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hdu3987 最小割边数

2023-09-11 14:14:00 时间

      两个方法,一个是先一遍最大流,然后把割边全都改成流量1,其他的全都改成流量无穷就行了,第二个方法是比较经典的方法,就是把权值放大 *(E+1)+1,最后在对(E+1)取余就行了,这么干其实是同时跑了两遍最大流,只不过是两个权值之间的差距太大,不会相互影响。


#define N_node 1000 + 5
#define N_edge 400000 + 100
#define INF 2055000000

using namespace std;

typedef struct
   int from ,to ,next;
   long long  cost;

typedef struct
   int x ,t;

STAR E[N_edge];
DEP xin ,tou;
int list[N_node] ,list2[N_node] ,tot;
int deep[N_node];

void add(int a ,int b ,long long c)
   E[++tot].from = a;
   E[tot].to = b;
   E[tot].cost = c;
   E[tot].next = list[a];
   list[a] = tot;
   E[++tot].from = b;
   E[tot].to = a;
   E[tot].cost = 0;
   E[tot].next = list[b];
   list[b] = tot;

long long minn(long long a ,long long b)
   return a < b ? a : b;

bool BFS_Deep(int s ,int t ,int n)
   memset(deep ,255 ,sizeof(deep));
   xin.x = s ,xin.t = 0;
   deep[s] = 0;
      tou = q.front();
      for(int k = list[tou.x] ;k ;k = E[k].next)
         xin.x = E[k].to;
         xin.t = tou.t + 1;
         if(deep[xin.x] != -1 || !E[k].cost)
         deep[xin.x] = xin.t;
   for(int i = 0 ;i <= n ;i ++)
   list2[i] = list[i];
   return deep[t] != -1;

long long DFS_Flow(int s ,int t ,long long flow)
   if(s == t) return flow;
   long long nowflow = 0;
   for(int k = list2[s] ;k ;k = E[k].next)
      list2[s] = k;
      int to = E[k].to;
      long long c = E[k].cost;
      if(deep[to] != deep[s] + 1 || !c) continue;
      long long tmp = DFS_Flow(to ,t ,minn(c ,flow - nowflow));
      nowflow += tmp;
      E[k].cost -= tmp;
      E[k^1].cost += tmp;
      if(nowflow == flow) break;
   if(!nowflow) deep[s] = 0;
   return nowflow;

long long DINIC(int s ,int t ,int n)

   long long Ans = 0;
   while(BFS_Deep(s ,t ,n))
      Ans += DFS_Flow(s ,t ,INF);
   return Ans;

int main ()
    int a ,b ,c ,d;
    int t ,n ,m ,i ,cas = 1;
    scanf("%d" ,&t);
        scanf("%d %d" ,&n ,&m);
        memset(list ,0 ,sizeof(list));
        tot = 1;
        for(i = 1 ;i <= m ;i ++)
           scanf("%d %d %d %d" ,&a ,&b ,&c ,&d);
           if(d) add(a + 1 ,b + 1 ,(long long)c) ,add(b + 1 ,a + 1 ,c);
           else add(a + 1 ,b + 1 ,(long long)c);
        DINIC(1 ,n ,n);
        for(i = 2 ;i <= tot ;i += 2)
        if(!E[i].cost) E[i].cost = 1 ,E[i^1].cost = 0;
        else E[i].cost = INF ,E[i^1].cost = 0;
        printf("Case %d: %lld\n" ,cas ++ ,DINIC(1 ,n ,n));
     return 0;


#define N_node 1000 + 5
#define N_edge 400000 + 100
#define INF 205500000000000//这个地方记得开大点,因为放大了权值

using namespace std;

typedef struct
   int from ,to ,next;
   long long  cost;

typedef struct
   int x ,t;

STAR E[N_edge];
DEP xin ,tou;
int list[N_node] ,list2[N_node] ,tot;
int deep[N_node];

void add(int a ,int b ,long long c)
   E[++tot].from = a;
   E[tot].to = b;
   E[tot].cost = c;
   E[tot].next = list[a];
   list[a] = tot;


   E[++tot].from = b;

   E[tot].to = a;
   E[tot].cost = 0;
   E[tot].next = list[b];
   list[b] = tot;

long long minn(long long a ,long long b)
   return a < b ? a : b;

bool BFS_Deep(int s ,int t ,int n)
   memset(deep ,255 ,sizeof(deep));
   xin.x = s ,xin.t = 0;
   deep[s] = 0;
      tou = q.front();
      for(int k = list[tou.x] ;k ;k = E[k].next)
         xin.x = E[k].to;
         xin.t = tou.t + 1;
         if(deep[xin.x] != -1 || !E[k].cost)
         deep[xin.x] = xin.t;
   for(int i = 0 ;i <= n ;i ++)
   list2[i] = list[i];
   return deep[t] != -1;

long long DFS_Flow(int s ,int t ,long long flow)
   if(s == t) return flow;
   long long nowflow = 0;
   for(int k = list2[s] ;k ;k = E[k].next)
      list2[s] = k;
      int to = E[k].to;
      long long c = E[k].cost;
      if(deep[to] != deep[s] + 1 || !c) continue;
      long long tmp = DFS_Flow(to ,t ,minn(c ,flow - nowflow));
      nowflow += tmp;
      E[k].cost -= tmp;
      E[k^1].cost += tmp;
      if(nowflow == flow) break;
   if(!nowflow) deep[s] = 0;
   return nowflow;

long long DINIC(int s ,int t ,int n)
   long long Ans = 0;
   while(BFS_Deep(s ,t ,n))
      Ans += DFS_Flow(s ,t ,INF);
   return Ans;

int main ()
    int a ,b ,c ,d;
    int t ,n ,m ,i ,cas = 1;
    scanf("%d" ,&t);
        scanf("%d %d" ,&n ,&m);
        memset(list ,0 ,sizeof(list));
        tot = 1;
        for(i = 1 ;i <= m ;i ++)
           scanf("%d %d %d %d" ,&a ,&b ,&c ,&d);
           if(d) add(a + 1 ,b + 1 ,(long long)c * 100001 + 1) ,add(b + 1 ,a + 1 ,(long long)c * 100001 + 1);
           else add(a + 1 ,b + 1 ,(long long)c * 100001 + 1);
        printf("Case %d: %lld\n" ,cas ++ ,DINIC(1 ,n ,n) % 100001);
     return 0;