth = DropDownWidth(comboBox1);


As suggested by stakx, you can use TextRenderer class

int DropDownWidth(ComboBox myCombo)
    int maxWidth = 0, temp = 0;
    foreach (var obj in myCombo.Items)
        temp = TextRenderer.MeasureText(obj.ToString(), myCombo.Font).Width;
        if (temp > maxWidth)
            maxWidth = temp;
    return maxWidth;



obj.ToString() doesn't work for me, I suggest to use myCombo.GetItemText(obj). This works for me:

private int DropDownWidth(ComboBox myCombo)
    int maxWidth = 0, temp = 0;
    foreach (var obj in myCombo.Items)
        temp = TextRenderer.MeasureText(myCombo.GetItemText(obj), myCombo.Font).Width;
        if (temp > maxWidth)
            maxWidth = temp;
    return maxWidth + SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth;



 private void SetComboBoxWidth(ComboBox comboBox)
            int maxWidth = 260;
            foreach (var obj in comboBox.Items)
                var temp = TextRenderer.MeasureText(comboBox.GetItemText(obj), comboBox.Font).Width;
                if (temp > maxWidth)
                    maxWidth = temp;

            comboBox.Width = maxWidth + SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth;