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Resend a Request by fiddler

by request Fiddler
2023-09-11 14:14:18 时间

Resend a Request

You can resend a request directly from the Sessions List, or save requests to resend in the Composer.

Resend a Request from the Sessions List

  • Select one or more sessions in the Sessions List.

  • Press R or right-click the session(s) and click Replay > Reissue Requests.



Resend a Session from the Composer

  1. Click the Composer tab.

  2. In the Composer tab, click the Scratchpad tab.   

  3. Click and drag one or more sessions from the Sessions List.   直接把一个或者多个session拖动到Scratchpad中


4.Triple-click the content of a session in the Scratchpad to select the entire session contents.



5. Click Execute to reissue the request(s).