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How to check the version of an assembly (dll)?

to The of an How dll version check
2023-09-11 14:14:18 时间

How to check the version of an assembly (dll)?

There is a couple of ways to do it:

  • If you reference the dll in Visual Studio right click it (in ProjectName/References folder) and select "Properties" you have "Version" and "Runtime Version" there.

  • In File Explorer when you right click the dll file and select properties there is a "File Version" and "Product Version" there.

  • Alternatively, investigate it in code:

    Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom("TestAssembly.dll");
    Version ver = assembly.GetName().Version;


How can i see the assembly version of a .NET assembly in Windows Vista and newer (WIndows 7, 2008)?

You can always write a Shell Extension to add a property page to File Properties like it has been done here http://sbytestream.pythonanywhere.com/software/asmprops