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Disable Windows Defender Credential Guard

Windows Guard Disable Defender
2023-09-11 14:14:18 时间




Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope LocalMachine

通过 Get-ExecutionPolicy -List可以确认


Enable Windows Defender Credential Guard by using the HVCI and Windows Defender Credential Guard hardware readiness tool

You can also enable Windows Defender Credential Guard by using the HVCI and Windows Defender Credential Guard hardware readiness tool.

DG_Readiness_Tool.ps1 -Enable -AutoReboot



Disable Windows Defender Credential Guard by using the HVCI and Windows Defender Credential Guard hardware readiness tool

You can also disable Windows Defender Credential Guard by using the HVCI and Windows Defender Credential Guard hardware readiness tool.

DG_Readiness_Tool_v3.6.ps1 -Disable -AutoReboot