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SystemVerilog: reference argument is illegal inside static task-function declaration

is Function Task static reference argument Illegal SystemVerilog
2023-09-14 09:15:00 时间

1. 问题描述


ncvlog: *E,REFANA (common.sv,4|26): reference argument is illegal inside static task-function declaration.



function void DataRead(
    input int     num_data,    
    input string  InputFileName,
    ref logic [7:0]   din_i[128],
    ref logic [7:0]   din_q[128]
...funtion body...


2. 解决方案


        一般来说,在module/program中定义的tasks/functions缺省为static类型,根据《IEEE 1800 - 2012》—13.5.2: Pass by reference:

        It shall be illegal to use argument passing by reference for subroutines with a lifetime of static.

       以上这句话是说,对于拥有静态生命时间的子进程(for example, task, function, etc)使用pass-by-reference的方式传递参数是非法的。


function automatic void DataRead(
    input int     num_data,    
    input string  InputFileName,
    ref logic [7:0]   din_i[128],
    ref logic [7:0]   din_q[128]
function body



  1. 为什么不允许对static类型的task/function使用pass-by-reference的方式进行参数传递呢?
  2. What is the difference between “static” and “automatic”?
  3. What is pass-by-reference, pass-by-value, respectively, and what is the difference between them? Furthermore, what is the benefit of pass-by-reference?



        SystemVerilog: What is and why to use pass-by-reference?