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JavaScript Versions

JavaScript versions
2023-09-11 14:14:18 时间

JavaScript Versions

JavaScript was invented by Brendan Eich in 1995, and became an ECMA standard in 1997.

ECMAScript is the official name of the language.

ECMAScript versions have been abbreviated to ES1, ES2, ES3, ES5, and ES6.

From 2015 ECMAScript is named by year (ECMAScript 2015).

ECMAScript Editions


Browser Support

ECMAScript 3 is fully supported in all browsers.

ECMAScript 5 is fully supported in all modern browsers.

Browser Support for ES5 (2009)

BrowserVersionFrom Date
Chrome 23 Sep 2012
Firefox 21 Apr 2013
IE 9* Mar 2011
IE / Edge 10 Sep 2012
Safari 6 Jul 2012
Opera 15 Jul 2013

* Internet Explorer 9 does not support ECMAScript 5 "use strict".

Browser Support for ES6 (ECMAScript 2015)

Chrome 51 May 2016
Firefox 54 Jun 2017
Edge 14 Aug 2016
Safari 10 Sep 2016
Opera 38  Jun 2016

Internet Explorer does not support ECMAScript 2015.


JavaScript / ECMAScript

JavaScript was developed for Netscape. Netscape 2 was the first browser to run JavaScript.

After Netscape the Mozilla foundation continued to develop JavaScript for the Firefox browser.

The latest JavaScript version was 1.8.5. (Identical to ECMAScript 5).

ECMAScript was developed by ECMA International after the organization adopted JavaScript.

The first edition of ECMAScript was released in 1997.

This list compares the version numbers of the different products:

1996 1.0   Netscape 2
1997   ECMAScript 1 IE 4
1998 1.3   Netscape 4
1999   ECMAScript 2 IE 5
2000   ECMAScript 3 IE 5.5
2000 1.5   Netscape 6
2000 1.5   Firefox 1
2011   ECMAScript 5 IE 9 (Except "use strict")
2011 1.8.5   Firefox 4 (Except leading zeroes in parseInt)
2012     IE 10
2012     Chrome 23
2012     Safari 6
2013     Firefox 21
2013     Opera 15
2015   ECMAScript 2015 Partially Supported in all Browser

IE 4 was the first browser to support ECMAScript 1 (1997).

IE 5 was the first browser to support ECMAScript 2 (1999).

IE 5.5 was the first browser to support ECMAScript 3 (2000).

IE 9* was the first browser to support ECMAScript 5 (2011).

Internet Explorer 9 does not support ECMAScript 5 "use strict".

Chrome 23, IE 10, and Safari 6 were the first browsers to fully support ECMAScript 5: