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VectorDraw web library { 9.9003.1.0 }

Web library 1.0
2023-09-14 09:13:46 时间

After reasearching for several years the posibility of showing or work over the internet and rejecting various projects we ended up to the conclusion that with the help of javascript we will be able to demonstrate vector graphics over the web in internet browsers other than the Microsoft's IE (where the ocx is supported). So Finally we are proud to announce the VectorDraw Web Library.

What is it? 

A vector 3D graphics library that is designed to not only open CAD drawings but also display generic vector objects on any platform that supports the HTML 5 standard, such as Windows, Android, IOS and Linux. It can be executed in every major web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Dolphin, Boat and more) that support the use of canvas and Javascript, without any installation.

This means that you can show your work from many formats like DXF, DWG, DGN, SKP (Google's Sketchup), VDML and more, on almost every Computer, Tablet, Smartphone or Laptop out there. 破解版中VectorDraw web library is written exclusively in Javascript and runs on the client side, also it contains an object model similar to that of DXF and .Net VectorDraw Framework components.

在研究了几年在互联网上展示或工作的可能性并拒绝了各种项目后,我们最终得出结论,在 javascript 的帮助下,我们将能够在 Microsoft 的 IE 以外的互联网浏览器中展示 Web 上的矢量图形(支持ocx的地方)。所以最后我们很自豪地宣布 VectorDraw 网络库。纵观网络上没有破解版


一个矢量 3D 图形库,不仅可以打开 CAD 图纸,还可以在任何支持 HTML 5 标准的平台(如 Windows、Android、IOS 和 Linux)上显示通用矢量对象。它可以在所有支持使用画布和 Javascript 的主流网络浏览器(Chrome、Firefox、Safari、Opera、Dolphin、Boat 等)中执行,无需任何安装。这意味着您可以在几乎所有计算机、平板电脑、智能手机或笔记本电脑上以多种格式展示您的作品,

例如 DXF、DWG、DGN、SKP(Google 的 Sketchup)、VDML 等。VectorDraw Web 库完全用 Javascript 编写并在客户端运行,它还包含一个类似于 DXF 和 .Net VectorDraw Framework 组件的对象模型。

VectorDraw Web Library Trial

Contains samples, getting start guides, vdfCAD application and the web control with evaluation background.