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Chrome Development Tool: [VM] file from javascript

JavaScriptChrome File from VM TOOL development
2023-09-11 14:14:20 时间

Chrome Development Tool: [VM] file from javascript

[VM] (scriptId) has no special meaning. It's a dummy name假名 to help us to distinguish code which are not directly tied to a file name, such as code created using eval and friends.

In the past, all of these scripts were just labelled (program).

If you're interested, just look up "[VM]"in the source code of Chromium, you will discover that these numbers have no significant meaning outside the developer tools.

update 2015-06-25

[VM] (scriptId) was renamed to VMscriptId a while ago, and here is the direct link to search result in case the value changes again.




Chrome Console: VM

It is abbreviation of the phrase Virtual Machine. In the Chrome JavaScript engine (called V8) each script has its own script ID.

Sometimes V8 has no information about the file name of a script, for example in the case of an eval. So devtools uses the text "VM" concatenated with the script ID as a title for these scripts.

Some sites may fetch many pieces of JavaScript code via XHR and eval it. If a developer wants to see the actual script name for these scripts she can use sourceURL. DevTools parses and uses it for titles, mapping etc.





1》、在调试<source>的左下方有一个{}图标,提示“pretty print”,点击,chrome就会另外打开一个:formatted的文件,在里面就可以调试了。

