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Azure DevOps Azure Repos Git How-to Guides Use SSH key authentication

sshDevOpsGit to Key How use Azure
2023-09-11 14:14:18 时间

Azure DevOps 

Azure Repos 


How-to Guides 

Authenticate with SSH

Connect to your Git repos through SSH on macOS, Linux, or Windows to securely connect using HTTPS authentication. On Windows, we recommended the use of Git Credential Managers or Personal Access Tokens.




This element sets the maximum number of connections and processes the server will handle. Tectia Server uses a distributed architecture where the master server process launches several servant server processes that handle the actual connections. The element can also contain zero or more servant-lifetime elements.

The max-processes attribute defines the maximum number of servant processes the master server will launch. The allowed value range is 1 to 2048. The default (and recommended) value is 40.

The max-connections attribute defines the maximum number of client connections allowed per servant. The default (and recommended) value is 256.

The maximum number of connections a server can handle depends on system resources.

This setting is useful in systems with low resources. The server has to be restarted to use the changed setting.

A sample limits element is shown below:

<limits max-connections="256" max-processes="40" />


What's the max connections of ssh authentication?